View Full Version : Jack Rice argues about his "Sweep" technology

04-19-2006, 08:36 AM
Jack Rice (of Alien) has been pretty involved in a thread over in the AKA portion of PBN, talking about how his "Sweep" technology is better for trajectory and accuracy -- I don't know, it sounds like "hype" to me but the thread is a pretty solid read with no flaming for once.


04-19-2006, 10:30 AM
I've had to exhibit a LOT of self control in the thread - but since it is for the greater good (beating down hype) I've taken the high road :D Here is what I'd really like to say - what a joke!!! Not since the hammerhead have such significant claims been so hyped with so little supporting evidence - all from a guy who can't even spell trajectory! (Actually it turns out that he spells it funny as a marketing gimmick - but I digress...)

Anyhow, everyone is being on their best behavior over there - which is refreshing – the thread reminds me of some the ones that were taking place here at AO, over 3 years ago! The important fact to note is that people are at least starting to look objectively at things, which is the real break through for all of paintball!

In this case you’ve got a goof-ball who thinks that because APG says his “sweep” does what he thinks it does that it is “proven.”

The sweep is just a new take on an old idea that the Z-body, Cooper T, Undertow, Flatline, etc were/are based on.

It’s funny, WAS and Alien have been cahoots since the inception of that marker. A similar parallel exists between both companies which might be related to this relationship. Both have decent products with real features that could have easily moved units based on those reason alone, but then they go and tarnish themselves with outlandish claims, hype and unproven assertions of functionality and features that they have not tested of confirmed in VALID fashion.

Everything supporting his claims (put forward by Jack) is based on what tester X, Y, or Z “saw” and what they “say.” As one PBNation poster stated – you can “see” a magician cut an assistant in half – but that doesn’t mean that they did.


04-19-2006, 10:38 AM
I'm going to take Jeff from the NE Hurricane's offer up when I'm at the practice with them and Chicago Evil next week. Aside from the Sweep hooplah, I have heard good things about the markers -- so I wouldn't mind shooting one regardless.

04-19-2006, 12:37 PM
Yeah, I'm a Boston Paintball Employee (and since we're home field and sponsor for the canes), I can get a remains or interceptor... My friend was actually going to get one (his impulse + $400)but took the minion instead (and saved $200).

I've shot both the remains and the interceptor, and I must say- I'm impressed. I believe that teh whole flat trajectory BS is a marketing ploy. Sure it may work on paper, but when your shooting a liquid filled capsule that isnt even round most of the time, results WILL vary.

04-19-2006, 02:37 PM
any magazine reviews are biased

...you honestly think if you get a gun for free or for free for a weekend or two that your gonna rag on it?

apg gives spyder clones good reviews and acts like theyr are the best things...

jack rice is not above hype and has been called out on many ocasions on his bold and innacurate claims.

he never has any proof of his claims just theories on why they should work.

04-19-2006, 07:34 PM
now i may be totally off because i havnt looked into it, but wouldnt the whole sweep technlogy make everything slightly worse becasue air is reased unevenly and it slighty resticts flow, again i may be totally wrong, just correct me if i am

04-19-2006, 09:08 PM
apg gives spyder clones good reviews and acts like theyr are the best things...
i read a review on the blade and they gave it a positive review

04-20-2006, 12:52 AM
Why do I get in on these things?
Post #157 (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?p=21501203&posted=1#post21501203)

04-20-2006, 01:55 AM
cuz its fun..and alot of us like to argue.. :rofl:

04-20-2006, 06:01 AM
Belief is often stronger than facts. You can show all the facts you want, but if someone wants to BELIEVE something else it is virtually impossible to sway them. This is what some manufacturers rely on… and quite successfully.

04-20-2006, 06:44 AM
^^^^ Too true :(

04-20-2006, 08:13 AM
Belief is often stronger than facts. You can show all the facts you want, but if someone wants to BELIEVE something else it is virtually impossible to sway them. This is what some manufacturers rely on… and quite successfully.

like how cockers shoot further than Automags?

04-20-2006, 09:39 AM
like how cockers shoot further than Automags?

You're talking about how mag tend to lob balls and cockers tend to get a flatter trajectory?
I thought everyone knew this. Wasn't this proven by APG way back in the 90's


04-20-2006, 12:47 PM
Belief is often stronger than facts. You can show all the facts you want, but if someone wants to BELIEVE something else it is virtually impossible to sway them. This is what some manufacturers rely on… and quite successfully.

and the church :mad:

04-20-2006, 03:13 PM
Yea but the church actually has evidence lol, but im not going to cause another ww3 argument so ill stop there.

Ive heard alot of good things about interceptors, mainy that they are very light and fast and the modular design simplifies maintenence alot, its also powered by a WAS board wich means lots of crazy fast uneccasary modes (for those spray and pray types) :shooting:
It sounds like a cool idea and the whole idea is actually based on the fact that paintballs are not perfectly round, if a paintball was perfectly round then the system would not work because the air would have nothing to catch on to (in theory) As for the remains i have seen an intresting collaberation bewtween AKA and Alien recently, they had a remains with all of akas low pressure mods on it and it looked pretty awsome because AKA = :hail:

I got to hold and test fire the remains and interceptor at some tournament alien attended and it quite impressed me, mainly because it was very small and light but IMO alien markers are rather plain and fugly looking, i wish somone would investigate all this hype about the sweep system and blah blah blah, seems like everything thats going around at the moment in regards to the sweep system is based off opinion or because "I SAW IT WORK" :rolleyes:

04-20-2006, 04:52 PM
Hey I met that guy like 2 months ago in Pomona, CA on a paintball expo. I was walking around and I saw this this old man with long white hair and sort of bald on the top. I saw him standing there serious with his Alien gun. I went up to him and he told me his name was Jack and that his gun was super cool, because the bolt was sort of curved and it swept the ball instead of hitting it dead on, so it would spin and have a flat tragectory. I was like "Man you like a paintball prophet?" He laughed and told me his gun was cool. I told him I would be right back to get some money, because I was interested and would buy it from him for alot of $$$ that he wanted. After walking to the second booth I completely forgot about him. Later my friend to me to hold his tricked out Autococker for him that he had just bought. I accidentally walked past his booth holding the gun in awe. We made eye contact and he gave me a stern look. :confused: :tard:

Stealth Fighter
04-20-2006, 06:02 PM
Autocockers have a flatter trajectory because of the magical elves in the breech.
Automags never chop because of the magical elves in the Level 10.

What new magic does this bolt possess?
Will we see the beginning of a new paintball era?
Will the cocker vs. mag dispute ever end?

Tune in next week to find out on automags.org. :rofl: