View Full Version : WARPIG article on VL VLocity

04-06-2006, 01:25 AM
WARPIG article (http://www.warpig.com/paintball/technical/loaders/vlocity/)

No, not the junk VLocity chronograph.

The method of operation seems very similar to the HALO B. Catchcup/Raceway with a drive cone connected to the motor by a tensioned spring.

The use of a pair of eyes is pretty spiffy.

Are the screws still screwing straight into plastic, or into a nut? I also remember seeing an impeller design that had impeller arms that looked like a watch spring.

So is VL licensing #6109252?

Someone get Bill a faster gun!!! (Where's the manik-e-mag?!?!?!?)

04-06-2006, 05:08 AM
I can't believe I read that whole thing. It was good though. It seems that VL (BE) is finally putting some effort into something.

04-06-2006, 09:18 AM
OK, so the loader performs as advertized. Great.

Now make it not so daggone huge. They're all blimps if you ask me.
I hate hoppers.

Stickfeeds rule! :p

04-06-2006, 09:28 AM
I personally wish that they did a bit more compairison to the halo and the Q on several diffrent guns. Yes I know they already did that with the Q and the Halo, but it would have been nice to see Halo w/ Victory Vs Reloader B Vs Boosted Halo Vs Vlocity Vs The Q on the topics of price, battery life, capacity, consistancy, and speed.

BTW has anyonew heard if there is a "new" halo coming out? Maybe Odessy's awnser to the Vlocity?

04-06-2006, 10:42 AM
Nice review
Cant wait to see some videos

04-06-2006, 10:57 AM
I personally wish that they did a bit more compairison to the halo and the Q on several diffrent guns. Yes I know they already did that with the Q and the Halo, but it would have been nice to see Halo w/ Victory Vs Reloader B Vs Boosted Halo Vs Vlocity Vs The Q on the topics of price, battery life, capacity, consistancy, and speed.Excellent points, but in all honesty none of those results would significantly impact my purchasing decision.

The most important test (to me) apparently wasn't done. Shoot a string of paint at the hopper from various distances, hitting it at all angles. Drop the marker its attached to so that it hits the ground hopper first. Dive into a bunker and land on the hopper. Will the lid or its hinge survive 100 uses? Tell me if its even in one piece after ANY of these tests.

All these scenarios are precisely the reason why VL lost their market share to begin with. Performance from VL products has always been reasonably good, both pre and post BE/K2, the problem is durability.

Cow hunter
04-06-2006, 02:17 PM
wheres the hamster video?

edit; found it! linkity (http://www.jayloo.com/videos/show_vid/2349.html)

04-06-2006, 05:31 PM
I've got one. I like it.

To address some of the things said in this thread: this hopper LOOKS huge but it isn't! It's got a fat back end, but it's shorter lengthwise (read: your hopper doesn't stick as far forward) and it's *barely* taller than a halo (we're talking 1/2 inch or less).


See? Not very different from a Halo.

It looks tall because it's squashed lengthwise. It appears large initially because of that.


Cliffnotes - not really bigger than a Halo, mostly shaped differently.

It's lighter than a halo and shorter lengthwise, runs off of 2 9V batteries, and holds a lot more paintballs. It also has a toggle on/off like a revvy and a separate button for changing settings and programming. It's fast (25BPS on gun) and consistent. The neck and lid are far, far better designed than an Egg, and I think may even be tougher than a Halo's. The shell is also much better. The battery door is even better than a Halo's - the screw comes out easily and it's a sliding door that operates easily and holds sturdily. Very gentle on paint, and the no-cleaning eye design seems solid.

The back end is fat, it is a little taller than a halo (mostly in the neck, which you can chop down). It's ugly. It's noisy (even when not spinning, it has an annoying buzzing sound). Being powered by two 9V batteries is nice, but the battery life is fairly poor. The loading angle is a bit more awkward than with a Halo.

All in all, I like it and I'm even using it as my primary hopper now. I just wish it wasn't fugly, the back end wasn't quite as fat, and that damned noise would go away. But in terms of performance.... solid. It's SO nice not having to reload when everyone else is, and SO nice having a lighter hopper.

