View Full Version : Interesting Paintball Statistics

04-04-2006, 04:52 PM
I was looking at a post on either pbreview or pbnation...it was a poll where the person asked something like, "How much of you paintballing is supported (financially) by your parents?"

Now, let's assume that, for the adult paintball players...that the parents do not support their paintballing. Working off that assumption, the results were something like this:

57% Yes (parents support)
43% No (parents don't support)

So, this tells me that a minimum of 57% of paintballers are college aged or younger.

As for he 43% remaining, there has to be a % of adults, a smaller % of college aged kids with no parental support, and an even smaller group of say high school aged kids who support their own paintballing (allthough, this number is probably low).

That would lead me to the following "educated guess" this breakdown:

30% adult
10% college aged w/no support
3% high school aged w/no support

The point of this whole breakdown is that my guess (based on these numbers) is that 30% of paintballers are adults. That sort of surprised me...not alot...but a little.

But then I got to thinking of it...and the last few times I played...I was probably outnumberd 3-1 by kids.

Interesting. Or maybe not. Is it a good thing? Maybe...new blood...new interest. It just seems like I used to play and it was mostly adults...with a couple kids showing up...lately it's been reversed.

04-04-2006, 05:29 PM
If your basing your facts of adult paintballers due to a poll on PBN or PBR its going to be wrong. Im sure over half of paintballs population doesnt even use those sites, and the majority of those who do, is kids college age and younger...SO i highly doubt there are only 30% of adult paintballers

04-04-2006, 05:46 PM
You really need to test each of those subject groups seperately to find the exact percentages. I am a highschooler who supports his own paintballing and everything else for that matter, and I know plenty more. Based off of my experience, that 3% doesn't make sense.

04-04-2006, 09:23 PM
i know lots of high school kids around here who get no monetary support from parents including me.

04-04-2006, 11:19 PM
You really need to test each of those subject groups seperately to find the exact percentages. I am a highschooler who supports his own paintballing and everything else for that matter, and I know plenty more. Based off of my experience, that 3% doesn't make sense.
Yea 3% sounds a little to low. I'm thinking around 10%. A lot of the tourny kids I see at the proshop have their mom behind them with her credit card out
/proud part of that 10%

04-05-2006, 09:31 AM
I started playing paintball in high school. Really, except for maybe the *very* occasional bag of paint and Christmas/Birthday presents, I paid for my own habit. I played every other week so it wasn't cheap, either. Nearly all of my buddies paid their own way as well.

In fact, I'd say less than half of the people I played with had everything paid for by their parents. So I think 3% is way off.

04-05-2006, 09:39 PM
Yeah...for all of my friends paintball is supported by themselves. (Usually the actual gun and a little gear is a christmas present or something along those lines...)

So I really doubt those numbers are correct...but I still give you kudos for figuring it all out (even if you were using a poor source...which isn't exactly your fault).


04-05-2006, 09:46 PM
I support my self, except for the (very) occasional case of paint, and about 100 dolalrs worth of grear out of my 800+ invested(not counting paint and field fees of course)

And i am only a freshman in highschool

04-05-2006, 10:19 PM
I'm still not sure what the problem is when parents pay for things. I know plenty of jerkoffs who paid for their own gear. I just think that 14 year old kids can't really be expected to front most of their paintball costs in a speedball/tournament scene.


If it is a problem with paintball, why isn't it considered a problem when parents pay for their kids to sk and race on a club? Very comparable costs...

Just like any other aspect of paintball, it all amounts to the person behind the equipment.

/paid for my own gear
//way over 14

04-05-2006, 10:31 PM
The results from pbn will be skewed for sure. Most of the ppl on pbn will be young. I bet if you ask AO there will be total different results. Now getting that done with, me and my brother both are in college and we both support ourselves. We have practice just about every weekend when the season is going. so that’s like 40 bucks. We also have bought all of out gear. I have a PM5 he has a PM6. We both have several pairs of pants and jerseys. reloader b's, barrel kits(CP and freak), 2 tanks each, and upgrades.

the numbers might not be exact but that does show that the sport is growing if all those kids continue to play like this pole shows them. I personally think that it’s great that young people are getting out and playing paintball. I’m also ok with their parents buying them their gear. Why? Because their parents money will not buy them skill which you obviously need in paintball to be good. Im perfectly fine playing little kids who had their mom buy them a new dm6 and just rolling them.

04-05-2006, 10:35 PM
I started paintball in highschool…
My folks hate paintball. They think it is a bunch of freaks going out having fun shooting people. :rolleyes:
They haven’t paid for a single cent of my paintball. In fact I wouldn’t have it any other way. For the longest time my paintball guns were the most expensive things that I personally owned and no one could tell me what to do with them. That fact made me motivated to take care of my guns.
I don’t mind people who have their parents pay for their hobby, in fact my folks still pay for all my horse riding which is a hell of a lot more than paintball. What irritates me is to see kiddies with $1500 dm6’s with every upgrade on the planet, and they could care less about taking care of it.

It’s all attitude, and feeling a sense of appreciation for what you have.

04-05-2006, 10:48 PM
I starte to play n middle school and the only thing my parents have paid for were a pair of Dye gloves and JT Tourny pants. Other wise they haven't paid another cent. I guess indirectly they pay for my gas, but I wouldn't count that...

I have found it really tough to get by playing such an expensive sport on a really tight budget. My friends' parents pay for nearly everything and it can be really frustrating. I play pump a lot simply to cut back on expenses, while I watch some of my friends unload with their super high ends.

I dont know whats going to happen when I go accross the country for college this fall! Hopefully I can at least play some good old pump.

04-05-2006, 11:41 PM
Well my folks never once supported any of my hobbies. Heck there never supported any extra curricular things like sports when I was in school. Never once did we go on a vacation. I only know family from funerals. So I've been on my own in the fun dept all my life. I think though interesting the data is flawed.

04-06-2006, 02:29 AM
Okay, for the sake of arguement, let me define "support". By "support", I meant that your parents have contributed "something" to your paintballing...maybe it's an occasional $25 for paint...maybe a birthday present here, Christmas present there...whatever. You guys got way too hung up on the whole "support" issue. That 3% is high school aged and younger kids who's parents have never bought them anything for paintball nor ever gave them money to play. That's gotta be rare because if the players are under 15, they don't have jobs...so they either get money from their parents or work for their parents...either way, it's "support" from their parents.

As to the other comments, you guys are absolutely right...it's probably biased towards younger players given the internet factor. But this was off pbreview, not pbnation. If it was off pbnation...then it would be skewed beyond belief.

So I guess the consensus is that 30% adults is too low? Keep an eye out at your fields next time you go...like I said...I'm seeing first hand that i'm (adult) outnumbered like 3-1 and 4-1...so 30% may not be that far off.

04-06-2006, 08:35 AM
Anything involving money and lots of it folks normally don't support it. If it doesn't pay the bills it is foolishness. I started playing at age 19 after boot camp. I'd wouldn't expect the folks to support me then. My brother is 4 years younger. He didn't receive any more than I did. There is people that support there kids hobbies. Some more so than others. My brother and I were not amonst this group. Money had and still is earned to support the habit as it was back at day one.

04-06-2006, 08:49 AM
FWIW, approximately 90% of regular players are under the age of 24.

Also, only 3 out of 4 players is a member of the online community. 3/4 is still huge for any sport, but so is the 1/4 NOT online.

Those numbers come from insurance figures and represent only those who play at licensed fields.
Still, I'll bet it's a heck of a lot more accurate than any PBN poll.

04-06-2006, 08:54 AM
That's gotta be rare because if the players are under 15, they don't have jobs...so they either get money from their parents or work for their parents...either way, it's "support" from their parents.
I still disagree.

Doing chores around the house for an allowance, having a paper route, mowing lawns, or running a lemonade stand are all valid sources of income for minors. Working for what you get, even if it is your own parents who pay you, versus receiving "handouts" is not equal. Birthday gifts, Christmas presents, Easter presents, or whatever are separate from that discussion.

