View Full Version : barrels for my minimag

04-08-2006, 10:05 AM
which barrel should i get for a minimag,

J+J ceramic 14"
J+J ceramic, full tilt. i don't know the differnce if there is one
All American 14"

the minimag has a twist-lock.


04-08-2006, 06:51 PM
I use a J&J Ceramic on my Minimag, and it's awesome.

04-09-2006, 12:29 AM
Out of the ones you mentioned, I'd stick with the single bore Ceramic. I prefer my Crown Points over any of the barrels I have used foy my Minimag though.

04-09-2006, 08:36 AM
RossRobObey, I you can wait for a bit and find one on EBAY, the best barrel I have ever shot on my Minimag is a BOA Barrel, Barrels of America barrel. The stainless steel 14 or 12 inch barrel is unparalelled in craftsmanship and quality. I still use it on my minimag now. I highly recommend it if you can find one. If not, go with the J&J Single bore ceramic as stated above. Good Luck. "Outlaw5"