View Full Version : Normal wear or cause for concern?

RT Old School
04-14-2006, 03:47 PM
Allow me to preface this post with the admission that I am slowly but surely learning the insides of my 'mags. Up to now I've been mostly a "oil, gas and go" kinda guy, but I'm finding that its pretty interesting getting in the innards.

Anyways, I noticed some odd wear on (what I believe is) where the sear pushes the on/off pin. The wear is kinda diagonally from the top right cutting to the bottom left. Its definately no longer at a 90 degree angle. The 'mag is fairly new, so it kinda surprised me that the part would be worn. Please take a look and let me know what you think. (Man its HARD taking close ups in focus!)

Thanks for your attention.



RT Old School
04-15-2006, 09:41 AM
About 30 looks but no comments. Is the wear hard to see in the pics or is it so minimal that I shouldnt be worrying about it?

04-15-2006, 08:38 PM
After checking all five of my mags (all types rt) I noted the same milling marks on all the sears. Yours seems to be more rounded on the back of the sear than mine BUT if the marker is firing properly I would not worry about it. If you look closely you should be able to see a flat spot where your ON/OFF actually hits which on mine is a bit forward of center on the sear. In conclusion. I believe your sear roundness is from the factory. Go play ball. :shooting:

04-18-2006, 08:03 PM
The on-off shouldn't wear the back of the sear. It should only make contact with the top portion of the back of the sear. I'm with Shades. I'm betting that the marks are left from the factory and have no bearing on the performance of the gun.