I have supported my own paintball habit since I was 14 or 15. I am now 31. I worked for everything I've bought. Are you suggesting that I cannot rightfully claim this because my dad once bought me a $30 barrel that I asked for for Christmas to go with my new VM68 way back in 1992? Wrong. When people read the word 'support,' they interpret that to mean that a players' parents fund their involvement in paintball (> 75%) the same as most parents funds their own childrens involvement in more traditional sports, such as football, basketball, baseball, and soccer.

The data source you're working with is skewed. 90% of paintballers I know are adult rec ball/outlaw players who don't get on paintball Web sites to answer polls -- this sample set is even more out of whack if the site in question is pbn or pbreview.

04-06-2006, 07:39 PM
Im a high school student who also pays for all my dues and such. Its hard, but its worth it.

I lied, my dad payed for my battery in my V7 :(

04-06-2006, 07:54 PM
my parents have never payed for anything that concern paintball

loans yes, but they have all been paid back with interest

04-06-2006, 08:50 PM
My parents have not and never will throw me money for paintball (Christmas and birthdays are exempt)

I'm only 17, but I honestly hate money being thrown at me. I cannot stand spoiled kids, and I would seriously dislike being one.

04-07-2006, 10:53 PM
This thread turned into something other than what it was intended to be...it like mutated or something. Somehow, my surprise that the vast majorityof paintballers seemed to be very young...has turned into an "I hate rich kids and their parents" thread.

Now that it's been hijacked...I can't really comment...because when my parents supported me...paintball was either not invented or in such infancy that I would have had to know a guy that knew a guy that knows a guy who plays paintball. You kids may have it bad that your parents don't pay for your paintballing...but at least you have paintball...and the internet...and cell phones...and computers...and automatic windows in your car...etc...

04-08-2006, 03:57 PM
I think it became an "I hate rich kids" thread, as you put it, because so many of us are slightly bitter that other people get handouts. I admit, it is one of the things I hate most about paintball. I have worked every weekend, and all last summer, to fund my paintballing; I also have a friend who, when his Ion was stolen, his parents went out and bought him an Alias because(and this is a quote from his mom) "he's just so involved in this sport, and we wanted to help him." He's not involved in the sport any more than I am, probably less(since I actually browse message boards and know what the insides of my markers look like), and about 2/3 of my friends have parents with similar(although less extreme) viewpoints.
Gaa, sorry for the rant, but it feels good to let it all out. :D

04-09-2006, 08:59 PM
This thread turned into something other than what it was intended to be...it like mutated or something. Somehow, my surprise that the vast majorityof paintballers seemed to be very young...has turned into an "I hate rich kids and their parents" thread.

Honestly, what did you expect?

04-10-2006, 10:34 PM
Wouldn't it be great to have a section of the forum that only adults could post too?

I don't believe any of these kids when they claim that they support %100 of thier paintballing without thier parents. I have never met anyone under the age of 18 that even paid for thier own paint. Let alone marker, jersy, pants, ect....

Comon now. You think little Johny spent six months slining newspapers to buy a $200 set of speedball cloths? :rofl: No, he asked his parents for them and got them for his birthday. Or for a decent report card.

I would say the %30 of adults would be a little low from what I have seen, but then agian I don't go to comercial fields much.

But the 3% of kids that pay thier own way. I think that one might actualy be a little high. I would say more like %1. If its even a full percent.

04-10-2006, 11:13 PM
I just want Everyone to remember one thing. Adults invented this game not kids.

04-11-2006, 06:35 AM
Wouldn't it be great to have a section of the forum that only adults could post too?

I don't believe any of these kids when they claim that they support %100 of thier paintballing without thier parents. I have never met anyone under the age of 18 that even paid for thier own paint. Let alone marker, jersy, pants, ect....

Comon now. You think little Johny spent six months slining newspapers to buy a $200 set of speedball cloths? :rofl: No, he asked his parents for them and got them for his birthday. Or for a decent report card.

