View Full Version : Minimag problems.. again...

04-25-2006, 11:16 AM
Sorry guys, i just gassed up my minimag out back and...
well first it started venting out the back, atleast its able to fire right? i pointed it at the ground, from 2ft up it left a 2inch deep crator from just CO2, no paint :wow: so i turned the velocity way down, i think its at an acceptable level right now (no real way to tell from home).
so i went on dry fireing a bit, just to get a feel for the trigger as i still havent gotten it out for a game, and i noticed it was fireing fine for a couple shots, then the velocity would jump up, bang bang bang BANG bang bang BANG!! bang
then it started leaking, and i have no idea where from... tried holding the trigger back, sometimes the leak stops and sometimes it dosnt :confused: i cant feel any co2 coming from any of the airlines, but i could have missed something

would a bad reg seat do any/all of those things?

untill i get the mag fixed im reduced to my phantom (not a bad thing, at all)
thanks for the help as allways

04-25-2006, 12:03 PM
I suggest rebuilding the valve & replacing the reg piston.

04-25-2006, 01:01 PM
should i send it to AGD to do that? iv got a star on my valve (68classic)

04-25-2006, 03:59 PM
It's easy to do with a parts kit. Why bother?

04-25-2006, 11:31 PM
plus pointing the mag at the ground is depending on your set up is most likely forcing liquid CO 2 into your valve , assuming you have a back bottle or bottomline setup

04-26-2006, 01:24 PM
nope, its got an expansion chamber AND a 13inch hose(all i had at the time... it only needs to be about 4in lol)

and how do i rebuild the valve and reg piston? all the parts kit has is some nubbins, and a duce load of o rings, and i just replaced every o-ring about a week ago