View Full Version : Angel Newbie with an 04 Speed.

04-23-2006, 09:32 AM
I recently had a Blue NIB 04 Speed posted for sale here. Turns out my father liked it so much he purchased it. Since I was selling it for a friend we are both noobies to the world of Angels. Have a couple questions and hoping to get some help.

1. Why the extra bolt in the box?

2. When should i use the other bolt?

3. What are the differences in the bolts?

4. What are the 3 Volumizers for?

5. Should I be using one?

6. Which volumizer should I use?

7. What exactly is the Sensi?

8. This marker is 100% stock, what upgrades should I be looking for to improve performance?

9. What order should I get these upgrades in?

10. Can I get eyes on this marker? If so, where and how much?

11. Are there upgrades I need for the software? If so where and how much?

I think this is a good start, any help would be appreciated by a couple of old guys who are new to the WDP world.


04-23-2006, 09:33 AM
Here's a good place for you to start.

04-23-2006, 10:43 AM
I recently had a Blue NIB 04 Speed posted for sale here. Turns out my father liked it so much he purchased it. Since I was selling it for a friend we are both noobies to the world of Angels. Have a couple questions and hoping to get some help.

1. Why the extra bolt in the box?

2. When should i use the other bolt?

3. What are the differences in the bolts?

4. What are the 3 Volumizers for?

5. Should I be using one?

6. Which volumizer should I use?

7. What exactly is the Sensi?

8. This marker is 100% stock, what upgrades should I be looking for to improve performance?

9. What order should I get these upgrades in?

10. Can I get eyes on this marker? If so, where and how much?

11. Are there upgrades I need for the software? If so where and how much?

I think this is a good start, any help would be appreciated by a couple of old guys who are new to the WDP world.

1. Its probely the stock bolt. The bolt in teh gun is most likely a soft faced bolt. Leave the soft faced bolt in there, its the best bolt for your gun.
2. Unless you lose or break the soft faced bolt, never.
3. If the one in the gun is a soft faced bolt, yes theres a difference.
4. Volys go on the left tube of the gun. You un screw the end cap and screw in the voly. They lower the OP of the gun.
6. Use either the medium or teh large one.
7. Sensi is a ball detection system. Not as good as eyes, but when set right, can do a pretty good job.
8. There aren't many upgrades for a Speed. New barrel and feedneck is teh only thing I would reccomend.
9. At the same time.
10. Yes, you can get:
It Fly'd. MTs (Master techs, those certified to work on angels from WDP) will install A4 Fly eyes and a A4 Fly board (and I think you have the option for a tadao board too) They do great work and it looks very professional. And, its wicked fast.
Predator'd- Send it to TAG (The angel guy). He will install DM4 eyes, e-blade eye covers and a predator board. The predator is one of the best boards on the market. The job looks professional and is wicked fast.
Fly'd- 400
Predator'd- 300

11, No, there is no new software.

Dark Frost17
04-23-2006, 11:08 AM
lets se some pictures....

04-23-2006, 07:37 PM
lets se some pictures....

It's a 04 speed, they all look exactly the same...

04-23-2006, 07:53 PM
I recently had a Blue NIB 04 Speed posted for sale here. Turns out my father liked it so much he purchased it. Since I was selling it for a friend we are both noobies to the world of Angels. Have a couple questions and hoping to get some help.

1. Why the extra bolt in the box?Probly stock one no pics so cant say

2. When should i use the other bolt?W/e Floats ur boat captin.

3. What are the differences in the bolts?uh.... lol

4. What are the 3 Volumizers for?Volys are used to hold air for the next shot... this will elimanate shot drop off at higher ROF

5. Should I be using one?Why not

6. Which volumizer should I use? The biggest one on the right sides

7. What exactly is the Sensi? a crappy eye system

8. This marker is 100% stock, what upgrades should I be looking for to improve performance? do a rubber band mod on the board(PM me for details on that), new triggers, Evolve kit, new trigger, new barrel, new board, eyes/fly conversion

9. What order should I get these upgrades in?Doesnt matter

10. Can I get eyes on this marker? If so, where and how much?Yes expencive

11. Are there upgrades I need for the software? If so where and how much? no software available for speeds

I think this is a good start, any help would be appreciated by a couple of old guys who are new to the WDP world. this is true



04-23-2006, 08:14 PM
1.Why the extra bolt in the box?As said above, its probaly the stock one replaced by the softface. It should have a gold insert in the front of the bolt.

2. When should i use the other bolt?Never

3. What are the differences in the bolts?The softface has a red rubber insert in front of the venturi and is easier on the paint as the bolt comes forward for its firing cycle.

4. What are the 3 Volumizers for?They provide a larger volume of air for the valve when you are running lower pressures.

5. Should I be using one?For the most part only if you like how they look on the marker. The air passages and regs on te Speed recharge fast enough that its almost un-neccesary

6. Which volumizer should I use?I have gotten the best results with the small or medium volley with the LPR adjusted down to 45-50PSI and a dwell of 16

7. What exactly is the Sensi?Sensi is a crystal operated paint detection system. The rod located in the bottom of the breech actually feels a ball drop in and tell the marker to fire, instead of IR eyes. It doesn't work nearly as well as eyes and was thus was abandoned in later models

8. This marker is 100% stock, what upgrades should I be looking for to improve performance?Get a barrel with a larger bore or a kit. I would look into a better feedneck. That gated feed thing is crap.

9. What order should I get these upgrades in?See above

10. Can I get eyes on this marker? If so, where and how much?It is extremely costly to do so. Get a Tadao board for $150, and then destructive customs will drill for eyes for $60 and then you have to purchase (Dye) eyes....

11. Are there upgrades I need for the software? If so where and how much?All you can do is upgrade to a different board such as an A4 board or a Tadao/Predator/etc.

I think this is a good start, any help would be appreciated by a couple of old guys who are new to the WDP world.

Make sure and set your ram so far forward that the bolt actually clicks when you close it. That will help with rollback. You would do best to use a reloader B on slow, set the MROF to 15-17 and never use Sensi. Lower your LPR as much as you can...that will require an Angel tool kit...and raise your dwell to compensate. Not only will it make it easier on paint to increase the dwell but to reduce the operating pressure as well. The stock barrel is really a small bore so find something bigger and it will not barrel break as often.

Speeds are nice markers. Once you set it up right with a fast hopper it won't let you down. Simple and very reliable.