View Full Version : Another shots per fill question. Woot!

04-12-2006, 12:29 PM
Okay, so I hand my HPA tank to the kid at the store, and I say "fill 'er up". He then goes in the back and fills it, and I take it home. While at home I plug it into my marker and bust of a few hundred rounds. Then.... nothing. The tank is dead, and I swear it shouldnt be.

I then take it back, and get another fill. Take it home, and same thing.

Is this kid not filling it up enough! It must be! I asked him upon gettin git filled the second time, and he said that he filled it until he couldnt fill it anymore. I got nervous, and started to assume he doesnt know what he is doing.

I have a 68 ci tank set at 4500 psi. The gauge goes up to 5000, and when he hands it back the needle is pointing at 3000. Is THAT regular? Shouldnt it be going up higher?! Do they all just sit around 3000?

Any help with my newb compressed air situation would be great. Thanks guys.

Optional question you may answer: Sushi. Totally yummy or barf central?

04-12-2006, 12:38 PM
They may not be able to fill to 4500.

And you will experience SOME pressure drop when the tank cools off. (this happens more severely on a flash-filled tank) If you fill the tank slowly, you can minimize this drop. (as the air cools, it loses pressure.)

04-12-2006, 12:39 PM
The place you are getting your fills probably does not have the tank capacity or compressor to fill to 4500 psi. Many places only fill to a hair over 3000, either because of equipment limitations or because you didn't get in early enough when their bulk cylinders were full. Also, if he is flash filling (does it quick, like ~ 1min) then the cooling of the tank will cause the pressure to drop after you make the trip back home. If the gauge reads 3000 when he hands it to you, and the tank is nice and warm, I'll bet cash-money it only reads 2600 a half hour later.

This should still provide enough for anywhere from 500 - 800 or so shots. A properly filled, full 68/4500 should provide air for well over a half a case. I routinely get ~1200 rounds off one fill.

04-12-2006, 12:59 PM
Ugh. I think this guy has "flash fill" written all over him. I am also quite sure their compressor aint gonna fill to 4500. Dang. Now I either have to talk to him about doing it right, or finding another shop to fill it right.

Thanks for your answers guys. AO rules.

Optional answer to optional question: Sushi, seriously yummy food.

04-12-2006, 01:06 PM
Yes Sushi is yummy. I agree with the previous replies, their equipment can probably only fill to 3000 or less. This is the situation at one of my local fields. I no longer play there.

The field I play at now has a self service air center, I fill my tank to about 4600-4700 in less than three seconds. After a few minutes it cools down to just under 4500. This is the nicest air filling station I have ever seen!

04-12-2006, 02:06 PM
I get a fill, have look arround the shop for a couple of minutes till it cools down, then ask them to top it off. They shouldn't have a problem with doing that.

Sorry your shop only fills to 3000, thats half (butt) for a paintball store now days.

My shop fills to 6000k. :D

(of course you need a 6k tank)

EDIT: For \/ \/ \/
My speedball field lets you fill yourself... and they have 4500psi fills.

Feild site...

Optional question...
Spider rolls...mmmm

04-12-2006, 05:27 PM
Yes Sushi is yummy. I agree with the previous replies, their equipment can probably only fill to 3000 or less. This is the situation at one of my local fields. I no longer play there.

The field I play at now has a self service air center, I fill my tank to about 4600-4700 in less than three seconds. After a few minutes it cools down to just under 4500. This is the nicest air filling station I have ever seen!
What place lets you fill your own? I always get stuck with a tank that gets flash filled and I never get what I pay for.

04-12-2006, 08:16 PM
I hate having my tank flash filled .... I generally stand over them when fill and chew their *** if they try that crap.

Also possible is that you have a small leak in your tank, fill nipples are notorious for leaks

04-12-2006, 10:58 PM
maybe thats why ive been only gettin a couple hundred shots off my emag...ill check the fill nipple and make damn sure its always topped off, i notice its never fully filled...

