View Full Version : What impresses you most about the E/X mag

04-08-2006, 10:08 AM
I really don't want the general comments that lead to this marker is greater than any marker ever produced thing. The things that make it stand out, the individual features that make it special. I point out the flaws often enough that people question if I ever liked them, so I figured I would start my list

The trigger: I have shot a lot of markers and a well tuned E-mag trigger is the ultimate. A pain to tune in comparison to others when done right it becomes a thing of beauty. Seemingly infinetly adjustable and with the magnetic return and HES sensor for a no "click" feel this trigger was to me the best feeling I have ever used in an E trigger.

The crack - I'm sorry, it might not be a great thing, but the ringing noise of that bolt slamming forward and back, its just different than anything else.

04-08-2006, 11:06 AM
The removable breaches and the Hybrid mode/electric to mechanical switch. All so unique adhead of their time and allows for amazing personal customization with the combinations that the marker can be placed into. "Outlaw5"

04-08-2006, 11:07 AM
has to be the emag jewel. so smooth and brilliant in color. a work of art. there are alot out there but this one is the bomb

The bad- have a tendency for some to become emotional wrecks when either defending or criticizing the marker.

04-08-2006, 12:12 PM
Yeah, the trigger... It's one of only two markers I have without a blade trigger and I can rip on my E-Mag better than any other marker I own, unless I get the others to bounce like mad. My Excal is the other non-blade and I can't get anywhere near as fast or consistent trigger pulls as I can with my E-Mag.

To add to the list, I think what impresses me most is an intangible. When I use my E-Mag, it's most like an extension of myself. It's so comfortable and familiar, I often wonder if it can anticipate what I need it to do for me. Need to keep someone down? It does it. Need to shoot someone's foot that's hanging out? One shot and he's done. Need to keep heads down to allow teammates to move? I can buy you 9 seconds of trouble-free movement. Like I said, it's totally intangible and qualitative, but the confidence my E-Mag gives me is something no other marker does.

I have two wishes, though. Having to run a higher pressure to the valve doesn't let me shoot as deep into the tank. I can still shoot everything I carry, but it sometimes keeps me on my toes worrying about fills. My other wish is to move the detent on Warp ULE bodies off the top (oh yeah, I'm bring up that again!).

04-08-2006, 12:23 PM
Looks - Xmags are by far one of my favorite looking guns made.

Other than that theres nothing in particular that stands out about them that cant be compared to another gun (other than the breeches and valve but that doesnt matter to me).

04-08-2006, 12:40 PM
My emag feels high quality. Everything lines up just right and it shows when I shoot the gun, as the velocity stays consistant and it's as accurate as a paintball gun can be. I also like how I can strip the gun apart using one allen wrench, and everything comes apart nicely. I also like being able to run the air straight into the valve, so there's less to go wrong with leaks. The regulator attached to the valve is extremely low maintenance and it's very reliable. As far as the bad goes I don't care for the efficiency. The battery bothered me at first and now I think it's comfortable. I've had emags in the past and I didn't care for the wait at all, but the one I have now is all ULE so it's not an issue this time around.

04-08-2006, 02:20 PM
THE SIMPLICITY! i don't want anything with excessive features i'll never use, i'm all about KISS (keep it simple stupid) and Tom/AGD do just that, while making sure the marker is a great, solid performer.

the sturdiness and versatility of this marker is also great.

the trigger is definately unique and i love it.

thats why i love emags/xmags/mags in general so much.

04-08-2006, 03:31 PM
Its a man's gun.

If John Wayne played paintball, the Duke would shoot an emag.

04-08-2006, 03:42 PM
KISS operation and maintenance.

04-08-2006, 06:23 PM
I love that my emag is considered, old, heavy, and slow....becuase other players don't expect much of it..untill they realize its lighter than they ever expected..and shoots just as fast as anyother marker...now the bad...the trigger is taking me time to get used to....and I hate the high pressure valve..its not suitable for long drawn out games becuase at a 4500 fill I only get about 3600 or a little more. Because I can't used the last 750 ot so....even with a tank a huge as a 112..I have still run out of air...and it really hurts when the tank if fully filled..sometimes I've seen it filled to only 35 or 3800 and that really hurts me....but my emag is mine...and I love it....and now her new software...ooh great...

04-08-2006, 07:01 PM
Trigger system



04-08-2006, 07:09 PM
When I had my micro emag, I liked the trigger just like everyone else. I still had 1.37 and I wasnt really satisfied with the software, but this was before 3.2. I guess the e/x mags still dont impress me much. They're great markers, dont get me wrong. I just enjoy shooting mech mags more. Ive owned a few hyper mags and they were nicer feeling in comparison with emags, but they were stock with the 13bps board and the (feels like) 20 lb switch.
I couldnt really tell you what impresses me about the e/x mag so much as I could tell you what impresses me about any LX mag..
I've always liked how mags line up, they are really easy to aim with IMO,
They're compact
They're light, or at least can be
They're pretty fast
They dont have alot of kick

04-08-2006, 07:56 PM
I use an Emag mostly.