I would say the %30 of adults would be a little low from what I have seen, but then agian I don't go to comercial fields much.

But the 3% of kids that pay thier own way. I think that one might actualy be a little high. I would say more like %1. If its even a full percent.

Little Joshy pays his own way and is offended by your tone.

04-11-2006, 07:55 PM
I don't believe any of these kids when they claim that they support %100 of thier paintballing without thier parents. I have never met anyone under the age of 18 that even paid for thier own paint. Let alone marker, jersy, pants, ect....

And I don't believe you.
I will agree that there are a lot of spoiled kids in the paintball word, but to say that you have never met anyone under the age of 18 that even pays for their own paint? Come on...

And yes, I do pay for ALL my paintball equipment and paint, and I'm 17.

By the way...
your grammar sucks.

04-11-2006, 08:08 PM
And I don't believe you.
I will agree that there are a lot of spoiled kids in the paintball word, but to say that you have never met anyone under the age of 18 that even pays for their own paint? Come on...

And yes, I do pay for ALL my paintball equipment and paint, and I'm 17.

By the way...
your grammar sucks.

Ditto...I think if are going to show your "superior" seniority off to us younger people you should atleast show your "superior" intelligence by taking two extra seconds to write with decent grammar.

Adding to my short sentence before; I pay for every single penny of my paintball habit. Also guess what? You may just have a heart attack from hearing it, but it's true...I am only 15. Oh wow. Wait there's more...act now and get some more information that you don't want to hear. All my paintballing friends pay their ways also, and guess how old they are? You never would guessed...younger than I am.

Of course there are a lot of kids you see that have mommy and daddy pay their ways, but quite a few kids who paintball do so out of their own pockets...expecially if they are about 15 or older.

And yeah...all of my friends had to wait a long time before they could afford their gun; maybe it makes them appreciate them a bit more?


04-11-2006, 08:14 PM
I just want Everyone to remember one thing. Adults invented this game not kids.

The first person to shoot a paintball gun at another person for the sake of this game was the son of the "inventor". So maybe adults did invent this game, but young people helped. It wasn't until paintballs became cheaper and fields allowed younger kids to come that their participation actually started helping the industry (notice I did not say the "game", because that subject could be beaten until the apocolypse, even though most adults and non-posers would have to say they are helping to ruin it -or already have- but that is just another one of those subjects that have been beaten into a pulp).

04-11-2006, 08:30 PM
Comon now. You think little Johny spent six months slining newspapers to buy a $200 set of speedball cloths? :rofl:Yes, better yet Johny financed his gear by getting a real job. People 18 and under can get those....

/Oh snap?

04-11-2006, 08:51 PM
Yes, better yet Johny financed his gear by getting a real job. People 18 and under can get those....

/Oh snap?

Indeed, that Oh snap was in its rightful place..

04-11-2006, 09:21 PM
Indeed, that Oh snap was in its rightful place..Meaning?

04-11-2006, 09:23 PM
That was the perfect time to use oh snap.

04-11-2006, 10:05 PM
Yes, better yet Johny financed his gear by getting a real job. People 18 and under can get those....

/Oh snap?
:clap: First time I've ever heard that phrase and liked it. Bravo. :clap:

(the oh snap part)

04-11-2006, 10:18 PM

And the anti youth movement is silenced with internet slang. DOHT! :mad:

I'm not sure about the 15-17 year olds...I had a real job once I turned 15 as did most of my friends. But the under 15 crowd that says their parents never paid for any of their paintballing...well, gotta agree with TomD there, kinda far fetched.

Let me see...post starts out innocently talking about demographics...takes a quick turn towards anti rich spoiled kids...then bloats into an "anit-kid" post...I'm actually interested in what's next. Immigration reform? Anti fat paintballers? The best place to get a sandwich in Omaha Nebraska?

This is like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" thread!!! :bounce: :bounce:

04-11-2006, 10:30 PM
This is like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" thread!!! :bounce: :bounce:

Every thread on AO is a "Choose Your Own Adventure" thread.