View Full Version : 3rd times the charm

12-18-2001, 04:40 PM
Ok I bought my mag and it came with a 12 inch smartparts barrel. (Progressive i think) But when i got my gun it was ok for the first 100 shots then the bolt bent the wire V nubbin into the barel, and jamed the bolt. I tried p nubbins too same efect. I Called AGD Tech department and the man i talked to said tat its common for this to happen. and it happens more in smart parts barrels. He said he would send me some plastic nubbins and that should fix the problem. I got the nubins today, put one in my barrel. Brought i into my yard and shot first 2 or 3 went fine then 2 or 3 exploded in he camber and barrel. then the bolt started jamming and leaking. The nubbin was fine but the balls were explodin in th chamber and barrel.the bolt was sticking and leaking. WHAT IS THIS THINGS PROBLEM? iv posted this like 4times and nuthin suggested has worked.
If you want more info on my gun, this is what i have
http://www.actionvillage.com/010-1012-1.html . Can Any one help me? Is it the power spacer tube?
Its done it n CO2 And Compressed Air. O and my microlines leaking at the fitting, how do i fix it? (where the microline is pushed in, not where the fitting is screwed in)

12-18-2001, 04:53 PM
Yep I had a progressive. It did the same thing I didnt even spit 200 balls out of the thing it was crap. I would say the barrel is out of tolerance. It is important that mag barrels be of the higest quality since it is also the breach. Try using a diffrent barrel.

12-18-2001, 05:00 PM
what barrel do you suggest? ( keep in mind im a 15 year old kid that works part time at Agawam Paintball, so i doubt il be gettin a Boom Stick.)

12-18-2001, 05:42 PM
Ive had good luck with lapco bigshots.

If you are really strapped for cash I would see if you could pick up a standard mag barrel from sombody. Surprisingly these things arent bad. They shoot straight and i havent broken paint ONCE in mine, given i dont use it as much as my others...

12-18-2001, 05:51 PM
well i got like 80 bucks to my name and i still need to buy XMASS gifts but i will probibly get cash 4 Xmass and others have recomended that barrel thanx fr your help

12-18-2001, 05:55 PM
My friend just got the same one. It was bustin balls right from the start in the barrel. The Bolt never got stuck but it was leaking down the barrel occasionally. I whipped out my Powertube Spacer kit and found one that eliminated the leak. The darn thing still broke paint even with a Dye SS. It broke 1 out of 5 everytime. I threw in my older extended nose bolt and wa'la the problem went away. Also switched him to V-style nubbins. I had lots of issues bustin balls on my own with P-Stlye nubbins.

Good Luck


12-18-2001, 07:14 PM
whats the difrence of the bolt i got and the long nose

12-18-2001, 07:18 PM
o what if i got a venturi bolt or a superbolt ( but i dont got the $$$$$ for one) will that do the same?

12-18-2001, 07:47 PM
Your bolt is a longnose bolt if the tri-shaped center is flush with the outside diameter. If it protrudes about 3/32", then it's a short nose bolt.

You must fix (I suggest replace w/Macroline or SS) the microline leak. This could easily play a factor in chopping paint, by lowering the pressure in the air chamber.

Once you break a ball in the breech, you have to clean it. If you just keep on shooting, things will only get worse.

Learn to properly adjust your nubbins...

Wire Nubbins - Bend them so only about a matchbook thickness is sticking into the barrel, or just enough to hold a ball.

Plastic Nubbins - You may need to trimm some material off the nub on the backside of your plastic nubbin, so it lets the ball release.

12-18-2001, 10:07 PM
J&J ceramics are nice...somewhere around $40...im not a fan of squeegeeing on the field, and the J&J allows you to shoot through the ball break...cleans itself out in about 4-5 shots...heard rain-x-ing the barrel also makes it clean quicker


12-19-2001, 12:32 AM
well, i'm kind of surprised no one has mentioned this but what kind of paint you use? you should really match the paint to whatever berrel you're going to get. it could be that the barrel you have has to small a bore size for the paint you shoot.

12-19-2001, 11:06 AM
All the progressives work fine where I'm at. You might need to grind down the back hump on the plastic nubbin.

12-19-2001, 04:58 PM
Ok the paint is .689 and the barrel is too ( Im usein PMI Premium)
I fixed the microline it wanst pushed in far enough.

well i the problem i have is not if one breaks its the fact ALL BREAK . Iv cleaned the barrel, Shot , and it broke then i cleaned the barrel, Shot , and it broke then i cleaned the barrel, Shot , and it broke i think you get the picture lol

I had my nubbins adjusted fine , it was in a deep as te thickness of a match book.

I thin i got a short nose bolt.

o and should the gun come wih a Power tube spring, or a .220 PT spacer

paint magnet
12-19-2001, 05:49 PM
Palmer's barrel. It doesn't even have a name, but it is solid brass and you can get them in several lenghts, ported or without, and can get it custom painted to match your gun exactly. They are $55 unles you get them custom painted, which is $25 more. I believe they are custom-made, and Palmers makes high quality products. www.palmer-pursuit.com

12-19-2001, 10:45 PM
Do you usually shoot the PMI Premiums? If you do, I suggest at CP barrel. They are also cheap (around $40) and work great. 3 of my teammembers, myself included, shoot them with (usually) Premiums and love them.


12-19-2001, 11:50 PM
i think if it's that much of a problem and you can't figure it out, you should send it in. they'll get it running.

12-20-2001, 05:32 PM
.689 barrels are having a really hard time shooting todays fragile paint. Whatever barrel you get make sure its .692 or BIGGER!


12-20-2001, 06:08 PM
well i shoot what ever i can get cheap. normaly PMI ocasionaly Marbalizer. I bought a case for 45 $ so im usin that now. (O and Nitro Duck paintballs work great in a 14in Spyder CP barrel, just to let u know incase u wanna try em in your cp barrel. but i think their only avalible as a winterized feild paint.)

I was thinkin of a boom stick! i got the $$$ now. Are they good? ( Duh y else would they be 119$) Whats the Diamiter?

O and thanks tom il keap that in mind.

12-20-2001, 09:18 PM
You can get a boomy for 104,they are okay barrels but your paying 60 bucks to have dye laser carved on it. If you want a good barrel i would say a cp or bigshot. But if you want one that you would probably keep for the rest of your pb days get a feak its worth the money and if you have enough cash get a cp deluxe barrel kit, best kit out there.