View Full Version : Is This Move Legal?

12-17-2001, 02:52 PM
yup... the title asks the question- Say i play a game with my 'mag, and during the second game i go to the staging area and while i am walking off the field "say" my guns broken...when its recycle time i grab my backup pistol and hide it behind my harness and just waltz into the enemies flagstation...with no guns in my hands. can i just pull the pistol from between my back and the harness and shoot everybody in the backs? ahh it sounds good to me- i love to find ways to eliminate people.

like i said, it sounds legal in a woods game, but i thought i might ask first.

12-17-2001, 03:01 PM
You walk off the field (out of bounds) you are out. For good. Till the game is over. For whatever reason.

YOU walk around like a fool in bounds out in the open and say "my guns broke" I am gonna gog you quick. If you don't got your hands and marker over your head yellin "I'm Out" you are fair game. I'm takin you out.

Now if you can get away with it, in bounds, you can recite the constitution if you want, as long as you don't say the work "out" anywhere but then whoa be unto you the idiots you are playing against...they deserve it.

Two markers on the field at start is usually not allowed and going back to get it puts you out of bounds.

Most likely illegal most of the time from what I can see. Might be allowed in back yard ball if you don't get beat up. :D

12-17-2001, 03:01 PM
Firstly mags dont break! Unless you get an elephant to sit on it!

Secondly, by "saying" your mags broken that would probably eliminate you from the game.

Cphilip! Hey you got there just before me, posted at the same time, weeeeee.

12-17-2001, 03:03 PM
You'll probably get blown away as you're "waltzing" into the enemy station.

12-17-2001, 03:10 PM
ok, i dont usually call myself out (ive done it 2 times in 3 years) but if you get out for whatever reason, our field has recycles or reinsertions...and no, my mag dont break, only the paint inside it breaks. now i didnt say i was gonna walk back on the field with 2 guns after i get recycled, i have 1 but its HIDDEN....HIDDEN, do you people Grasp the concept of NOT VISIBLE? its not in a holster. nobody would see you put it between your back and your harness in the staging area. you just go back out and say your a spectator. you have no visible guns, so i dont see any reason why the other team would shoot at you. when they focus on your original team, and their backs are turned, you can then take a few out, maybe 2 or 3...or more.

Doc Holiday
12-17-2001, 03:18 PM
I think everyone understands the word "HIDDEN". I think what you are failing to understand is that barring complete newbies to this game, anyone who sees you on the field without a ref vest and without your hands up is going to shoot you. Think about it, we shoot tree stumps, flags, cars etc. etc. and they aren't even moving. You walk around in there and you don't get 50 feet from the base, bottom line. If you like, go ahead and try (I wish you the best of luck) but when you get lit up with your pistol still tucked between your pack and your back and you are walking off the field with beaucoup welts, I want you to think to yourself "That dude on the automag forum said this would happen".

12-17-2001, 03:29 PM
OK, you leave the game, go to the staging area. And then you re-enter the game during the recycle.

In order to be an eligible recycled player, you must first report to your teams "home", and wait until the recycles are active. Then you may walk around with your hidden gun all you want.

You may NOT just mosey on over to the other team's flag station, without first reporting to YOUR home base.

Your plan would be cheating. You also have a real good chance of being lit up bigtime, gun hidden or not! Your still wearing your teams color, and I know I'd shoot you! :D

12-17-2001, 03:36 PM
yo, Ms. Doc holiday...i dunno who sent you on your power trip, but step off as soon as you can. you act like your afraid to try this. i dont give a dang what you say, because i got what it takes to march into somebodys flagstation and im not afraid to get lit up...its been done before, it WILL be done again, and once the first paintball hits you your out so the rest dont matter. all you can do is hope for the best. i have seen wierd moves that I thought would never work and it was like a blitzkreig move on somebody...it took a 12 man team down to 1 person.needless to say our team won with that special move which hasnt been given a name... what you think when your off the field can have positive or negative effects on the field, and what you think on the field can be different for off the field. Are you, for 1 thing, gonna run tape every single game, every single time you play? or run center? Or do you like to try new things that can be a good thing to your game? i like to think of things that can be positive, and the only way to see if they work is to try it. go ahead, light me up. because someday i will be behind you, out in the open with nothing 1 minute and you will be in the deadbox the next minute, or i could be in my ghillie suit hiding 15 Yds. away from you sniping your whole team... put some SERIOUS thought into it and then comeback and post. i didnt start this thread so i could be flamed by everybody.

