View Full Version : Teach an old dog about new paint

RT Old School
03-31-2006, 11:32 PM
Back in my glory days of paintballing my friends and I all used RPS Marballizer. It was (it seemed) the best quality paint at the time. We paid a premium for it but it was worth it because less breaks meant more time in the field rather than sitting out with paper towels, q-tips and allen wrenches getting all the nooks and cranny's clean. I spent the last six years in the Navy where my playing opportunities were few and far between, so I am a bit out of the loop as to what brands have risen to the top. (And there does seem to be alot of new names) Now that I making an effort to get back in the swing of things, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what reliable brands of paint they use, and why. Or more importantly, what brands should I stay away from. I understand the whole bore/paint match concept, and have jumped onboard with a freak system. If you know a brand that I should stay the heck away from, lemme know. If Marballzer is still one of the better brands, lemme know that and I'll continue using it.

Many thanks.

04-01-2006, 12:47 AM
marbalizer is still great paint..

04-01-2006, 01:50 AM
I'll second Marbs as still being top notch paint.

Other brands to consider-

Draxxus Midnight
Zap Chronic/Tork/Primer
XBall Silver/Bronze

The above have been good paint for me.

04-01-2006, 02:58 AM
Draxxus Midnight and Evil are good but Marbs are my personal favorite. I also have had great luck with stinger, a brand of cheapo paint that shoots better thans balls twice as expensive, expect to pay ~$45 for a case

04-01-2006, 03:07 AM
XBall is some of the best paint I have used - and dollar-for-dollar I think THE best paint out there. I have shot most of the mainstream paint - and honestly I cannot justify spending ~$20 more per case than this stuff.

I have shot the Gold, Silver, and Bronze - unless you have to have a half-gold or half-silver shell, get the bronze.

XBall Bronze @ AV (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=Ajkx6ySRdnEx-mC_N3LxQy5FChT0IqUgAew=?ProductID=9EnAqArbOl8AAAEA pjPdVgAx)

04-01-2006, 03:46 AM
Marbs are still good. XBall Bronze is 2/3 the price, though, and at least as good. Gold is great for when it really counts. I use Bronze for rec/practice and Gold when I play a tourny.

04-01-2006, 07:30 AM
I don't think that Marbs are quite as good as they used to be. Seems like RPS doesn't make any of it's paint as well as it used to. That said, it is still good paint. I also like Evil and Allstar paint as it seems to shoot pretty well. I have always stuck with RPS paints so I can't say how some of the newer stuff shoots.

04-01-2006, 08:22 AM
Marbs used to be the best for accuracy, fill, and longevity. They then went to a paper shell and then they would bounce like crazy. Try Inferno and X-Ball gold you will like either one. They both have good accuracy, fill, shell, and longevity. All this is assuming that you have a Mag with a Level 10 bolt. These balls are smaller (0.683 or 84) so they carry a long ways and still break because the shell is brittle enough to break most of the time.

Rio Oso

04-01-2006, 10:56 AM
Paint to get:
Higher Draxxus
Higher RPS

Not to get:
Blue Streak
Wild Streak

To get on a budget:
Monster Balls

04-01-2006, 11:01 AM
rampage isnts bad...i get it for 35 a case

RT Old School
04-01-2006, 01:38 PM
Thanks all for your inputs. It looks like there are a couple of brands that are on everybody's list of top quality paint. I appreciate your help!

04-01-2006, 01:38 PM
I did enjoy Draxxus paint but I seem to really enjoy RPS for some reason too.

Do they make RPS anymore?

i think so, a field i go to only uses RPS and it has been pretty good compaired to toher field paint i have used.

04-01-2006, 02:42 PM
RPS was purchased by PMI a couple of years ago. After PMI's take-over of RPS they started selling discounted seconds and introduced a few new brands of paint (Shrapnel among others which have since gone the way of the Dodo).

Personally I haven't used any paint that PMI currently produces since their take-over of RPS (save Marbs). However Shrapnel and Flash were both acceptable for the price paid, Marbs as always were great.

Currently RPS/PMI Make
Evil - Midevil
Evil - Evil
PCS - Combat .68 (Cammo shelled paint)
Polar Ice
All Star

04-01-2006, 05:13 PM
how many bounces (on players, not from the test) do you guys get from a case of bronze?
sorry it thats poorly worded

04-01-2006, 07:40 PM
I agree that Stinger is a good brand for its price. Thus far every case i have opened i have not found a broken ball in a bag, have not had it break in my markers any and i have fed it through a Tippy 98, Spyder Compact and an Emag. Any breaks i have had with it was a result of the marker. Last is that there does not appear to be too much of a problem of them breaking on opponents.

04-01-2006, 07:55 PM
how much bounces (on players, not from the test) do you guys get from a case of bronze?
sorry it thats poorly worded
It depends how it was chronied and the range. Shooting 295 I saw clean hits on soft cothes at full range. Shooting 240 I could only get it to brake at 100 feet max and not always on the newbs dressed in pillows.

50 cal
04-01-2006, 07:57 PM
All Star always cost more but I liked it beter than anything I shot. It always shoot great from my RT and E Mag.

04-01-2006, 08:27 PM
how much bounces (on players, not from the test) do you guys get from a case of bronze?
sorry it thats poorly worded

Bronze can be a bit bouncy, it isn't as fragile as Silver or Gold, but it does break and mark well the majority of the time. Think of it as super good recreational/practice paint.

04-02-2006, 12:33 AM
do you guys use online stores to purchase paint or your local shop?

If online.. where?

04-02-2006, 12:36 AM
Last place I bought paint onlint was Firstcallpaintball.com, generally I've had good luck with them getting paint to me with minimal breaks if any.

Zap Primer is awesome paint if you're on a tight buget. Balls are nearly bullet proof but the fill is outstanding and washes out super nice.

04-02-2006, 01:00 AM
i tend to get the cheapest paint i can find (28.95) - which is normally made by zap and comes in white buckets - since i have a level10 i dont really get any chops and it pretty much goes where i want it an splats when i want it to.

marbalizers used to be my favorite paint, i just cant see myself spending double the price for the difference in quality; then again i'm in college and my budget is tight.

04-02-2006, 05:08 AM
I refuse to use RPS paint.

The past 6 months I was forced to shoot it, and I've never hated a brand of paint so much.

Sure we got premium for $26, but not being able to get it out of our guns was something I didn't like.

Worr practice paint seems to be decent, fill is crap but it flys straight and doesn't break in the guns.

That is around $15-20

Atomix Fuzion / Steel is some of the best paint I've shot, down at SC Village... it was green shell w/ lime green fill that smelled like lotion. We got it for $28 a case... but I think it retails for $45-50

RT Old School
04-02-2006, 08:58 AM
Last place I bought paint onlint was Firstcallpaintball.com, generally I've had good luck with them getting paint to me with minimal breaks if any.

Zap Primer is awesome paint if you're on a tight buget. Balls are nearly bullet proof but the fill is outstanding and washes out super nice.

Since when do I care how some other guy's clothes come clean? The more stains from my dominance, the better!




04-02-2006, 12:02 PM
Since when do I care how some other guy's clothes come clean? The more stains from my dominance, the better!

How about some nice BE /VL paint from Walmart :p

04-02-2006, 01:00 PM
Eh, just sayin' the fill in Primer is really super thick and hard to wipe, when it dries it just flakes off like corn startch.

I know I appreaciate it when I come home and my custom jersey doesn't have perma stains all over it. :cheers:

RT Old School
04-02-2006, 02:03 PM
Eh, just sayin' the fill in Primer is really super thick and hard to wipe, when it dries it just flakes off like corn startch.

I know I appreaciate it when I come home and my custom jersey doesn't have perma stains all over it. :cheers:

True enough, true enough. I very rarely get a chance for a good Dr. Evil laugh though. I had to take it. (insert evil pinky smirk here)

Carbon Blue
04-02-2006, 02:54 PM
Marbs and Evil are my choice of paint, but being the cheap *** Iam :) 15$ a case gets me some decent house paint :) . Now that I think of it, Ive only shot those upper brand names when one of our friends worked at local sporting goods stores :rofl: (about 2-3 times) other than that Ive only USED house paint, hahaha

04-02-2006, 07:38 PM
I shot yellow Evil today (not Midevil) and it shot great. I used my gauge on it and it was about .688 also - which was nice for a change.

04-03-2006, 06:57 AM
I agree with xball paint. Bronze is probably the best ~$40 case of paint you can buy. However, it seems the prices have dropped on silver and gold...pbgear had gold for just 3 dollars more than bronze a while ago which is a 'why not' kinda deal. Another close one would be Karnage - if you can find their cheap stuff "Bite" anywhere in stock. Usually something like $35-40 a case and good stuff.

04-03-2006, 08:13 AM
lol, i was at fleet farm yesterday and they were selling something called budgetballs... 32$ a case, and i wouldnt touch it... there was also a special military brand paintball for almost 90$ for 1800

04-03-2006, 11:20 AM
I keep hearing Marballizers are still good. I can't say much for the rest of the RPS/PMI lineup though, most of it has been a bunch of crap (at least in my area). Terrible, especially when I remember how good it used to be.

Zap's Chronic lineup (Chronic and Ultimate Chronic) is a really good consistent paint. Always breaks on target, never in the gun, and immediately turns into this rubberized crap that is impossible to wipe. Flies really well too.

On a budget, those new Empire Bullets are hard to beat. Good stuff.