04-06-2006, 07:37 PM
^All true, except I've gotten very good battery life for mine, easily played ten full days of pure speedball and I haven;t had to change the batteries on the 2nd or 3rd intensity setting. But that buzzing is annoying, can;t wait to see some custom boards for it

04-06-2006, 08:22 PM
i have used em a couple times, and, i prefer my halo. reasons-

-loading with the vlocity requires the pod to be perpendicular with the marker (straight up), so, reloading gun up, the pod is normally OVER your bunker while shooting (talking about lil X ball temples here, and could see it being a problem in snake)

-the fat back- its harder to see whats going on around you with big berthas behind in your face

-its noisy- it sounds like there is a battle for the galaxy going on in your loader when there is no paint in there, and even with paint, its just annoyine

-overall feel- the whole producs dosent feel like it could take much of a beating at all, im afraid ill break it if i use one

-smaller paint opening- this will be fixed when the widemouth bodies release, but, as it is, you have to line up your pod EXACTLY or your spilling paint, which, isnt terribly easy to do while trying to reload while shooting under pressure

- anti jam= no good, i actually experienced a jam while using the vlocity, and, i had to open it up and manually un-jam it with my hand

-taller than alternative loaders, which is just pain no good


-holds more paint than my halo, but, since playing in psp mode is basically the norm now (err, at least all i play in anymore unless its rec ball), reloading while shooting/running/whatever isnt a huge deal

-runs of 9v's instead of AA's, but, then again.....so does my halo, so, only really a pro for those who still run their halo's on AA's

-lighter than halo- but, with 9v's in each, the vlocity actually isnt that much lighter

-HK seems to love em, so, if your into impressing those guys, go for it. (hey, im trying to give it all the pros i can think of here)

-the dual eyes- i didnt notice any difference in the least when actually using the loader, but....VL says its a good thing...

-interchangable chips- thats got to be good for....something....right?

oh, and as far as the speed goes, i have no complaint, because, it consistently keeps up in PSP mode, so, no real issue, but, when i put my marker in uncapped "semi" (these were team guns with team boards at the time, and, "semi" is actually a nasty ramp mode) the vlocity was SIGNIFIGANTLY SLOWER than my halo (granted, my halo is modded, but, then again, alot are, and, the rate the vlocity was loading, i imagine a stock halo could keep up.)

All in all, the only real pro i see for the vlocity is the increased ball capacity, but, for me, im sticking with my halo and revvy (gotta love the revvy, if only i could get that thing to feed a consistent 15, it would be my primary loader no problem, but, alas, no cup in there)

04-07-2006, 05:57 AM
My reloader B is now sitting in my gear bag since I got a Vlocity. I think its about time there is some competition for Empire/Halo in the force feed loader market. And us players will surely benefit from this.


-No more broken drive cones. I replaced my drive cones three times already, even my delrin drive cone had the steel pin came loose.
-quite a bit lighter, even when compared to a bone pack'd Reloader.
-As fast if not faster than my stock Reloader B
-No need for a rip drive
-More settings for the amount of force to be used allowing for a bit more flexibility.
Build quality is very good--much better than the eggy it replaces.
-Antijam mechanism works well- not nearly the distraction a jam on my reloader is during a game.
-A bit more capacity but not all that noticable imo.

-Goes through batteries a bit more then my Reloader, but then again its hard to compare as I have a bone pack in my Reloader.

-Is a bit taller, but the stock feedneck is about 1/4" longer than a Reloader's feedneck-so thats where most of the height differential comes in.

-it does buzz a bit

I dont see the VLocity as revolutionary but as more of a evolution of the older style force feed loaders. It eliminates a lot of the negatives (drive cones, weight) of Reloaders, VW really did their homework on this one. It looks to me that VW listened to a lot of players gripes with high end loaders--both Eggs and Halo/Reloaders, and incorporated improvements.

04-07-2006, 06:54 AM
It eliminates a lot of the negatives (drive cones, weight) of Reloaders, VW really did their homework on this one. It looks to me that VW listened to a lot of players gripes with high end loaders--both Eggs and Halo/Reloaders, and incorporated improvements.
Yes, but does it have Fahrfugnugen?

04-07-2006, 07:28 AM
cut the feedneck..