View Full Version : Need help selecting Cingular phone

05-03-2006, 01:23 PM
I've got my choice of three cellphones.

-RAZR (any color)
-Sony/Ericsson W600i
-Cingular 8125 (windows smart phone)

Anyone have any suggestions about which one to choose? Money is no object, as I am getting it for free. I just want to pick the best one. I'm leaning away from the RAZR because my wife owns one, and everyone and their dog has one.

05-03-2006, 01:37 PM
I personally LOVE Sony Ericsson phones. I think the user interface is second to none in terms of ease of use and visual appeal, and I feel that their phones offer the most features for the money.

I have an older z500a and it has been to hell and back, and still keeps working. I get better reception then everyone I know, even in basements, and It's been thrown down stairs, fallen off rollercoasters, been in the pool numerous times and even the washing machine AND dryer. And yes, it still works.

So yeah, the w600 gets my vote.

05-03-2006, 02:06 PM
Poo on the RAZR.

The Sony is nice, pretty compact too.

The 8125 can pretty much do anything, even has a "keyboard".

Depends on what you really want though. If you're looking for a compact phone with features (camera, radio, etc) get the Sony. If you're looking for something like a PDA, get the 8125.

05-03-2006, 02:32 PM
I've got my choice of three cellphones.

-RAZR (any color)
-Sony/Ericsson W600i
-Cingular 8125 (windows smart phone)

Anyone have any suggestions about which one to choose? Money is no object, as I am getting it for free. I just want to pick the best one. I'm leaning away from the RAZR because my wife owns one, and everyone and their dog has one.

I have the 2125, and it's simply the best phone I've ever used to send and recieve calls on. The sound quality and reception is by far better than any other phone I've used, and I've used A LOT of phones. I spent 5 years supporting phones and pda devices at a software development company, so I've seen a LOT of damn phones. I haven't had a chance the play with the 8125 yet, but it's basically the 2125 with a bigger screen, wifi, and a keyboard. I'm looking to switch over to it in a few months as long as the sound and reception are as good as what I get now.

I'd like to add, if you want a great phone with good messaging capabilities, get the 2125, if you plan on sending/recieving a lot of mail rather than just reading it, get the 8125.

05-03-2006, 03:55 PM
Shouldn't be too hard of a choice--especially if it's free--Pocket PC...duh!

Why not get the one with the most features? That way you eliminate the need to carry around a bunch of electronics.

05-03-2006, 09:47 PM
Shouldn't be too hard of a choice--especially if it's free--Pocket PC...duh!

Why not get the one with the most features? That way you eliminate the need to carry around a bunch of electronics.

The question is, are all those features really needed at the expense of battery life?

Personally, I don't need PDA/PocketPC features on my phone.

05-03-2006, 10:25 PM
maybe you don't, but he might D:

i've ALWAYS loved motorola's. except the razr. i don't like razr's.

05-03-2006, 10:51 PM
DO NOT GET A RAZR. They are the biggests pieces of junk around. I got one thinking that they were great and they already had to send me a new one because my old one got the screen filled with dust and stopped working after only 4 months. They claimed the dust as a problem with the phone and they will do nothing to fix it without buying w/e warranty they offer. I have 3 friends that have them too and they all had theirs in for work within the first 6 months. My old cheap phone worked a million times better than my razr. Right now im actually thinking about cancelling my cingular plan to get rid of my stupid razr.