04-13-2006, 04:20 AM
Who the hell has a 6K compressor? I haven't even seen one that can fill the 5K Evil tanks.

And flash fills scare the hell out of me, honestly. Especially when you overfill them and hope it'll cool. Damn dude, I'd never stand near you at the field.

I've never been to a field with all-day air that _didn't_ let people fill their own.

Also, sushi rocks. Salmon and eel are tasty creatures.

04-13-2006, 05:12 AM
Yes. Who would have thought an eel would be so nice... on rice? I quite enjoy the tuna tataki. Lightly seared. Yum. Almost better than a headshot.

My tank actually just got a leak from the nipple fixed a while back, so I know that is not the issue. Its gotta be flash filling, and I know their compressor aint filling to 4500 there. Gotta find ANOTHER place. This will be my third.

When is paintballing gonna get the service it deserves?! Im in Vancouver, and the service here is hurtin' for certain.

04-13-2006, 06:04 AM
The self service air station I speak of is at hell survivors in michigan. The air station is actually a large room with 3000 psi on one side and 4500 psi on the other. Probably a dozen or so on each side. You hook your quick disconnect up to you fill nipple and pull a lever. The tank is filled in a few seconds and automatically shuts off at that psi.

Flash fills are safe, you should worry about them. Tanks are rated at 4500 psi because they are beyond safe to operate at that psi for the life of the hydro. They are actually tested and capable of operated at even higher pressure for longer periods of time. no matter how much you use your tank, you are not using it to its full potential. This is done to keep them as safe as possible.

I am partial to Unagi rolls and am a big fan of tempura batters and WASABI!!!

not a huge fan of sashimi

04-13-2006, 08:19 AM
My old field. We had a compressor that would fill our 6k bulk tanks.

Who the hell has a 6K compressor? I haven't even seen one that can fill the 5K Evil tanks.

04-13-2006, 09:23 AM
Get you some vballs or reballs to shoot in your house, you will get quiet a few more shots off then you do dry firing. :)

04-13-2006, 06:06 PM
Ha, I fill my own tanks from the FD and its great. They have a large bulk rack filled to 4600 usually and a 5k compressor. Hells yeah. Plus because my dad is used to filling the SCBA tanks he fills it really slow. Like 5+ minutes. Good stuff.

My personal favorites are
Yellow Tail Shushimi
Flying Fish Eggs
Spicy Salmon

Moose Boy
04-13-2006, 11:29 PM
Hey man those compressors are pretty darn expensive, our shop in our little hick town is trying to decide if 7000$ is really worth it but we will be able to fill to 4500psi and thats alot of money to do that, so probably your shop doesnt have that kinda cash. and mags tend to go through air faster for some reason when your not shooting anything so try that. and yes they probably flash fill tell them to get a 5 gallon bucket of water and have the tank partially submerged and that will help. ohh and i have never tried sushi but fresh salmon is pretty darn good

St Elmo's Fire
04-14-2006, 04:11 AM
Ha, I fill my own tanks from the FD and its great. They have a large bulk rack filled to 4600 usually and a 5k compressor. Hells yeah. Plus because my dad is used to filling the SCBA tanks he fills it really slow. Like 5+ minutes. Good stuff.

Curious... what do you need to get to adapt the compressors a FD probably has so that they can fill a paintball tank?

04-15-2006, 06:23 AM
Discovery had a show on parasites which has Me second guessing the health repercutions of raw fish.
oh yeah the techy part. Flash filling your tank is fun but I think it shortens the life of your tank in the long run.

04-15-2006, 03:08 PM
When you fire a paintball, you leave about 50psi in the dump chamber. When you dry fire, you expend all of that.

and mags tend to go through air faster for some reason when your not shooting anything so try that.

04-15-2006, 03:52 PM
I can't remember where I bought it from. It cost I think $65. Now I'm down to liek $1

EDIT: http://www.breathingair.com/summary.aspx?select=description&textfield=paintball
I bought model 346M. It adapts from the compressor to my tank.