View Full Version : Chrono Problem

Lupis Fidelis
04-16-2006, 06:31 PM
Anyone here know why my mag (after being chronoed in) shoots hot on the first shot after it's not been fired for a while. The first shot after sitting can be + 70fps but then goes back down to normal for a while; but then it goes hot again for the next first shot (after a while of not being shot).

I hope that made sense.....


04-16-2006, 09:25 PM
The chrony protocol for a mag is fire several shots to set the reg seat then you fire one ball and dont release the trigger. Then squeeze off a shot over the chrony. That will be your true velocity.

04-17-2006, 05:03 PM
Reg creep. Your reg is dirty and something is stuck in it, preventing it from sealing fully. Air creeps in very slowly while it sits around, pressure goes up, and when you fire it you get one of those really hot shots. Clean your reg, or just remember to fire it every once and a while when it's gassed up, and never fire that first shot at anyone.

04-18-2006, 07:55 PM
Yes, you are getting regulator air leakage. Clean your valve and replace the regulator seat oring if needed.

Lupis Fidelis
04-19-2006, 09:59 PM
Yeah I was thinking it had to be something like that (reg creep) I will get started on it right away thanks guys.

04-20-2006, 01:35 AM
I've had a similar problem...not sure if it's the same or not.

I'll chrony and the first shot will be like 326...then it'll fire a couple around 256-258 and sometimes the bolt will stick a little. Then...4-5 shots later...it's shooting 270-285 each shot.

It's weird...I haven't figured it out yet. The one thing I have attributed it to is that after I play I usually clean and oil my marker and then put it away. I'm thinking that maybe I oil it a little too much and don't blow the oil around through the gun (by airing it up and firing some shots) and thus the first couple shots I'm getting some oil residue or something.

I'll check it again next time I play. The first time I used it, last year, I had a problem initially, then it shot fine. Well, I didn't play again until March of this year...so first time out it gave me a similar problem...it could have been just sitting around all that time. I'll see how it does in May when it's only sat around for 1.5-2 months.