View Full Version : Anything maintance issues I should know about the Warp Feed?

04-06-2006, 12:52 PM
I just bought a warp feed. Never used one before but I have wanted one forever. None of my friends know about beucase they only been playing for like 2 years. So just wondering is there anything I should know about them? Do you have to oil it at all? Clean it? Just wondering I would hate to brake a nice 75$ item :tard:

04-06-2006, 01:14 PM
nope, be careful with the wriing harness, and maybe keep a spare drivebelt around, other than that not much to worry about

i highly suggest an intellifeed

only clean it if it gets dirty ;)

04-06-2006, 07:31 PM
I just bought a warp feed. Never used one before but I have wanted one forever. None of my friends know about beucase they only been playing for like 2 years. So just wondering is there anything I should know about them? Do you have to oil it at all? Clean it? Just wondering I would hate to brake a nice 75$ item :tard:
I got a couple for you. First, when you open the battery case, don't let the 9v fall out while it's attached to the clip. That clip is soldered weakly onto the board and you can snap that with the weight of a 9v easily. The good news is it's a 10 minute fix with a soldering gun.

Second, watch the screws that attach the board to the shell. It's easy to strip the holes in the plastic shell of the Warp, and then you can't screw the board down onto the frame. Again, there's good news. If you do **** it up, you can still just screw the cover back over the board and it'll stay in position over the springs on the sensor just fine. Just a little more annoying to put back together.

The last thing is to make sure you keep the discs lubed. If they start sticking and not spinning past the paint, it can look like you've got a jam or like the battery's going. Check to make sure the discs are lubed before you play and it makes it a lot easier.

That's my experience. It's nothing tough to do, though I personally screwed up on all three counts. But, lessons learned and no harm done, so it's all good. Enjoy your Warp.

Oh, and lots of kiddies think you can't come out left if you have a Warp left setup (or right for Warp right) so pretend you can't for a little, then snap out left and blast the little ****ers. :D :cheers: