View Full Version : HUGE Warp Problem!!!

Doc Holiday
12-17-2001, 03:48 PM
Okay all, i'm not given to histerics but I wanted someone to actually look at this post.

I have a Mini Mag and a Right Feed cocker and i'm SICK AND BLEEPIN' TIRED OF GETTING HOPPER HITS!!!

I'm about ready to buy a Warp Feed (The PTP version) and I call a store that I have a wholesale account with to get a price on it and to find out if they have it in Smoke color. his reply verbatim "Nope, just red and blue and after that i'm not carrying them anymore". Why, I asked. "Cuz they're Crap" he replied.

Now listen, i'm stuck in Italy right now and i'm one of maybe 3 serious paintballers for 500 miles and the other two don't have warp feeds. I was set on getting one but now I have to wonder. I mean, if a guy that sells them tells me they are crap when i'm asking about buying one... shouldn't that set off an alarm?

Please, if you have differing view points post them and change my mind.

P.S. To his credit, he did say that the majority of the problems he'd seen with ones that he had sold were user created problems but he said that the design is such that it allows for easy user problems and that's why it's crap.
Anyway, your thoughts are most appreciated... can't have too much info on this one guys so POST AWAY!!!

12-17-2001, 04:21 PM
I don't know what this guy is talking about....I've had a PTP warp for about 6 months now, and haven't had any problems with it. I've used it on: Micro E-mag, 01 STO, RF Blazer, Intimidator, and it is going on my warp left E-mag when I get it. If I have my choice I will not play another game with a hopper on top of my marker. When I get my next Pump, warp is going on that too, only thing it wouldn't go on is a stocker. The only problem I had with with it was getting it set up on the RF Blazer, I just couldn't get it to work right, but i didn't try for long either. My hopper and hose had both been cut from when it was on the Micro E, and it had to have some funky bends to get over to the RF.

I bought my warp when I was stationed in Korea, sight unseen, and I don't regret it for a min.


12-17-2001, 06:59 PM
That guy may say what he wants to say, but I can tell you that I would NEVER go back to the old blimp on top after playing with the warp. Everyone looks at it and says "wow doesent that add a lot of weight to the gun? isent that awkward to hold?" I just tell them to shoot the gun and they go "wow!" and then they want one. Since I have had one i havent gotten hit in the hopper. The only problem I ever had with mine was improper dip switch setup. I personally know 5 people who have them and set them up themselves and they feel the same way about it as I do. I dont know what problems that guy has with them. He just dosent want to help customers so it sounds like. He should get into another profession.

12-17-2001, 08:21 PM
Definitely no complaint from me! I love it... I hate using other guns now.

12-17-2001, 08:28 PM
There are at least 3000 people that would disagree with your dealer!


12-17-2001, 08:32 PM
I ordered a Retro Valve once... I came to pick it up. Proshop guy said he never ordered it because "I didn't really want it." Same guy that I watched spray WD-40 in my mag instead of just filling my air. It's a good thing my SS BigShot was on the gun and not in my hand. :)

12-18-2001, 04:27 AM
Tom, I'm one of them!!! I love my Warp!!! I did have problems with it when I first bought it, but I sent it in, and got it back, and it's all been golden ever since!!!

12-18-2001, 08:22 AM
The warp is pretty easy to screw up.. if you a monkey who can't follow SIMPLE instructions on setup.

It's so ridiculously easy to set up, but apparently some people figure they are too good for directions, and just try to do it thier own way. THATS when problems occur.

And yeah, I love my warp, never going back to the blimp :)

12-18-2001, 08:45 AM
no problems here... and no hopper hits either.

12-18-2001, 02:00 PM
People can do stupid things, just don't do anything dumb, read the instructions and you won't have problems.

12-19-2001, 03:18 PM
No problems with my warp ...Pass me another banana

AGD edit:"this is funny as heck! Should be a bumper sticker!"

Doc Holiday
12-19-2001, 03:41 PM
I may just be a dumb monkey but i've got 10 times more people telling me it's ok than are telling me it's bad (Although one was the creator but he listed 3000 so it evens out)and that's good enough for me. Santa (That being me) is getting me (That being santa.. er, wait um...) anywho, i'm gettin' one.

Thanks for all the help folks. AO ROCKS!!!

12-19-2001, 04:01 PM
I never noticed this before, but does a gun stand by itself with a warp on it? Seems like the block of gun and warp feed thinger would kinda sit there on its own pretty stable. I would love a warp, but have no money.

12-19-2001, 04:42 PM
i had a Stingray 1.. .much better than the stingray 2. i am going to buy it back as a spare gun... i hate BE but the sting 1 is fun to play with.

12-19-2001, 08:50 PM
I used to have a Stingray II. I never cared much for the first one though. The barrel was non removable. I had my Stingray accurate as heck. I was shooting through holes 2 inches in diameter in partical board from about 40 feet away.

But anyway on to the real subject at hand. Ask that dealer what kind of chemicals they make next door, and does he often wake up on the floor with a pounding headaches often? Because he must be sniffing something. The Warp is a revolution in paintball. Maybe not a big of an impact as consistant air, but a large one none the less. I bunkered 3 people the last game I played(in a row) and then got blasted into next week (guy I failed to take notice of behind the left rear beer can), and when I got off the field, there was atleast 10 people crowded around me starihng at my Warp asking what it was. I also got a few q's about the Ricochet. But the Ricochet saved me from getting hit in the hopper when I went over the top of bunkers. I love that thing.

12-19-2001, 11:17 PM
The stingray is a great gun. For the money, it's fantastic. The only real disadvantages are the trigger and the length of the gun. It is very comfortable, relatively light, durable, and very reliable. The stingray was my first gun, as it was for many paintballers. With a few modifications this gun is just as good as any spyder, in my opinion. The best thing about it is when you hear people say "you tagged me with a stingray??" (ask the guy with the booyah shutter...)

The only difference between the stingray I and the early model stingray II is the barrel. The new barrel is much shorter, and doesn't have the plastic shroud. The newer rays have a bit weaker trigger assembly. I still love the ray tho. It's currently staying with a friend, but is my back up to the mag. I like it much more than i did my raptor.
http://www.cstrikesucks.homestead.com/files/Pa260047.jpg -my ray

I agree that the warp feed is a great advancement in paintball technology. It is a very original idea, we have all come to expect that from AGD. This guy obviously must have had some sort of a fluke, or the guys coming in with the warps had ran them over with a steamroller or zamboni or something.

12-20-2001, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by rhetor22
I agree that the warp feed is a great advancement in paintball technology. It is a very original idea, we have all come to expect that from AGD. This guy obviously must have had some sort of a fluke, or the guys coming in with the warps had ran them over with a steamroller or zamboni or something.

I haven't run over any warp feeds last time I checked... :D :p
