View Full Version : Stuff to do in a "Paintball Strategy" club

04-19-2006, 12:00 AM
Ok, club rush is next friday, and my friend and I were thinking of starting a paintball club at school. You know, clubs help you get into college, and we figured it would also help for organizing trips. I talked to my school's assistant pricipal about it, and the deal is that since paintball is a 'dangerous' sport, if we as a school club go paintballing, the liability is on the school. Also, our sponsor(teacher) has to be present at any activity that the club does to supervise us.
So basicly I am thinking of creating the club as a meeting place where people can discuss where they individually will go paintballing on a certain weekend, and as a meeting place for 'friends' to be invited over to do some drills with reballs and a catchbox.
For this to work, we need to actually have the school involved somehow(in order to get our meeting place, those cool morning announcementsto draw in more people, and college credit), and so far, I've only come up with turning the 'paintball club' into a 'paintball strategy club' where we discuss field positions, equipment, local fields, basics for good snap shooting and whatnot. I figure that with the money we fundraise at club rush, we will be able to get a few paintball videos that we can watch during lunches.
This plan is still in its infancy, I still need to nab a teacher who will agree to be our 'advisor' and to fill out an application form for next year, not to mention organize the fundraiser(table, cashbox etc...) for next friday.
Any advise would be appreciated, about things to do in our club, or about getting the club started, or anything.

04-19-2006, 12:24 AM
Get your club a waiver that excludes your school or any employee's thereof any responsibility in said clubs activities. God bless :shooting: lawers

04-19-2006, 12:45 AM
I don't think that would work, but I'll ask about it tomorrow. I just drafted rough draft of a constitution for the club:

ARTICLE I –Name of Club
Section 1 - The name of this organization shall be The Paintball Strategy Club.

ARTICLE II – Purpose of Club
Section 1 - The purpose of this club is to evaluate, discuss, and debate the sport of paintball, its strategy, its equipment, and its local fields; to prepare its members to play paintball in every intellectual way.

ARTICLE III – Meeting Time
Section 1 – This club shall meet twice a month on the Monday of the first and third week of every month.

ARTICLE IV – Officers: Elections and Duties
Section 1 – Elected officer shall be a Secretary/Treasurer
Section 2 – The term of office shall be one quarter. However, there shall be no limit to the number of consecutive terms so long as the Secretary/Treasurer continues to hold a majority vote.
Section 3 – All members of The Paintball Strategy Club are eligible for office.
Section 4 – Elections shall be held during the first meeting of the new quarter.
Section 5 – Elections shall require the participation of a minimum of one half (1/2) the club membership, and a majority vote from the cotes cast will decide the winner. Similarly, the current official may be removed from office by a vote of three fourths (3/4) of the members of the club.
Section 6 – Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer
a. Keep track of club funds
b. Organize fundraisers
Section 7 – Powers of the Secretary/Treasurer
a. May commission the help of members of the club to help with fundraisers.

ARTICLE V – Membership
Section 1 – All students attending Las Lomas High School are welcome
Section 2 – All members must follow student body rules and regulations at all club functions.
Section 3 – The advisor is an honorary member with all privileges.
Section 4 – Privileges of members
a. Right to hold office
b. Right to schedule a discussion
c. Right to petition The Paintball Strategy Club
Section 5 – Duties of members
a. To report on any personal experiences which relate to the sport of paintball.

Section 1 – Fund-raisers shall be an occasional activity in this club.
Section 2 – The funds raised by this club shall go towards the purchasing of instructional materials, such as videos and diagrams, in the effort to provide this club’s members with the means to improve their skill.

04-19-2006, 01:01 AM
make sure you include a no-responsibility clause in your "constitution" or you will have no chance at getting approved... Trust me.. branches of the government and branches there of love to "not be responsible" for poo poo...

04-19-2006, 01:18 AM
For the current constitution, there is no need to indemnify the school, because we would not be using paintball equipment as part of the club. My friends(who just happen to be in the club) might come over and shoot reballs, but It would in no way be related to school, so we don't need a provision for that. As it stands, it is
to prepare its members to play paintball in every intellectual way.

