View Full Version : How many in here shoot automags with just co2 ?

12-18-2001, 12:18 AM
I've got a couple friends who are currently looking to either buy their first gun or upgrade from current "beginner" guns. I've had an automag and now an Emag so I know what you get when you buy AGD products. They've all been impressed too as they're working on their guns when I'm always ready to play. I've recommended the automag to all of them due to the high performance/simple maintenance of the gun.

My question is this : How many of you fellow AO'ers use automags on CO2 in the winter ? How well do they do in the cold ? What kind of setups do you run with them on CO2 (i.e. remotes etc ??) (We play a lot in the fall and winter time. We're in Northern Illinois so yes, winters are cold here.)

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

12-18-2001, 12:27 AM
If I were them I would run x-chamber, remote and anti-siphon... That way no liquid could get it and even if it did start freezing the gas would have enough time to expand...

12-18-2001, 12:57 AM
I normally run on Co2, never have any probs at all.
I also do not play when I have to clap my hands together to get feeling back in them!!

12-18-2001, 01:00 AM
What's the coldest that you're normally playing in ? 30's, 40's ?


12-18-2001, 01:03 AM
The coldest I've played in is 40 with a slight drizzle...

12-18-2001, 01:53 AM
I never did run my mag on co2!!! And if you are going to buy an X-chamber and a remote, wouldn't it be cheaper to go HPA??? Specially since the prices on air tanks has come down!!!

12-18-2001, 06:43 AM
I played CO2; but now I´m looking forward to get the Flatline from Heat after christmas :D
... last week my Mag was unplayable with CO2 ... then i used a HP from a friend an - no problem (it was about 5°C cold)

12-18-2001, 09:13 AM
I shoot co2, I run it on a remote, and it works fine, never frozen

12-18-2001, 09:40 AM
I use CO2 on my stock mag. I live in Canada. It's indoors only for the winter. If you get sub-zero temperatures, don't use CO2 on a mag, above zero, get a Stabilizer or a X-Chamber.

12-18-2001, 10:14 AM
There is such a big difference that I saw when I switched to Nitro.I was using c02 with an x chamber and remote. I had all these seals breaking, gun freezing, shootdown, I couldnt rapid fire or the balls would roll out of the barrel. When i switched to Nitro about 3 weeeks ago, I have never seen that big of improvement. CONSTANT velocity, No shoot-down, and since then, I have had no problems. Just my 2 cents.

12-18-2001, 10:42 AM
anti siphon and remote is bad, it's like a straw in a glass.

X chamber and remote worked for me, but not x chamber and back bottle. Never tried anti siphon. I also played in 20s, maybe even a lil colder.

12-18-2001, 12:04 PM
i just run a xchamber... since i live in texas it doesnt ussually get too cold, i played in the 40's about 2 games ad it seemd fine... tho i really want nitro mom says she doesnt want me geting all this high tech crap till i play more, but heck what does she know. :p

12-18-2001, 12:18 PM
i used to use co2, ad the best set ups i've found in general for co2 and a mg are either a vertical bottle adaptor, or an expansion chamber with a remote setup. I live in PA, so it gets in like the teens and 20's around here in the winter and i really had no problem with the remote setup.

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