View Full Version : MiniMags

12-17-2001, 09:17 PM
Are the internals of a minimag and a regular mag the same?

12-17-2001, 09:29 PM
i believe the valves are identical. the only difference is the number engraved on it and the body

12-17-2001, 09:30 PM
yes... the only difference is the body..... and even these are interchangable between the SF/PF automag and the mini....

12-17-2001, 09:44 PM
as a matter of fact i was thinking about getting an e-mag body for my mag. thinkthat'ed be cool :D

12-18-2001, 12:16 AM
The only signifcant difference is one valve says 'MinimaG' and the other says '68AutomaG' and the serial # and number of warrenty stars differ between the two, thats it.... though the 68Automag/MinimaG bodies and the RT/E-Mag bodies differ slightly, the pim on the RT/E-Mag is round where as the 'mag/'mini bodies have a more square/oval ones, theres a section on the mainbody differences in the tech forum. hope this helps some :)

12-18-2001, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Bartleby
as a matter of fact i was thinking about getting an e-mag body for my mag. thinkthat'ed be cool :D

RT and Emag bodies use a round whatever to hold the bodies into the rail, while normal mag bodies use a semi-rectangular one. (Rob keeps saying pim, I never heard of that damn word before, I don't even think it is a word, I think he just can't spell pin, but its like a cm or so wide, so I refrain from calling it a pin since its too wide) The little chunk'o'metal that slips into the body rail that the grip frame screw screws into.

It wouldn't be a problem fitting into the rail, as they are both the same width, the classic/mini one being a tad longer, but since the round one wouldn't fit the rail in the front and back, it would mean that the full stress of the recoil would be on the screws, instead of the "pim", to use Rob-speak. This could lead to bent screws, or broken ones.

I don't know for sure, but the concept makes me a little wary.

(Note on edit: Dictionary.com and the dictionary next to my desk say there is no such word as pim. I declare Rob incompetant until proven otherwise for starting this whole pim nonsense :D )

(Note on second edit: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12914 is the STICKY thread where you can look till your heart is content. Also proves Rob says pim multiple times. Methinks he is making up words :) )

12-18-2001, 01:59 PM
First faq