View Full Version : whos mag

04-08-2006, 06:47 PM
does anyone know whoowns the frankenmag???

04-20-2006, 04:50 PM
do you mean

it's EZ-mag's

04-20-2006, 06:36 PM
I never understood what all that extra hosing was for. Is it some sort of air assisted trigger pull? like a pre-pneumag?

04-20-2006, 06:40 PM
from what I can see, it looks like a close bolt mag. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

pop tart
04-20-2006, 08:05 PM
how can you tell if its closed bolt it has a solid body?

04-20-2006, 08:10 PM
that thing must wight so much!! :wow:

04-20-2006, 08:23 PM
how can you tell if its closed bolt it has a solid body?

the other pics in the link

The only thing I could think of that use that many pneumatics was a cocker

Dark Frost17
04-21-2006, 05:04 AM
that is very different...... :wow:
how much does that weigh though? :confused:

04-21-2006, 09:48 AM
From what I recall, it's not closed bolt, and the pneumatics is for making it an electro-pneumag (pneumag with a electric noid 3-way instead of mechanic).

Cow hunter
04-21-2006, 09:50 AM
From what I recall, it's not closed bolt, and the pneumatics is for making it an electro-pneumag (pneumag with a electric noid 3-way instead of mechanic).
i think thats right...... from what ive heard, all that stuff is just an electropneumaticly assisted trigger

04-21-2006, 10:28 AM
It appears that the two silver spiral looking "hoses" are sensor leads going from the transmitter "yellow thing" to the sensor body near the safety pin.

All said, it's a ver interesting setup, if not apparently very heavy.

04-21-2006, 10:55 AM
It's EZ Mag's.

from what I can see, it looks like a close bolt mag. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
You're wrong, andI don't know HOW you got that conclusion by LOOKING at it.

I think my original thoughts about this project came from looking at autocockers. I just decided that it would be really cool to have an air ram actuated electrically controlled mag. I used a Z-grip because it gave me the most room in the back to work with. All the componentsI used, I got from work. I started with a bafricated banner photoeye that looks for a bolt that I added to the back of the trigger. It opens an electric solenoid Mac valve which in turn sends low pressure air from a seperate reg. to the air ram. I needed at least 22-30volts DC to operate the electrics. I thought about a seperate battery pack, but couldn't find a good location. So I added a battery in series to the hopper. Giving me 27volts from the hopper but still allowing it to work normally.

Here is a little more detail on the workings of the EZ-MAG
I started with a Banner fiber optic sensor (SM312F) with a bafricated fiber cable, meaning it starts as 2 fibers and combines into 1 and reflects off whatever you are trying to sense. The output from that sensor, triggered by a bolt attached to the back of the trigger itself, turns on a Mac valve, model 35A-AAA=DFBJ-1KD 24 VDC. The air coming out of this valve goes directly to an air cylinder, which I don't have a number for but its about 3.5 inches long and about 5/8 inch in diameter, a shorter stroke cylinder would be fine. The supply air for the whole thing comes from a "T" off the line from the tank that is regulated by an SMC reg, part number NAR2000-NO2. I drilled a hole in the back of the Z-grip for an M-6 bolt to slide through. It is connected to the sear by an oval shaped washer sliped over the bottom of the sear and welded to the bolt. The bolt comes out the back of the frame a little over an inch and is attached to the air cylinder with cross link made from thin aluminum bar. The power comes from the hopper that I added a third 9Volt battery to, to get enough voltage, 27volts. I just tied a small headphone style plug into one side of the 2 existing batts and came off the other side and connected the third in series and back to the plug. I also ended up putting a proximity switch on the safety, because I found that if the electrics were left on when the safety was off for mechanical mode it would fire once by the sensor and once mechanically. The resulting kickback of the sear would push the bolt back across the sensor and if I kept a little pressure on the trigger it would just cycle back and forth making it full auto.

There you go.