View Full Version : "All Mag Team"

04-22-2006, 11:11 PM
Well todays 3-man event was pretty good. For the first time ever I had an all mag team. Two Predator Emags and a 3.2 Emag. Non of us played for 3/4 of a year and our new stock class turn mag guy has never played a speed ball game before or even had used his new/used emag yet for that matter. He doesn't shoot alot. Hard to convince him to laydown suppressive fire, but he is small, fast and hits what he shoots at 9 times out of ten. Anyways because of a couple of hot gun penalties we came into the finals in second place. The first place team had a 30 point lead on us. We won one clean game in the finals against the first place team and one with one guy left agaist the 4th place team. The first place team didn't win any of their finals and wound up in second over all. We ended up in 4th somehow after a recount? I'm still trying to figure that one out. Doesn't seem right, but that was the final standings.

Team all day air = $20, 5 cases of paint = $262.50, Having an all mag team and stomped some of your former (down right hate mags) teammates butts every single game = priceless. Some things money can't buy.

Stealth Fighter
04-22-2006, 11:18 PM
Sounds like a good time. What did you win or weren't there any prizes?

Before I got out of paintball 2 years ago, I got first place in a 1 on 1 tourny of about 20 entries at my local field which closed down after the tourny. I won a Empire Reloader, still have it and plan on putting it on the mag I'm building.

04-22-2006, 11:33 PM
Sounds like a good time. What did you win or weren't there any prizes?

Before I got out of paintball 2 years ago, I got first place in a 1 on 1 tourny of about 20 entries at my local field which closed down after the tourny. I won a Empire Reloader, still have it and plan on putting it on the mag I'm building.
Today 11:11 PM

Trophies 1st-3rd. Except the trophies aparently were back ordered. :rolleyes: So nobody got anything today except a good time.
I won a halo at ShatnerBall '04. That was super unexpected. With people just shelling out money to charity like mad. I really felt guity winning the Halo. All I had left in my wallet at the time was $25.

04-23-2006, 12:08 AM
where was this at ?

04-23-2006, 12:21 AM
where was this at ?

Today we were at "The Edge" in Janesville, Wi.

b e n
04-23-2006, 12:26 AM
Sweet, I play there and I wanted to play but I was busy today. I never really see mags at that field though. :cry:

04-23-2006, 12:35 AM
Today we were at "The Edge" in Janesville, Wi.

nice.. not too far south of me. If your team ever needs a couple more for a five man team send a message. vice versa

rifleman wi
04-23-2006, 08:45 AM
glad to hear that once again your 2 predator emags dominated again :shooting:
ps. the mustangs getting painted today :)

04-23-2006, 01:02 PM
glad to hear that once again your 2 predator emags dominated again :shooting:
ps. the mustangs getting painted today :)

You otto get one of your own. :p Of coarse I know it isn't your fault. The Devil went to Georgia looking for an Emag to steal and it just happened to be yours. I'm still up for that road trip.

Good luck on the Mustang adventure. Post some pic's of your runs and overspray on MMA forums. :spit_take

04-23-2006, 01:35 PM
nice.. not too far south of me. If your team ever needs a couple more for a five man team send a message. vice versa

Thanks, maybe in the future. Might consider a Stalker 7-man. Going to make it there this year sometime. I've been wanting to play there for a long time, but haven't yet. From now on the team is "all mag" "all the time". Yesturday was the most fun I've had in years. The team worked well together, everyone had emags. any problems it was easily solved and we had more than enough parts on hand if something failed. No more of this inner team rivalry due to marker preference. Had many heads turning and alot of positive talking about us as a team and the mags. Our gear guy for the day filled us in what was said. Our spy for the day.