04-19-2006, 04:49 AM
i dont know man. the whole club just sounds like it gona be guys sitting around going, my guns soo much cooler then your gun. your gun sux.
not saying thats what your trying to make, but if your not actually going to be playing i think it just gona be pb nation LIVE.

04-19-2006, 08:04 AM
Get your club a waiver that excludes your school or any employee's thereof any responsibility in said clubs activities. God bless :shooting: lawers

Ask a competent lawyer how much a waiver is worth in court.

04-19-2006, 08:31 AM
When I was in high school, we had "Cheers Club," where a group of 15 of us went over to our Lit. Teachers' house and watched Cheers on TV. Later, that was replaced with "Seinfeld Club." You can literally make a club from anything, but I think "Paintball Strategy" is vague. Hey, I love paintball, but even I wouldn't attend a paintball strategy club meeting unless I were holding a marker on a field.

If you're not actually going to handle any equipment or play, what is the point?

If it were me, I would look for trying to get one of the shop or physics teachers to sponsor the club where you could actually disassemble the markers, discuss their functions, the physics behind them, and maybe even fabricate a real, useful part or two.

04-19-2006, 02:08 PM
The point is that it will be a meeting place for us to do everything not related to actually holding a paintball gun in our hands, and then later, off the record, I will invite my "friends"(meaning the whole club) over to my house or one of my other friends houses and we will practice with reballs. It's like a meeting place for a second, less formal club.

We can also go to fields together, as long as we don't go as the "Paintball Club"

04-20-2006, 06:32 PM
You could try a Paintball Physics Club. Research the physics behind paintball, present your discoveries and maybe do some tests and demonstrations of your findings. You would probably be able to get occasional supervised demonstrations okay'd without much trouble.
Such a club would help you do your part in debugging myths such as "gun x shoots further than gun y because of blah blah blah".

04-20-2006, 06:53 PM
don't listen to you high school guidance/college counselor - clubs don't get you into college. grades/sat get you into college

04-20-2006, 07:08 PM
don't listen to you high school guidance/college counselor - clubs don't get you into college. grades/sat get you into college

aeronautica is right
clubs are worthless, you can be in a hundred clubs and the kid next to you with a higher sat is still going to get into a better college

04-20-2006, 09:59 PM
aeronautica is right
clubs are worthless, you can be in a hundred clubs and the kid next to you with a higher sat is still going to get into a better college

but a club can be a good way to get more people in your school to play

04-21-2006, 12:03 AM
Ask a competent lawyer how much a waiver is worth in court.


expecially the fact that most of these guys will be minors

04-21-2006, 12:09 AM
QUOTE=surfbum]aeronautica is right
clubs are worthless, you can be in a hundred clubs and the kid next to you with a higher sat is still going to get into a better college[/QUOTE]

totally wrong.

RIT's Requirements (Computer Science Field)
SAT: 1300
GPA: 3.70



oh, yea that was early decision.

why? because i...

1. volunteered my *** off in the HS computer department
2. got a steady job as a freshman
3. put effort into ap classes (even though i never got ap credit)
4. TOOK AN INTERVIEW (by far the MOST important factor)

want ANOTHER example?

my friend wanted to get into an IV and had someodd 97 average and 2000 sat (new one) and by ALL means exceeded the requirement for some of his colleges.

he was waitlisted and denied from all but 1.


becuase he lives in Oceanside, NY.

04-21-2006, 01:56 AM
I'm not worried about it being my 'deciding factor' for getting into college. I get around a 4.0 gpa(weighted), am waiting on sat results, but basicly all my extracurricular activities can't go on paper(drunk bowling ;) )... (I'm the designated driver, I just like watching my friends try to bowl drunk). Colleges look for the balanced person, not just the tech smart guy, and the one area I'm REALLY lacking in is volunteer/group/extracurricular activities.

We have a science club that builds, well, I'm not exactly sure, but some sort of primitive robot. The physics behind dispelling many of the myths of paintball I learned last year in regular Physics class. (although we haven't learned fluid mechanics). I am also looking for basicly a club where people who paintball can hang out together once every couple weeks, talk about paintball, maybe help some of the newer players learn some basic strategy and how to do stuff like snap shooting, and then invite over people who want some practice.

Oh, and I talked to my english teacher today, she's going to be our advisor(probably). :clap: