View Full Version : Design Challenge

04-01-2006, 12:58 AM
So, I have an Emag that I've had for ages and generally like for all reasons except that it weighs a ton, esp. with the Warp Feed.

I would like to replace it with an ultra-light mechanical-only ULE mag, and keep the warp, and thus use a warp feed ULE body.

My problem is that I really don't like to use the warp feed in sound mode. SO, my design challenge is this:

I send you the ULE warp body I already have. You procure the Xmag regulator, the rail, the grip, and do the following:

Install eyes; and...
Install them so that when the beam UNbreaks, the warp feed kicks in.

Everything should power off a 8x1.2 MiMH battery pack I run in my Warp case (I have a harness set up to power the warp and halo off this.)

You will have to let me know what you think this will cost to make it worth your time. I'm itching to play more this summer as I'm going to go insane with the amount of non-paintball paintball I do if I don't shoot some people.

- Chris

04-01-2006, 02:28 AM
ummm...you're overcomplicating it...

all you have to do is connect the warp to the trigger as 'intellifeed'

The warp will feed everytime the trigger is pulled

so much simpler

so much cheaper

I'm sure theres someone around here that will do it for 20 or 30 bucks as long as you pay shipping.

Try Tunaman


04-01-2006, 03:49 AM
^^^ He said it. Intellifeeds are still totally possible, and many frames come equipped with mounting holes for the $10 of Radio Shack parts you'll need in order to do it yourself. Here (http://www.airgun.com/downloads/intelliwarp.pdf) are the instructions.

04-01-2006, 04:09 AM
You should still be able to use your E-Mag rail for this project, all you'd really need to buy is an Inteliframe (unless you want another Mag out of it that is).

If your aim is to have an E-Mag and a ULE RT Pro out of this deal then I'd advise simply buying a New/Used RT Pro w/ Inteliframe and just swapping the rail and body off your E-Mag onto the RT Pro.

For my part I'd be more than happy to buy the bits and ship an assembled bolt-in Intelifeed unit if you have some reservations about doing this yourself. You'd get all the extra pieces that weren't used in the process as well. Just pay S&H and materials. If your interested shoot me an PM and we can discuss other options.

04-01-2006, 04:53 AM
I have it running off of intellifeed now, but that doesn't help with my desire to have it be mechanical-only.

- Chris

04-01-2006, 06:35 AM
I have it running off of intellifeed now, but that doesn't help with my desire to have it be mechanical-only.

- Chris
If you have eyes then it isn't mechanical.

Just sayin'.

04-01-2006, 10:02 AM
I have it running off of intellifeed now, but that doesn't help with my desire to have it be mechanical-only.

- Chris

Well sure it does, this switch mounts in your Intel Frame.

If you’re going "mechanical-only" how do you plan on supporting the eyes?

04-01-2006, 10:08 AM
He isn't asking to make the marker an electro or have usable eyes. He simply wants a halo style eye system installed in his ULE body and wired to the warp.

Gun = Mech
Warp = Sensor in marker..

Arg-- :argh: I have to go reball. Would explain in more detail....

04-01-2006, 10:14 AM
OK, the warp will support eyes?

04-01-2006, 10:32 AM
I think it got backwards somewhere. You would want the warp to spin when the beam isn't broken to put a ball in the chamber like a Halo/Revy/etc.

Just do the Iframe thing. The eyes would be poinless when with the I frame thing the warp spins every time anyways.

04-01-2006, 02:26 PM
The Intelifeed for the Inteliframe (regular old mech .45 frame w/ double trigger) is just an install of a microswitch and some wire. No batteries, nada.

Since you say you have it running on Intelifeed already I'm assuming that you're talking about the accessory port on your E-Mag board with an I-Feed lead to the Warp. You can have the same system, only without the weighty E-Mag attached.

He isn't asking to make the marker an electro or have usable eyes. He simply wants a halo style eye system installed in his ULE body and wired to the warp.

Gun = Mech
Warp = Sensor in marker..

I think he's just confused about the Intelifeed. i.e. he doesn't realize you can still use an intelifeed system on a mechanical gun. So he believes that inorder to continue to get the kind of performance he's currently getting with the Intelifeed on his E-Mag he'll need to have some sort of elaborate vision system installed to get the Warp to feed paint in the same manner.

04-03-2006, 05:17 PM
The Intelifeed for the Inteliframe (regular old mech .45 frame w/ double trigger) is just an install of a microswitch and some wire. No batteries, nada.

Since you say you have it running on Intelifeed already I'm assuming that you're talking about the accessory port on your E-Mag board with an I-Feed lead to the Warp. You can have the same system, only without the weighty E-Mag attached.

I think he's just confused about the Intelifeed. i.e. he doesn't realize you can still use an intelifeed system on a mechanical gun. So he believes that inorder to continue to get the kind of performance he's currently getting with the Intelifeed on his E-Mag he'll need to have some sort of elaborate vision system installed to get the Warp to feed paint in the same manner.

Yeap, that's the problem.

So I can just put an intellifeed on my mechanical trigger and be OK. Excellent.

So, uh, who wants to do it for me? ;)

- Chris

04-03-2006, 05:28 PM
Yeap, that's the problem.

So I can just put an intellifeed on my mechanical trigger and be OK. Excellent.

So, uh, who wants to do it for me? ;)

- Chris

Its not that hard, the holes are alreay there for you, you just need to get the parts and put it in the marker. you would be able to do it in about 10 min, not including the trip to Radio shack. look


04-03-2006, 05:37 PM
Nah, I meant the whole mechanical assembly. I really just want to send someone a check (and my existing warp ULE body and rail that needs some milling) and have a marker show up ready to go.

- Chris

04-03-2006, 09:29 PM
raehl...i had no idea you were a mag shooter....

anywho, if i had the time and tools id do it for you, but college student= none of that.

good luck getting this done,
see you friday

04-03-2006, 10:28 PM
best of luck to you guys this week, you'll need it! :cheers:

04-03-2006, 10:43 PM
1 word...


Nah, I meant the whole mechanical assembly. I really just want to send someone a check (and my existing warp ULE body and rail that needs some milling) and have a marker show up ready to go.

- Chris

04-04-2006, 04:01 AM
1 word...

I 2nd that 1 word.

04-04-2006, 07:57 AM

raehl-If you'd like I'd also be happy to build this gun up for you.

Let me know if you'd like. You can reach me on AIM, E-Mail, or PM.

AIM: ClassicMagger

E-Mail: [email protected]