View Full Version : I've Been Thinking...

04-04-2006, 03:32 AM
Is there any other paintball marker that is more customizable than the Automag?

I know Autocockers come in close, but are they even as customizable? Think about all of the different bodies, trigger frames, triggers, feednecks and even ball detents that are out there for the Mag. Look at the MOTM threads and you will hardly see any two Mags that look alike.

Any thoughts or comments?

04-04-2006, 03:44 AM
no, i don't believe there are.

i'm sure ther are more parts available for cockers, but they're more popular an they have a more complicated design.

so, if you're talking about the size of the aftermarket available to each marker then the cocker wins, but if you're talking about the ammount of customizability inheirent to the marker, then i'd say the mag wins.

the mag can also run pump, mech semi, pneumatic, electro, and electropneumatic.

04-04-2006, 03:58 AM
I realize that there are more parts to a Cocker, so there will be more aftermarket parts available, but after all is said and done, they still look like Cockers. As for the Mag, there are some that don't even resemble their former selves. I've seen Mags that I wouldn't have known what they were had it not been for the valve.

04-04-2006, 05:49 AM
The mag is a truly unique marker. I have found that it is the most modular marker. Upgrade a few things and you have two complete guns. Or as some people do, just switch the valve between two guns. That is what makes the mag such a customizable gun. Plus it is easy to find the upgrades for every piece, even from the factory which most companys don't do.

04-04-2006, 09:32 AM
as far as ability to make it unique, the mag wins hands down. This not only because big company x and big company y and agd make parts that all look/feel different and everything can be switched out, but we have people on here who make some of the best stuff around. Look at Doc Zox MOTM winner, have you ever seen an angel or cocker like that? No. Look at people on this forum who make parts, and look at how many different options you have to go 100% custom. Personally, I would love coming here just to see pics of the purrdy and unique mags (maybe that is why we always have so many guests on all the time ;) ). Other guns just do not have the same options.

Plus, I can walk right on to a field and be unique with my stocked-out classic from 2002. You cant beat that.

04-04-2006, 10:18 AM
I hardly ever hear of anyone building other guns from parts. Besides Mags The now discontinued Slug Rails and Bodys made for even more options for custom jobs.

04-04-2006, 12:05 PM
I know Autocockers come in close, but are they even as customizable?

I think that cockers are far more customizable actually........ :)

04-04-2006, 12:20 PM
I think that cockers are far more customizable actually........ :)
Agreed. You can't change the operation of a 'mag too much, but you could stick a second LPR and a 6-way on your 'cocker and end up with something that functions totally differently. You can half-block, no-block, or mid-block a 'cocker, but 'mags still use the same tube. You can mQvalve a 'cocker, but you can't mQ your 'mag (yet). Name an upgrade for the 'mag and chances are you can do an equivalent thing to most other markers.

04-04-2006, 01:29 PM
Cockers imo are far more customizable than mags.

Im also gonna have to throw Ions out there as well. You may not realize it but theres a HUGE amount of parts out there for the ion.

04-05-2006, 12:21 AM
Cockers imo are far more customizable than mags.

Im also gonna have to throw Ions out there as well. You may not realize it but theres a HUGE amount of parts out there for the ion.
Yes, but when all is said and done, it still looks like an Ion. Cockers, like I stated before, have a ton of parts that are eligible for upgrade but they really still look like Autocockers.
So I guess I'm just asking if the Mag is the most upgradable marker as far as being able to make it unrecognizable from its original form.

04-05-2006, 03:13 AM
Agreed. You can't change the operation of a 'mag too much, but you could stick a second LPR and a 6-way on your 'cocker and end up with something that functions totally differently. You can half-block, no-block, or mid-block a 'cocker, but 'mags still use the same tube. You can mQvalve a 'cocker, but you can't mQ your 'mag (yet). Name an upgrade for the 'mag and chances are you can do an equivalent thing to most other markers.

mech semi, and straight electro modes.
the cocker and mag are both capable of pump, pneumatic, and electropneumatic firing, but the cocker cannot function in mech semi or electro because it needs pneumatics. the only way to make a cocker do that is to make it a spyder. the cocker is limited in it's customizability because it will always rely on pneumatics to cycle the bolt independant of the firing mechanism.
while it is true that you can not change the function of the automag's valve, you really only have one option for changing the cocker's valve(mq). and that is fairly recent and also in the works for the mag.

half and midblocking is really more about fixing a flaw in the original design, let's face it, the cocking rod/back block idea was a quick and dirty solution. while it is a modification that can be done, it isn't so much a credit to the marker as it is a showcase of a lack of R&D. in reality all cockers should be halfblocked, but then they'd be blazers.

an upgrade that you can't do to most other markers... pump operation. i know you can do it to a cocker, but that doesn't count because the cocker started as a pump. blowbacks, spools, ram driven poppet smackers, i've never seen an effective pump conversion for any of them. and probably never will.

i suppose i'm not really arguing for the customizability as much as i am the flexibility that the platform gives the user. i believe that the mag gives more flexibility than any other marker out there. you can use it for tournaments(e/x/d/i/p mag), rec(classic/rt pro), stock/pump(pump), or scenario(tac one/any other mag). and they are all rugged, and low maintenance(unless you get crazy with the pneumatics).

04-05-2006, 05:04 AM
in reality all cockers should be halfblocked, but then they'd be blazers.
Hmmm, I wonder why that is... ;)

04-05-2006, 06:16 AM
Autocockers are way more customizable. Hell it wasn't until the last couple of years that most of these mag parts came out. I would say that 80% of them are cosmetic anyway.

Honestly a mag is probably one of the least cusomizable guns. Go to a paintball website and go under parts/accessories. There are more parts for other guns then you would think.

04-05-2006, 06:17 AM
If you want to go down to it. The ION, yes. Has nearly every part we have. Some in more types, and styles, bodies in paticular there has 25-30 diffrent bodys for the Ion. Custom frames, eyes/boards. Theres just a bigger market for Ion stuff. BTW I hate to say that but it's true.

04-05-2006, 10:27 AM
When you think of total sales numbers vs aftermarket availability the Mag must deffinetly come out on top.

04-05-2006, 10:57 AM
I think the automag is the most easily customizable. Everything comes apart with 1 allen wrench.

04-05-2006, 12:06 PM
who agrees that it would be cool to e-blade a mag....thats a idea to take hold of even tho its prob not possible...

Pump Scout
04-05-2006, 12:23 PM
Why wouldn't it be possible? The E-blade frame is a sear-tripper with additional functions... should be relatively simple.

As for customization, Cockers have all the customization in the world over Mags. I know it's hard sometimes to take off the rose-colored glasses (for some folks). Performance and durability will keep Mag shooters happy for years to come, but there's just more than can be done to a Cocker. That's what happens when you start with a flawed base product, you know. :D

04-05-2006, 12:26 PM
so it can hapen? you can Blade a Mag?

04-05-2006, 12:33 PM
Yes, but when all is said and done, it still looks like an Ion.

You are sadly mistaken. My ion along with MANY others dont look anything like ions anymore. Ive had tons of people ask me what im shooting all the time. Once my frame comes in it def wont look anthing like an ion rather than the basic design.

04-05-2006, 01:26 PM
so it can hapen? you can Blade a Mag?
You can from what I see it looks alot easier, (I'm basing it on pictures I have seen of E-Blades so its nowhere near accurate statement) than SpyderMags but Costs more.

04-05-2006, 01:29 PM
has any one ever done this?

04-06-2006, 12:26 AM
You are sadly mistaken. My ion along with MANY others dont look anything like ions anymore. Ive had tons of people ask me what im shooting all the time. Once my frame comes in it def wont look anthing like an ion rather than the basic design.
So what you're saying then, is that people will either mistake it for a Shocker (or maybe a Mag.) It's one of three single tube design guns...it's not too difficult to "guess" what it would be. All of the Ion body kits that I have seen still have an echo of the base design with the gills/vents, or whatever they are called.

04-06-2006, 12:30 AM
I think the automag is the most easily customizable. Everything comes apart with 1 allen wrench.

I find it hard sometimes to get the power tip off with an allen ;)

04-06-2006, 12:43 AM
i think the mag and cocker are both about equally customizable.
the markers are both completely different designs, complete opposites almost. one has a lot of parts, the other has only a few.
on both the cocker and mag, every major component can be upgraded. The LVL 7, or classic valve can be upgraded to the RT or Xvalve and Lvl10. Both have a seemingly infinite number of trigger frames. Both have different bodies and feednecks you can change to. They both also have electronic mods.
They're both almost 100% customizable. Thats the only real way i think you can fairly compare these two markers. If you wanna look at specifically which one has more upgrades on the market, well thats just not fair, the autococker would easily win. Thats sortof a given, considering the thing has about 1.2 million more parts than a mag. If a mag had that many parts i'm sure some private airsmiths or machinists would be building all sorts of upgrades for them.
So instead its probably more fair to look at the percentage of parts you can upgrade on the gun. And it'd probably be almost 100% for both markers. So thats why i say they're about equal.

04-06-2006, 01:08 AM
if you know anything about markers.... You know a cocker when you see one.. You know a mag when you see one.. They both have a lot of available upgrades. You cant hide that ugly jumble of pneumtics on the front of a cocker (since the shrouds went out of style) and you cant hide your mags valve. They are both very unique markers in thier own right, and stand out from the croud.

04-06-2006, 05:10 AM
I find it hard sometimes to get the power tip off with an allen ;)
+10 for you! :headbang:

04-06-2006, 09:29 AM
+10 for you! :headbang:

sweet :clap:

04-06-2006, 09:31 AM
........They both also have electronic mods.............

Although mag electros are not made anymore, Which makes them harder and more expensive to get.

04-06-2006, 10:07 AM
I find it hard sometimes to get the power tip off with an allen ;)

i don't......... :cool:

04-06-2006, 10:56 AM
ions have more body choices, gripframe choices, internals choices, 'theme' choices than any current gun out there. That was the whole point of the ion.

04-21-2006, 08:29 PM
Cockers imo are far more customizable than mags.

Im also gonna have to throw Ions out there as well. You may not realize it but theres a HUGE amount of parts out there for the ion.

That's because Ions are "the marker of the month". Once the next new flashy thing comes out...people will be searching forums for Ion parts.

I think autocockers are more customizable. Almost too customizable. There are like >200 parts...and just about every single one has an aftermarket part...many of which are nothing but cosmetic. That's the cool thing about the Mag is that nearly every upgrade is functional. Bodies that lighten the marker, valves that are more reactive, trigger frames that allow intellifeed mods, warp bodies, etc... The Tac One is the only "cosmetic" upgrade I can think of.