View Full Version : Coming To FL! Fields in Tampa Bay area!?

12-17-2001, 09:13 PM
Me and Nutz are goin on a little trip to Florida over Xmas. the dates are sumin like Jan 3 to Jan 7. anway, we wanted to know if anyone wanted to meet us and play for a day near tampa bay area fields. Also, if you know of a Tampa Bay area field plz leave any info! thanks alot. :D

12-17-2001, 09:37 PM
can wait too go!!!!!

12-17-2001, 11:31 PM
here are a couple
http://www.paintball-junglegames.com/ have not been to that one so i have no comment
http://www.wwpaintball.com/ this one the just moved but is where i play, when i play.you can bring your own paint or by pmi for 60.00 a case and it is allways in good shape for pmi that is.
ther are a couple in orlando that i have not gone to yet i would check out warpig.
and the one in auburndale is ok but like 80.00 bucks for a case of oh i cant remember but i think it had a snake or something on it and was not very good.i may be able to show up not sure at this point.

12-18-2001, 10:12 PM
WOO HOO! i cant wait! thanks alot man, do u think u could meet us down there?