View Full Version : RT Pro vs. Classic

12-17-2001, 08:29 PM
You people who have shot and used both. Which have you liked better. I find the first shot with my RT pro is slow but there is a minor shoot down with the classics but I rarely am on the trigger that much. What do yall think? Anyone notice the same thing with the first shot on the RT's.

12-17-2001, 09:28 PM
I havent noticed any difference from shot to shot.

12-18-2001, 08:34 AM
It depends on how much firepower you need. Personally, I have a classic, and I can crank out a lot of firepower with the intelliframe. I might be able to put out an extra 1-3 BPS with a Retro valve, but I've decided I really don't need it.

Another consideration is the trigger feel. The RT trigger returns much faster, and gives you that bouncy feeling, which some people love. I think it feels great, I just don't think it feels $270 great :)

It's a real personal choice, as far as I'm concerned.

12-18-2001, 10:18 AM
I definitely prefer the RT/ReTro. The feel is better, and I can crank out an extra 3-5 bps on the RT. Don't forget, you can't come to the RT party without a 12V Rev and HPA, so if that isn't in the budget, you won't be disappointed with the Classic Mag, it's still a sweet little gun.