View Full Version : Attractive Aspects

04-21-2006, 08:27 PM
What do you look for when buying a gun, ecpecially something brand new

Closed vs Open bolt
electro vs mech

just some ideas please give me some feedback

04-21-2006, 08:31 PM
something that work all the time for the most part.looks r a plus

04-21-2006, 08:52 PM
#1 thing is reliability
I have a stock black ULE emag, and a black unmilled 04 viking
Both should last forever without maintenence

#2 is perks
for instance, I LOVE the dry-firing aspect of turning the bolt around with the viking, and I like the whole mech/e/hybrid on my emag

#Dead last is looks
I hate timmies. I'm sure they're perfectly good markers, but I can't stand that basically 50% of the price is because of the milling and anodizing. Same thing with DM's, although I actually like those for some reason...
Also, I'm not dense, a pretty gun is better than the same gun but boring, I just don't see myself putting $500 into getting my viking milled and anno'd when the gun was around that when I bought it.

04-21-2006, 08:58 PM
I personally look at in this order:

Feel Of Shooting(trigger etc)
The ability to shoot a string and have it be on target(not nessassarly fast but accurate and able to get like 10 bps strings
Feel Of Shooting(kick, sound etc)
Ease of use

I also don't know where to put in like weight/looks/upragdability. Those factors change depending on what I would want the gun to do. My first Pro/Carbine fulfilled most of these very well. Then the BKO had high points and low points and now my Mini has almost every nitch filled

04-21-2006, 09:15 PM
#2-damaged? scratched? stripped screws?

Thats about it.. weight doesnt matter if its comfortable really. :D

04-21-2006, 09:16 PM
I've never really thought about this..

1 - Reliability; If a gun doesn't work close to the same way, every day, it can get on my nerves. I try and look at guns that are KNOWN to work well.

2 - Ease of use; This doesn't apply in all cases, but ease of use is also a plus. I like to know that on days when I'm lazy all i have to do is air up and maybe hit a few buttons/switches.

3 - Tinkerability - I know, not *really* a word, but I love a gun i can fiddle with and tune when I get bored, or the marker breaks. It's nice to know I can fix something mechanical and not have to send it in.

4 - Upgradeableness - I LOVE guns I can pour my money in to, and make it my own. Wether it be from custom milling to a trigger to grip panels, I love knowing my gun is mine.

5 - Looks - Last on the list, just because looks are only semi important to me. I do like the looks of some intimidators, and i LOVE the look of the shocker, but the performance and reliability aren't great. Besides, why get a gun for 750 and have it only get 800 shots off a 68/45?

The thing that REALLY takes the cake though is efficiency. I LOVE efficient guns, with a fiery, burning passion. So, go AKA markers.


Dye Angel Guy
04-21-2006, 09:25 PM
1. Trigger feel (Matrix hate, Emag & Angel love)

2. Gun size and if it fits the style in which I hold my guns (Timmies too long, Ion too small)

3. Upgrades (Does it need a bolt kit or other stuff and the fewer the upgrades needed the better but it is fun to make it my own gun)

4. Looks (If I think its ugly the other 4 better be in my favor greatly)

5. Price isn't really a factor (I am not spending $1500 when I can get the same gun from another company for half the price with less of a brand name)

04-22-2006, 12:36 AM
how about open vs closed bolt (do you not care)
electro vs mech (assuming they can shoot the same speed, electro just give you more control e.g. ramping and caps)

whats a good size
whats a good wieght
what type of trigger pull do you like, describe it

04-22-2006, 08:28 AM
#1- reliability
#2- how it shoots
#3-overall feel

04-22-2006, 08:42 AM
Open vs closed means nothing to me. Actually the over all system means more. Like blowback/blowforward/autococking/spool/etc. I hate the feel of Blowbacks. That constant BANG BANG of the internals and the loud recocking. Tippys are the worst sounding. Stack tubes arn't as bad but still get annoying. I really like the recoilless feel of autocockers because the backblock equalizes out the kick from the air and ball moving forward. Plus they are very smooth. Ram/poppet Epneus are cool but sometimes they seem really boring much like stack tube blowbacks. I personally rate spool valves and mag valves on the same level. The spool is cool because of the almost zero kick and very smooth firing sequence. Kind of the same wiht mags but I really like the sound, just the psh of it firning.

Mech vs E really isn't a big deal to me. For me that is just one more 9vt battery to put on my gun. Right now I have 2 in my warp and 2 in my revy. Those add up to be heavy. Plus I like a gun that I could play with in the rain with no problems I just have to slap on a different hopper.