04-23-2006, 02:06 PM
Sweet, I play there and I wanted to play but I was busy today. I never really see mags at that field though. :cry:

We played rec and senerio there off and on since '96. Played heavy speedball in '03-'04. then we feel out of graces in begining of '05. A dispute over being forced to wear clothing that sucked due to a change in last minute sponcership, paint cost, and getting a shafting in other ways. So us guys on the team that used mags regularly left the field for greener pastures. Yesturday was the first time back mainly cause it was my brothers birthday and it just so happend it worked out there was a tournament at the Edge. I remember seeing a kid with a minimag in 04 playing. Your right, not many mags much there at all anymore. John has some at the shop he tells me for sale. A couple of the old as dirt guys have mags yet, but seldom play anymore. You see them sometimes refing, helping out on the field, or playing senerio games. Dan Hefel a really big guy that you can't miss has a Custom milled black Micro Emag yet. He gets into senerio games still I believe. A whole group of us went to Shatner '04 Dan included. Sorry you couldn't be there. It was a good time.

04-23-2006, 08:02 PM
Thanks, maybe in the future. Might consider a Stalker 7-man. Going to make it there this year sometime. I've been wanting to play there for a long time, but haven't yet. From now on the team is "all mag" "all the time". Yesturday was the most fun I've had in years. The team worked well together, everyone had emags. any problems it was easily solved and we had more than enough parts on hand if something failed. No more of this inner team rivalry due to marker preference. Had many heads turning and alot of positive talking about us as a team and the mags. Our gear guy for the day filled us in what was said. Our spy for the day.

sounds good to me. I am only 10 minutes from Stalker and got a RT laying around somewhere.
They host very well run tournaments.

04-23-2006, 10:04 PM
sounds good to me. I am only 10 minutes from Stalker and got a RT laying around somewhere.
They host very well run tournaments.
Some friends are going up there this coming weekend I believe. I might head out for a round of golf. My B-day Thursday and I really need some R&R. I'll be sure to drop you a line when the time nears for a MAGnificent Seven shoot out at Stalker. ;)

04-24-2006, 02:51 AM
good job RedRT, glad to see the mags still shooting faces.

unfortunately due to the airlines taking my air tanks, i may have to sell some of my mags. :(

Brian Terry AGD
04-24-2006, 03:19 PM
nice job guys..

04-24-2006, 05:04 PM
good job RedRT, glad to see the mags still shooting faces.

unfortunately due to the airlines taking my air tanks, i may have to sell some of my mags. :(

That is too bad. If your thinking of selling the SFL I'd buy it off you to help you out.

04-24-2006, 07:33 PM
We won one clean game in the finals against the first place team and one with one guy left agaist the 4th place team. The first place team didn't win any of their finals and wound up in second over all. We ended up in 4th somehow after a recount? I'm still trying to figure that one out. Doesn't seem right, but that was the final standings.

You're right, that doesn't make sense.

In round robin there are a total of 6 games. You won 2 of them. That leaves 4 total wins to spread out between the other 3 teams. If team 1 didn't win any games, then they theoretically couldn't come in 2nd. Team 3 and team 4 had to each win at least 2 games each to get ahead of you. It is possible to not come in first, but you should have at least secured 3rd and possibly a 2nd place finish. Sounds to me like you guys got the raw end of a recount on points.

Congrats on your play anyhow. Sounds like you had fun and placed well. Way to represent.

Cow hunter
04-24-2006, 08:43 PM
You're right, that doesn't make sense.

In round robin there are a total of 6 games. You won 2 of them. That leaves 4 total wins to spread out between the other 3 teams. If team 1 didn't win any games, then they theoretically couldn't come in 2nd. Team 3 and team 4 had to each win at least 2 games each to get ahead of you. It is possible to not come in first, but you should have at least secured 3rd and possibly a 2nd place finish. Sounds to me like you guys got the raw end of a recount on points.

Congrats on your play anyhow. Sounds like you had fun and placed well. Way to represent.
thats not as messed up as the tourney i played a while back (one or two summers ago). we were playing awesomely for the first two games (we were in rookie division) then we started to get totally decimated. i found out after the tourney we only played with people in our division the first two games, then we were playing the amatuear and novice divisions, even through that we managed a 6th out of 20, and if we touched the flag (20 points per pull) in the games we lost, we would have come in first