View Full Version : Opinions on "CORE Co2 Performance Regulator"

04-18-2006, 01:13 AM
I'm just gettin back into playin again and picked up a mag on ebay for real cheap. I'm not lookin to spend alot of money and I'm only playin woods games with my buddies. I don't wanna spend alot of money right now on a Nitro setup and the closest nitro fillup is like a half hour away so I wanna stick with CO2 for this summer at least. The gun's pretty much stock except for a gas-thru fore-grip. I was lookin around and found this on xtremez.com:

NEW! CORE Co2 Performance Regulator
Get Tournament Level Performance from your Co2 Tank
Ultra Consistant Shot Speed, Velocity and Accuracy
Works on All Paintball Guns
Introductory Pricing! Whether you play Speedball, Tournament, or walk on games, everyone that plays with co2 has at some time or another had a problem with it. Whether its constantly breaking paint, an "almost perfect" shot, or a broken gun we all understand that some tweaking is necessary to control co2. Now you will no longer have to deal with missing games because your gun froze or broke O-rings, or losing that almost perfect shot because the ball broke before it hit anything. The Core co2 performance regulator is the only solution for co2 performance and reliability.
The Core Co2 performance regulator is the most innovative and feature loaded Co2 Improvement System (CIS) on the market today. This setup is superior to all others on the market due to its unique 2 stage system. The first stage is the Thermal Exchange Unit. In the first stage the Co2 is converted from a liquid to a gaseous form by using a fin design to transfer heat from outside of the chamber. In the second Regulator stage you can control the operating pressure being put into your marker for pressure optimization. The Regulator is fully adjustable, and unlike other regulators on the market, the gauge measures the actual delivery pressure into the gun, not meaningless tank pressure.
100% No Freeze Thermal Expansion Chamber uses fins to bring heat from outside to change the ambient temperature of the liquid resulting in a gas form of Co2. This design allows you to use an expansion chamber that is significantly smaller than before. Equivalent to a 11 stage expansion chamber.
Fully Adjustable Regulator that measures input pressure or "regulated air" as opposed to tank pressure.
All Parts Included! You'll get a custom fit to your marker, because we include all necessary parts and fittings.

I wanted to know what you guys thought about it? Has anyone tried one out yet? Its $100 from them for the mag. I know runnin CO2 on mags isn't the best choice but do you guys think this setup will suffice at least till summers over and I decide to drop some more $ on a good nitro setup? Would using a remote line still be recommended as well to compensate for usin the CO2?

04-18-2006, 03:05 AM
I would get a palmers stabilizer instead. But that's just because it's been the best regulator to use on CO2 since it was made.

This CO2 performance regulator looks like it's trying to hard to hype up a regulator with fins on it. But maybe it will be the new benchmark, who knows.

I say stick with what works.

Edit: http://www.palmer-pursuit.com/online-catalog/stabilizer.htm

By the looks of it, it doesn't work to well: http://www.pbreview.com/products/reviews/693/

04-18-2006, 09:10 AM
It's a combined expansion chamber/regulator all in one.

The problem is that it's $100 for that. Another $100 and you'd have a nitro tank. If you buy this, you have to save an ADDITIONAL $200+ for a tank.

04-18-2006, 09:18 AM
That is in no way new.

I remember the CORE co2 thingamajiggy from way back. Either they've had that in stock forever or somebody reintroduced it. They werent very good reg's. then. No idea about that one. It is much more expensive than they used to be.

It shouldnt make a huge difference anyway, if your summers are warm at all.

04-18-2006, 10:28 AM
The Palmers work great, I ran a sideline stabilizer for years with only 1 issue. Called Palmers and they said send it in and they would rebuild it for the cost of shipping which was $7. Mount a normal expansion chamber before the sideline and its got all the features of that Core reg. Only issue with the sidelines is there isn't a gauge, but Palmers provides instructionsn to set up the sideline on the mag on their site.

If you do want to pick up a used sideline message me, I switched to HPA after I had that reg rebuilt. If you want a gauge look at the other palmers stabilizers, they are one of the most solid regs that have proven they work fine with CO2. They also will rebuild their regs if you pay for shipping, at least they did last year and didn't ask for any reciept. Nice when most rebuild kits cost at least that price of shipping they charge.

04-19-2006, 11:32 PM
I agree about the Palmer's stabilizer, if you want a reg to use with CO2. The best way to run it, IMO, would be a remote running into a bottomline or vertical stabilizer, with the stab. set at around 650 psi. Or you could run an antisiphon tank if you want an on-gun setup.

Just running remote will help a good bit.

06-02-2006, 07:07 AM
This Core reg sucks, check it out on pbreview. I bought mine a couple of years ago when I was playing with co2 and it does not work as descriped.

06-02-2006, 02:08 PM
That "heat exchange unit" looks an awful lot lite the old ghetto mini expansion chambers that you'd see sold to people with Stingrays. I have one that I mounted at the end of a gas through stock just for the hell of it. My local store has a bunch sitting around, and he'll probably sell one for about $10, if even.