View Full Version : What dictates the accuracy of a mag?

04-12-2006, 12:23 PM
What dictates the accuracy of a mag? I mean, the marker itself.

I realize that good quality paint, paint-to-bore, consistient velocity and a good barrel all effect accuracy. My question is: what part of the mag itself effects accuracy?

Is it the air coming from the bolt evenly on all sides? Is it just good maintainence and oiling? Is there something to do with the inner workings that fires the ball out straighter?

I assume the quality of paint, good barrel, paint-to-bore match and consistiency do most of the work for accuracy. I am just wondering if I should be paying particular attention to a certain part of my marker itself when focusing on accuracy. Thanks guys.

04-12-2006, 12:30 PM

The marker has no effect. Once the ball leaves the barrel, it's up to physics. As long as the barrel provides a good sure fit to maximize the consistency of velocity from one ball to another, all markers will shoot exactly the same.

280 fps is 280 fps is 280 fps. The ball will travel the same distance across the same trajectory regardless of what propulsion system was used.

Any good, clean pipe with holes in it will do.

04-12-2006, 12:36 PM
Well, a consistent air source to propel the ball is also required. So a clean regulated air source is needed. Since the mag has a regulator built in, as well as the tank reg, we're already double regulating. That's about as stable as you're gonna get.

04-12-2006, 01:01 PM
Cool. Thats pretty much what I figured. I am babying my classic valve, and wanted to make double sure I was doing everything in my power to keep it tip top for optimal accuracy.

04-12-2006, 02:23 PM
dont forget to feed your elves...

04-12-2006, 05:23 PM
While single shot accuracy may be unaffected by the marker it is much easier to have the follow up shot closer to the original aim point if it has little kick and a light pull. I find the biggest thing is the lack of kick. When I had my rt it would go reactive and would be very easy to hold on the target. Thats why it seemed more accurate to me. it wasnt that the first shot was any better it was just that I had less troubles keeping the gun on target after the first shot.