View Full Version : Argg.......stupid question..

12-18-2001, 08:40 PM
This is kinda a stupid question and I think I already know the answer, but here it goes anyways. I have just bought an automag and I only have C02 for the time being. So I was wondering if the gun is going to be good at all(shoot far, accuratly)? The tank is just a regular 20oz.

12-18-2001, 08:49 PM
Hey this is your first post? Cool I get to be the first to respnd too. Wow I feel special. The gun will be just fine. Not as good as on HPA, but still good. Its a mag isn't it? :) Just as long as you don't get liquid co2 in it it will be fine. Good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of Mags.

12-18-2001, 09:13 PM
I'm #2, I'm #2...wait a min. Anyway... If you can, run your air vertical. This may require an inexpensive part, but will help keep liquid out of the valve. If you can, an airsmith should install an anti-siphon tube in your tank until you get HPA. A good reg would help slow the liquid co2 as well as an expansion chamber or running remote.

12-18-2001, 09:23 PM
Well I'm #1 and #3!! I forgot to mention how you keep liquid out. Hehe. Like Doobie said get an expansion chamber or reg. although I don't think a reg will keep out any liquid. An anti syphon tank is good, but you can't run them verticle or they will syphon the liquid instead of keep it out. I recommend getting a bottom line and your choice of a regulator or expansion chamber, and an anti syphon tank. If you are planning on going HPA soon I would recomend a reg.

12-18-2001, 09:41 PM
Right, running siphon tube on vertical...bad. On bottom line...good. Remote to expansion chamber to gun worked well for me. If you run on a bottom line, don't point your gun at the ground very long. Liquid will go straight to the valve,...bad.:D

12-18-2001, 11:11 PM
Get an ACI High Pressure remote (known as a "slinky"), and a quality expansion chamber. Again, I like the ACI 4 or 6 stage. They are wider (more area for expansion) and of higher quality for the comparative price.

You'll need a good pack to haul it around, but that will also give you pockets for more paint!

Big draw-back to all of the above is: the remote, expando, and pack will cost as much as a good nitro tank!