View Full Version : some pneumag questions

04-23-2006, 04:59 PM
at the moment i have a retro valved mag with a chimera frame but i still have the classic rail and hopper right body or whatever u call it. ive been looking around for a high end electro cause i love playing airball and my mag isnt cutting it. but i love it too much to let it go so i just need another mag. pneu mags are interesting and they seem like they can rip. im pretty sure id need a xvalve and ult which i will get soon. do i definetly need those? also will i have to run any external airlines or anything? im getting a flatline very soon if that matters. it can go in my chimera right? i know the whole hAir and ptp deal but is there anywhere i can send my chimera to have it done professionaly? thanks and i might have some more questions.

04-23-2006, 05:05 PM
A retro valve is identical to an x-valve in operation. The only difference is that it isn't aluminum. A ULT is not required, but drops the pnuematic pull weight dramatically. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A RETRO VALVE MODEL THAT ACCEPTS A ULT (has 2 orings).

All my airlines on my pnuemag are internal. Email me for pics -- [email protected]. I send you a few pics.

EDIT: Flatline doesn't matter.

04-23-2006, 05:30 PM
I dont think there is any "profesional" shops doing these mods currently.. there are however some people you could send the parts to and have it done for you. I can do good clean job on these. If you are interested, just send me a PM.

04-23-2006, 06:26 PM
im pretty sure that my retrovavle cannot take a ult, do u think u could get a picture of what it looks like if it can take it, do u mean 2 orings on the on off or in teh chamber thing?

04-23-2006, 08:27 PM
o and are there any other cheaper adjustable regs other than the flatline? i really need to know this.

04-24-2006, 11:12 PM
Take out your on/off assembally.. if you see two orings that fit inside eachother at the bottom (or one might be stuck on the end of the on/off pin) of the valve, then you can use ULT. If you only have 1 small oring that the pin fits inside of, and then that small oring gets pressed into metal, you either need to get the valve drilled out BY A PROFESSIONAL or buy a valve that doesnt need drilling.

There are plenty of adjustable tanks on the market right now, just look around. Some are much cheaper than the flatline.