View Full Version : How do I become a dealer?

04-07-2006, 12:03 AM
I just wanted to know what it would take to become a dealer. I have been saving some $$ and I just wanted to know how I could walk around and say " i am a dealer" Do I need to own a store? Or have a business license? I was just curious if anyone had some input. Oh and i live in California if that matters at all.

04-07-2006, 08:57 AM
might wanna call agd and ask them what the requirements are

it may be a store front, or so many orders or who knows

04-07-2006, 01:53 PM
Business liecense , whole sale permit , and a decent line of credit.
All of which if your under 20 they tend to be a hastle to get. I just got aproved for my whole sale permit after like 2 years of them scrutinizing why a 20 year old needs one , now Im 22

04-07-2006, 02:03 PM
My buddy sanchez can front you a key, but you best have the money within a few weeks...

04-07-2006, 02:04 PM
Business liecense , whole sale permit ..........

Whats a whole sale permit?


Since you didn't state "Dealer" for what....

You become a Dealer for anything by submitting a Dealer application and fullfilling the requirements of said applications. There are MANY variances of the "Dealer application" depending on the company.

Generally....you need a business license, resaler ID, business references and verifiable credit of some kind (depends on expected method of payment).

Many companies will then require a minimun initial order but that also varies greatly as well.

AGd used to have a dealer app listed somewhere on the Airgun site, that might be a good place to start. ;)

04-07-2006, 10:55 PM
Thank You all.

I was just asking this question, because I was saving money for no reason in particular and yesterday I rented the movie "Lord of War" and I got a little motivated. Actually I think it would be better to sell paintball guns, not only because they are legal as opposed to AK47s, but paintball guns seem to be a little more expensive. The margin is therefore higher, but in order for me to make a profit I would have to buy a great big bulk of PB guns. I also have to study the market. Here in California it seems like Speedball is more popular since I live close to HB and therefore High End electros would sell $$$, but from reading other threads I found out that Scenario could actually be a more popular game type as a whole. If this is true I would have to find a way to buy a stockpile of TAC ONES. Forget TIPPMANN's they are too common. In all honesty I think the market is going overseas as well. It seems that there is a little saturation starting here in the states due to a combination of high cost and alot of competition. If I don't get kidnapped I think selling these guns in the middle east would make me $$$, since they are already used to shooting guns. :shooting: What you guys think?

04-07-2006, 10:59 PM
RR... In Ny I have to get a WS permit to even begin buying things...

As for what guns to sell.. High end guns makes little money , and tippmanns have with mil-sim add ons sell like hot cakes

04-08-2006, 07:30 AM
You were inspired to sell paintball guns because you watched Lord of War? I see something very wrong with that statement.

Just don't try to sell the milsim Tippmans to the Africans, they'll get real pissed the first time they try to kill somebody.

04-08-2006, 07:40 AM
Thank You all.

I was just asking this question, because I was saving money for no reason in particular and yesterday I rented the movie "Lord of War" and I got a little motivated. Actually I think it would be better to sell paintball guns, not only because they are legal as opposed to AK47s, but paintball guns seem to be a little more expensive. The margin is therefore higher, but in order for me to make a profit I would have to buy a great big bulk of PB guns. I also have to study the market. Here in California it seems like Speedball is more popular since I live close to HB and therefore High End electros would sell $$$, but from reading other threads I found out that Scenario could actually be a more popular game type as a whole. If this is true I would have to find a way to buy a stockpile of TAC ONES. Forget TIPPMANN's they are too common. In all honesty I think the market is going overseas as well. It seems that there is a little saturation starting here in the states due to a combination of high cost and alot of competition. If I don't get kidnapped I think selling these guns in the middle east would make me $$$, since they are already used to shooting guns. :shooting: What you guys think?

I think you should look into the percentage margins involved in selling paintball markers when you have to compete with online prices :)

04-08-2006, 07:47 AM
Tom Kaye once told me that is you are in it for the fun of it then try it. If you are going into it for the money then don't even bother. He was right. ;)

04-08-2006, 03:41 PM
Just don't try to sell the milsim Tippmans to the Africans, they'll get real pissed the first time they try to kill somebody.
:rofl: :hail: :rofl: