View Full Version : whats the story behind the Z grips?

Cow hunter
04-08-2006, 10:21 PM
well, over on PBN in the "funniest thing a noob has ever said to you" thread, i posted

"you totally ****ed up your shocker!"

i got a "WTF is that?!" and some only knew it was a mag because of the lazer engraved AGD logo on it, but my favorite response to it was

its a rare z-gripped ULE mag .... the excel barrel killed it and as such was not included in my description
apparently not many outside the mag world know much about mags, and that makes me feel special, but then i got to thinking, "hrmmm i wonder where they got the idea for the Z grip...."
theres always been the 45 frames because of influences from real weapons, but where do you come up with the idea for something this different, might there be an interesting story behind it? the only way i can invision coming up with something like this is someone goofing off and trying to put a 45 on backwards(Y grip-ish looking). Would the mag gurus take some time to enlighten me?

/used search, didnt find anything like this

04-08-2006, 10:42 PM
its something about Mr. Kaye seing people hold their normal frames at a weird angle so he came up with a frame at that angle to be more comfortable...

or not.

/someone must know for sure.

04-08-2006, 10:42 PM
well, over on PBN in the "funniest thing a noob has ever said to you" thread, i posted

i got a "WTF is that?!" and some only knew it was a mag because of the lazer engraved AGD logo on it, but my favorite response to it was

apparently not many outside the mag world know much about mags, and that makes me feel special, but then i got to thinking, "hrmmm i wonder where they got the idea for the Z grip...."
theres always been the 45 frames because of influences from real weapons, but where do you come up with the idea for something this different, might there be an interesting story behind it? the only way i can invision coming up with something like this is someone goofing off and trying to put a 45 on backwards(Y grip-ish looking). Would the mag gurus take some time to enlighten me?

/used search, didnt find anything like this

TK looked at the ultra short setups that were popular at the time, people using long drops, and the way it forced ones hand and wrist to be, the Z-grip corrected this and made it more comfortable, of course by then short drops and no drops were back in style...

04-08-2006, 11:14 PM
At one time all gun grips were "Z" grips....then Chuck Norris Straightend them.

Only those hiding in his beard survived unharmed.

04-09-2006, 01:28 AM
Tom is an engineer....and looks at things logically.

04-10-2006, 09:21 AM
Tom is an engineer....and looks at things logically.
Tom is an engineer ... so he sees a perfectly functional, accepted design that has been around for centuries and decides to change it anyway. ;)

04-10-2006, 10:04 AM
Tom is an engineer....and looks at things logically.

That is both a blessing and a curse. Tom needs an artist with a talent for advertising and propoganda.

04-10-2006, 07:05 PM
this was kinda of Fad type way of some players idea of holding a gun tight.

The tank was in your shoulder and trigger hand would be right up in your face when you held the Zgrip, you then could pull the trigger downward you could not do this regular 45 frame.... well you could but it looked retarded.
this is right up there with fanning the trigger and if you have ever seen the angled drop forward which did kind of the same thing with the tank

04-10-2006, 07:18 PM
this was kinda of Fad type way of some players idea of holding a gun tight.

The tank was in your shoulder and trigger hand would be right up in your face when you held the Zgrip, you then could pull the trigger downward you could not do this regular 45 frame.... well you could but it looked retarded.
this is right up there with fanning the trigger and if you have ever seen the angled drop forward which did kind of the same thing with the tank

using a more comfortable grip frame for your style of play is in no way similar to "fanning the trigger" ie using excessive paint

04-11-2006, 11:32 PM
I often wonder why those are never used on new guns now. Its really a good idea and logical.

04-12-2006, 01:40 AM
At one time all gun grips were "Z" grips....then Chuck Norris Straightend them.

Only those hiding in his beard survived unharmed.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

04-12-2006, 02:26 AM
Z-Grips were designed for players with very tight setups. Players who used long drops, or had really small tanks. Back in the hyperball days, this was considered agg and cool. The Z-Grip changes the way the wrist is angled in order to allow for better, faster and more comfortable firing of the trigger when a gun is set up in an 'ultratight' formation using drops, etc.

04-12-2006, 10:14 PM
yea- its a great design/idea by tom

whenever people ask "why is it angled like that? / how do you play with that?" i just bend my elbow so my forearm is vertical and show them that a z-grip fits perfectly into my hand, without having to bend it uncomfortably.

it depends on how you play, but i find z-grips to be the most comfortable grip-frame around.