Mech is also fine in firepower. I really don't see the need to shoot more than like 10 bps at the very most.

Dye Angel Guy
04-22-2006, 10:50 AM
The old school shoe box shocker had the best feel to me. I really liked the closed bolt.

04-22-2006, 11:03 AM
I am a little late sounding in on this one, but here goes anyway..

I look for a marker that I enjoy the looks of. Given that MOST modern (better) paint markers perform pretty much the same, I like to find something that looks good to me.
I also try to find markers that are special in some way. Now this is offest of course by their cost, but if you can find a limited edition, special milling, etc. then it will (in theory) be worth more down the road when you try to resale it.

Maintanance issues are high up in my consideration as well. I don't want anything that is hard to work on or find parts for.

As far as open/closed bolt. About the only consideration I make on that is this. With an open bolt marker your ball detents hold the ball in place until you shoot. Therefore paint to barrel match is not so important. What I am getting at is that with a closed bolt marker if your bore is too big then balls will roll out of the barrel when you face it down, making your first shot a "dud". Of course too small a bore with either will cause other problems...
The only TRUE closed bolt marker I know of other than some assorted pumps are autocockers. Other manufacturers CLAIM closed bolt opertation, but truly aren't.
Basically if you pull the trigger, it fires, reloads and the bolt is in the FORWARD position when that cycle is over and ready to fire again, then its truly closed bolt.

04-22-2006, 11:11 AM
#1 --> most for the money
#2 --> how it does on air
#3 --> accuracy
#4 --> weight
#5 --> looks

thats the top 5 things that i look for

04-22-2006, 11:11 AM
An Automag...

04-22-2006, 12:37 PM
An Automag...

alright cool i like the responces, now to send this in a slightly different direction while keeping the flare of the old, what makes a good trigger pull

and please continue commenting on closed vs open

04-22-2006, 09:56 PM
I prefer open bolt, just because you don't need to size your barrel, but it really isnt a huge consideration. It just so happens that my two markers have both been open, but If I had wanted an excal instead of a viking, the closed bolt wouldn't have made much of a difference in my feelings.

For trigger pull, I don't know. I really like the response on my emag in mech mode. I think I'd prefer a stock response over the ULT if I had just a plain rt mag. I also really like my viking's trigger, long, light, actuates right at the beginning. It's light, but really springy(I don't know why, but it is), so it's extremely easy to walk.

One thing that I realized when I got my viking as well, is that I prefer a really small grip frame. I picked it up, and it just fit into my hand. I can actually walk the trigger when I have my hand around the grip. On my emag in e mode, I hold the gun with the front hand, walk with the back hand, but I don't actually hold the grip because it's too long. Not enough finger left after I've wrapped my hand around it to walk it.

04-23-2006, 08:14 AM
Open vs Closed

I have found almost no difference in the closed and open bolt guns I have shot. Though the no barrel roll out is nice.
trigger feel
I really some triggers in some instances and others in others(if that made sense). I really like my classic mag feel. It is nice and crisp, probably my favorite single trigger I have ever shot. Then there is my friends strange pulse. It also has a very crisp pull but on a double trigger and it has a trigger guard big enough for one finger. Then it also clicked really bad. Not cool. My last is squishy triggers. Some rule some don't. My BKO was really nice feeling. It squished but maintained a very light feel and enough return to keep a sting going. Same with the nasty pulse I shot. It was very long and squishy but I could shoot it up to like 15 really easy.

Final thoughts
Cockers-If well tuned are awesome. I like the two stage pull as long as it won't shortstroke easily.
Mags-The crispness is great and the fast return.
Shocker-I really liked the stock shocker trigger(shocker sft). My favorite click trigger. With S trigger was awesome
DM5-Great room in guard but weird trigger. Not good trigger shape.
BKO-Good all around trigger. Definately the best E trigger I have ever shot(after I tuned it perfectly).
Tippmanns-I loved the pro/carbine pull and hate the other 2. The rt was to stiff.
Mech Spyders-Long but softish.
E Spyders-Newer ones are great(like the ones used in spyder mags). Old ones were too clicky.
Ion-Stock was kinda weird(unexplainable) but the CP roller was pretty kickawesome.

04-23-2006, 10:17 AM
is speed imortant, aka rt mag's prestige of having the fastest thing on the field, or does it not matter?

04-23-2006, 11:15 AM
is speed imortant, aka rt mag's prestige of having the fastest thing on the field, or does it not matter?

RT mag is not the fastest; it is still a mech