the JoKeR
12-17-2001, 03:38 PM
Just walk around talking kind of loud asking "has anybody seen my barrel plug?", while making what appears to be an effort to look for it. No admission of being in or out, but an assumption is made. I haven't tried that one yet, but I did walk with another team-mate right down the middle of a fort filled woods field "arguing" about who should have shot that guy... Nobody paid us any attention, but there weren't many people left and time was getting very short. It was a loud arguement, too. I love screwing with people's minds! :D Also joined in a group of people walking out during a big game. Just started walking with them, and when I saw targets, shot them and kept walking. The refs got a laugh out of it, as did the people I was walking with. Gun down, no barrel plug, just walking. Sneaky, yes, but legal.

12-17-2001, 03:44 PM
This has to be the worst idea that i've ever heard. Sorry but it's just so "stupid" ... i don't think anyone would fall for that, I'm sorry.

12-17-2001, 03:54 PM
I won't get into if its legal or not. I'm sure different fields have slight variations on the rules. If I were on the opposing team I think it might go down like this. I see you with no gun but with the opposing teams color arm band (common way of differentiating teams) approaching. I try to be as sportsmanlike as possible will ask if you are out. You can then either tell me the truth, lie, or go for your gun. If you tell the truth, I shoot. If you go for your gun, I shoot. If you lie, you may get past, but then you weren't very sportsmanlike. I can live with my actions, if you feel its ok to lie in a game of honor, oh well.

Just my opinion...

Doc Holiday
12-17-2001, 04:04 PM
Let's get things straight right off the bat. I was not flaming you. Take 3 deep breaths, and then go back and re-read my post. I think you will see that none of what I wrote was in any way flaming you. All I was doing was trying to give you some advice, which you asked for by the way, that I have learned from years of experience. I play, I ref, I run a field and I think about paintball 24/7 365.
What you are thinking of doing, which you apparently just thought of, is what is known as a Dead man's walk. This has been tried thousands of times since the inception of the game and will continue to be tried as people continue to "Think of it" for the "first time".

Next, i feel your need to stoop to levels of 3rd grade name calling were unwarranted and uncalled for. Are you sexist? Is putting Ms. in front of my name supposed to insult me somehow? Do you feel that women are lower than men and therefore to call a man by a woman's title is somehow an insult?

Your misguided feelings should be directed elsewhere, and certainly not at those trying to help you. I do everything I can to help people in this sport on a daily and continuing basis and I think you have mis-judged me.

In any case, since my advice is somehow so inflamatory to you I will do my best in the future to not help you or offer advice until such time as you are ready to accept it. You can let me know when that is by showing maturity instead of childishness.

12-17-2001, 04:08 PM
Well put, Doc. ;)

12-17-2001, 04:32 PM
Bring your silly newbie trick on! I, for one, am gonna light your butt up for being stupid!!!! I don't think anyone in their right mind is gonna let someone from the other side of the field just waltz on over. If you are on my field and don't have a matching armband, I am going to shoot you regardless, unless you are walking out with a barrel plug in and saying "Hit", "Out" or "Dead Man Walk'n"...

12-17-2001, 04:37 PM
You just were making yourself a target by posting this line

"i could be in my ghillie suit hiding 15 Yds. away from you sniping your whole team"

sniping im sorry buddy but...AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAH....
and ghillie suit cool but also another HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH...just for posting it saying didnt start this to get flamed well you get another HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA :D :D :rolleyes:

12-17-2001, 04:40 PM
If you're playing a walk-on game at a local field, just take both markers, leave yours at the first bunker you can find, and slowly make your way all the way up the field, and work back with the 10 shots in what I assume is a PT Enforcer Xtreme.

12-17-2001, 05:44 PM

You asked for our opinions, and you got them. Don't be rude. :mad:

At what field do you plan on doing this move?

RaV3n_Pa1ntba||, what 'ta heck are you talking about? :confused:

12-17-2001, 05:51 PM
using the comment sniping or remark directed in paintball talk is just funny all together (and no im not explaining...you can visit other Sniping threads and see yourself)

12-17-2001, 06:00 PM
I didn't personally, a member of my team did. They planned it before the game and informed the refs that they might try it. I told them they were crazy and that no one would be stupid enough to fall for it. What they did was say something like "damn", stand up and walk "off" the field through the other players. THEY LET HIM GO! I couldn't believe anyone in a tournament was that stupid! :rolleyes: But they were. He pulled the flag and couldn't figure out what to do next (even he never thought he would get that far) and started shooting everyone on the other team in the back. Got himself litup for his troubles. They made it against the rules by the next tournament (to many hard feelings).

12-17-2001, 06:26 PM
ok, i wont point out any names in particualar , but most, i say MOST of the people at my field are walk ons and some are regulars. most of the walk ons are pretty dumb and i admit, i am a walkon. call me dumb. i dont care. but what you call a newbie, or a walk-on, goes well beyond looks. i have done especially well in some games when all odds are against me, and i have done especially bad in games. nobodys perfect. i try to be very sportsman and when people try to do the walking deadman on me and my teammates we first look to see if their barrel plugs in, and if it isnt we ask them if their out...and if they hesitate or say no we then eliminate them. i dont know what kinda fields you people play at but the fields i play at are pretty layed back. we can use full auto if we wish in most games. i dont know. i think it would work at the field i play at and the group i play with. say what you'd like. now, i do not try to be rude, but you people are going on a power trip over here telling me all this crap. yeah, it might never work where you play. but if i knew it wouldnt work, why would i bother? why cut my finger off and hope it grows back when i know it will never grow back? kinda pointless. now, no, i am not sexist either. but when you people start acting like your all macho and supergreat at paintball, you have flaws. i have flaws. i aint great. but i am alot better than most walkons. these walkons, are not newbies, either. they are people who are unfamiliar with the field that carry shockers and timmys. i went up against a team of 8 guys, they annhailated my whole team, but me...i took out 3, and held the rest from my flag until time ran out. 5 of the 8 people was a 5-man speedball team that happened to showup for a day. they all congratulated me. now thats sportsmanship. you dont have to act macho or intimidated, just play and enjoy the game. to tell you people the truth, i am relatively easy to get along with, just dont try to get me annoyed or mad. i dont put people down unless i feel like they insulted me first. im sorry to anybody who i offended, i thought i would ask a question but i guess you guys have too much time to ridicule peoples thoughts as stupid unmanagable ideas. now, for all of you who want to comment, dont type anything to get me or any1 else mad...and raven_paintball , i play at wolfhillpaintball in leicester massachusetts. open invitation for you, you can gladly come and play with me, i will be glad to bring you down town in any style play you choose.howabout a saturday private game? 1 on 1? i love 1 on 1, it completely throws teamwork away and reveals an individuals talents.

12-17-2001, 06:36 PM

I got that feeling your just gonna get lit up so friggin bad... lol.

You know trigger happy newbies.. they may be dumb but they'll shoot at the ref if he moves wrong...

12-17-2001, 06:40 PM
srry Im not waisting my gas money nor my time to drive down a play some newb in 1vs1 may i mention i have won many 1vs1 tourny'z which are my specialty. Reguardless of that, say I did come down, and did play you beat you respectivly how stupid would you feel to make such a stupid comment over the internet thinking like I was actually going down there (which Im not ;))and me owning you. How stupid would you feel, and better yet you come down to my feild
ABC Field
1745 Greenwood Lake Trpk. Hewittt N.J. 07421
and yes i will be there this Sat or Sun and if you wanna waiste your gas money to drive down there and get your arse kicked go ahead its not my 1 min im worrying about to take out of my day-of-play cause thats all its going to take to beat you. Heh gosh your a cute kid ;) hey and if you do go down there cross your fingers and make sure you go on the right day sat or sun cause last thing you wanna do is go their and not find one person with the name Vinny and feel stupid better yet try to flame me on the internet say like "Hes a pussy I went there and he didnt show up ...etc.etc. etc."

Oh yeah... im not replying to any garbage you write about me ..wanna know why

1. Arguing on the internet is just like the special olympics
Even if you win, your still retarded.

2. Cause...

12-17-2001, 06:42 PM
ok, just to let you people know, i played with somebody who was shooting about 340-350(my friend who refs lets ppl shoot hot but i didnt) and he walloped me. i got hit in the neck, the head, the elbow,3 times in the shoulder...now, a projectile that is in contact with you for a fraction of a second leaves nice red cherries on you for 2 weeks...take it from me. now, i just dont want to hear about anybody complaining that paintballs hurt because when i was hit it felt like i was on fire in a few areas.

12-17-2001, 06:54 PM
yeah? your name is vinny? and im just wondering, how old are you and who bought your gun...because where it says your name, it says god under it in some lame hindu language. that just leads me to believe your so self-centered that you got the mentality level of that of an 11 Yr. old. now im sorry, but if your gonna make yourself look better than other people second glance yourself just to make sure that somebody might believe you. and as for new jersey? i am 16, i got a while until i get my liscense, but i will try to keep you in mind. i will take a nice big road trip all the way down there, even if i do lose. losing is part of the game you understand. everybody loses, fool.and for flaming, your the only 1 doing the flaming, in more than 1 way if you cath my drift. AND NEVER, EVER CALL ME A CUTE KID. YOU SOUND LIKE A PEDOPHILE which really bothers poor old me.

12-17-2001, 06:58 PM
im 17 bought all my equipment played for 6 years of serious paintball, 8 if you count the first times or not so serious...k cute kid ;)...well maybe when you get your license plan on coming down to get a beaten,,,unless mommy can drive you down :D :) :D ahaha

12-17-2001, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Micromag5371
ok, just to let you people know, i played with somebody who was shooting about 340-350(my friend who refs lets ppl shoot hot but i didnt) and he walloped me. i got hit in the neck, the head, the elbow,3 times in the shoulder...now, a projectile that is in contact with you for a fraction of a second leaves nice red cherries on you for 2 weeks...take it from me. now, i just dont want to hear about anybody complaining that paintballs hurt because when i was hit it felt like i was on fire in a few areas. Well "your friend that refs" is a true Idiot and a detrement to the sport. He should be banned from paintball forever. And tell him I said so. That goes for ANYONE that plays the game, or Refs the game that allows shooting over 300psi.:mad:

12-17-2001, 06:59 PM
Irrelevant Misguided Man even cooler than my God Like in neto macro art :) if you say so you Irrelevant Misguided Man you.

And may i add that me being a ref doesnt let anything slide like your stupid friend...anything above 295fps in my book is ...get your butt off the feild.

12-17-2001, 07:05 PM
first off no im not a Pedophile ...second being im not over 18 so even if I was it wouldnt matter and wouldnt be illegal just terribly disgusting and as-a-matter-a-fact I would probably want to shoot myself if i ever thought like that (yes we all know you like little 6-7 year old children but its ok maybe that Psychiatrist mommy is paying for cause of daddy malesting you as a child mite really pay off since your following in daddy's foot steps ;) (gawd that was harsh)

12-17-2001, 07:06 PM
also give this thread 2-4 more replies before it gets closed....wink wink ;) ;) (Oh ADMIDS!!!)

12-17-2001, 07:08 PM
Uh, how bout' you guys relax? Nothing anyone has said is that inflammatory, so everyone take a step back...See, that's nice, isn't it? Ahhhh...:rolleyes:

12-17-2001, 07:15 PM
OK well you asked and got some intelligent responses you don't like. Sorry you didn't get the love fest for your idea you had hoped for. Try and post something else because this one is going to heck in a hand basket real fast so I am closing it.