1.I like the whole HES set up. A trigger using magnets is just so much better feeling than one with a micro switch and you don't get the bounce like one. IMO.
2. before ramping there was hybrid mode and if you forgot to charge the battery there is Mech mode.
3. How light a full ULE emag really is and what it can be with some of the custom stuff out there.
4.Valve technogy dates back to mid 90's and it is still is a benchmark in speed/shoot down.
5. The over all look of the emag or an Xmag. Lots of markers just don't have the same kind of personality IMO.
6.Fit and finish.
7.ablity to be highly versital like a Swiss Army Knife.
8. I like the battery. Fits my hand & balances the marker better/off setting the weight of the tank.
9. The lack of break downs on an E marker. I was worried because it was my first e marker. Others I had seen at the field seemed to break down electronically often enough. It was an unknowen to me at the time if the emag would last. Silly me it is AGD. Reliable.
10. Battery lasts and lasts. Charges up on the way to the field. Better than an 9v E bunny IMO.
11.How well both the E/Xmag hold there value. Not only is that impressive, but shocking.
12.Lastly one thing that still impresses me is how well it reacts to mods. Tuning is most often very subtle.

Hats off to AGD and everyone involved with futhering the devolopement of these fine markers. The first Emags are now 6yrs old and they still impress me. :hail:

04-08-2006, 08:34 PM

04-09-2006, 12:58 PM
All of the Above and the "Holy s*** its an E/X-Mag!" I always get. :rofl: I love it :headbang: :dance:

04-09-2006, 01:08 PM
yea, i get the WTF is that thing? especially the warp. :D i love the attention. im such a whore :p :p best looking gun by far still imo

oh yea, i own an xmag

04-09-2006, 04:00 PM
1. The innovative design of the valve.

2. Availability of a warp body.

3. Built on the KISS principal. The simple design makes it very easy to work on and troubleshoot.

4. Reliability.

5. Durability. Not the same as reliability.

6. Very low profile. I hate tall markers.

7. Tom is a great person. Yes, that is important to me.

8. Not everyone has one. :D

04-09-2006, 04:27 PM
I liked the general feel of my emag. I had one of the older, non-ULE frames with the hump, and with some frymark oversized grips the frame was the most comfortable thing in the world (at least to me, other people thought otherwise...)

The marker was solid, sleek, and reliable. And it was plenty fast for me.

04-09-2006, 04:38 PM
I have only owned an emag, but I'll talk from an Xmags point of view ;)

Removable Breech. I'm sorry, but when you can see the bolt moving like that my heart just goes :dance:

Trigger - All of my friends thought the magnets were to "snappy". However, that was the perfect feel for me. I don't like the immediate STOP of microswitches.

04-09-2006, 06:33 PM
no, you all have it wrong, its that battery pack for you guys. Its like cocker ppl and that backblock

04-09-2006, 07:58 PM
I love the fact that if (like it ever happens) anything goes wrong, I can just swap the entire valve from my RT-Pro and I have an instant backup. Not that I don't have a back-up X-Mag to my X-Mag, but it's nice to have three markers with interchangable parts.

04-09-2006, 09:13 PM
I bought my Xmag soon after I got into paintball. It cost $1400 which I thought was insane for a paintball gun (and still do). The Xmag is far more then a high end electro paintball marker. First of all the looks are second to none and the quality of construction aside from the pathetic grip panels is something you would expect more to see on something built for aerospace use. Comparing an Xmag to say.. a timmy is like comparing a Vanquish to a dodge viper. Yeah both are fast both look hot (i guess.... dont really like timmys) but the Vanquish is just more "quality" As with most low production things I believe the care and workmanship put into the mags is just far better. This is reflected in the fact my Xmag has been dead reliable and works great. It dosent hurt having people ooh and ahh over it all the time either :o) Comming onto the field and hearing "hey! you bring the Xmag today? Dude you gotta see this guys gun its awesome" all the time is pretty nice too.

04-10-2006, 01:32 AM
I just got my first E-Mag from Tuna (thanks bro!) and it is awesome! It is lighter than my Minimag and a hell of a lot faster. I think what I actually like the most about it is its looks. It's dead sexy. :ninja:

04-10-2006, 02:10 AM
As an avid shooter of handguns, the the E Mag feels like a real steel big bore gun. Very much like its namesake the "Automag". Yeah, my Ego can shoot twice as fast, and weights half. But the weight of the E Mag is its "character" -- as in it feels like an indestructable tank of a gun. I choose the E Tac as my primary scenario gun because I feel better walking around with a "mans gun" - lol - not some light weight girly mans Ego kind of gun. :D .

Once the X-Mod software becomes officially cleared from Beta testing, I may sell the Ego.
To me, E Mags are like 60's era muscle cars. Big - and badass. Space guns are like your average import riceburner.

I - like many here can afford any marker made. I like the Ego - But I love using my "slow" 1969 big bore - Trans Am - of -a gun - E Mag. Sexy, and stylish - If James Bond played paintball (Sean Connery) -- he'd use a black Emag like this......




04-10-2006, 02:16 AM
Nah, James Bond would use GG0007. ;)

04-10-2006, 03:31 AM
I recently returned to play paintball from 2 years of not playing. All I can say is wow at how paintball has changed in such a short time period. Newer guns, everything is electro, unheard of words (30 bps, ramping). But this all made me feel like I landed in a world of futuristic wussy, ugly guns. Men like me need an EMAG and that is what I am building. I don't care about time because "Quality always shoots straight."