View Full Version : $125 more a week to...

05-04-2006, 04:49 PM
I have been contacted by a company I used to work for that would like to hire me back. They have offered me $125 more a week than I am making now (salaried), a company truck w/ expense card, co. phone, and pay my personal health insurance. The company vehicle is basically a non issue where I work now as I am less than 10 miles from the office. For the position there it is a very valuable consideration....as is the phone and insurance.

The other company is almost four times the distance away. When I worked there before I was averaging between 40-55 hours a week.Including drive time I was away from the house generally about 60+ hours a week. So of course if I work that same schedule the pay on salary will be much less than based against a 40 hr week. I have not discussed final details on compensation for extended work weeks. It was mentioned that there would be something for "overtime" but as of yet its not hammered out.

When I worked at the other company I had to deal with lots of bad city traffic. I worked with a group of Europeans that if you haven't ever known any they can be extremely abrasive and rude. The boss (who is a good guy) was very picky about the way in which he wanted his work done. Not only the quality of the work, in which I always maintain a high quality standard, but just the exacting way he wanted things done. Overall I wasn't particularly happy there, and left to be closer to home among other things.

I will learn more there, be working more to my potential and using more of the knowledge I have gained in my field. There is much more potential for growth and more money down the road. Where I am currently is a small co. so the pay isn't as good, but I am the ground floor and am currently the Service manager/lead tech. As(or if )the company grows then all aspects of my current position will get better. The only serious drawback to where I am now other than lower pay is a personal problem (shared by all ) with the boss' wife. She is an armchair know it all, and its only a matter if time till it blows up into something possibly job threatening.

My current employer has made a counter offer that includes making me salaried, a slight increase in pay, and to give me a weeks paid vacation now instead of when it would be available in six more months.

Obviously y'all can't make the decision for me....I think more than anything I just needed to write everything down and see it. Other people's opinions on the matter can't hurt. My current job more than likely has countered all they have to offer. The other may have some room to work with.

So I guess to make it blunt, would you drive 4X farther to work for a company you weren't particularly happy with to make $125 more a week? Especially if you really could use the money?

05-04-2006, 05:21 PM
Id say if they want you bad enough to offer you all that, say I want an extra 200 a month, no company phone, and $50 a week compensation for traveling expenses

05-04-2006, 05:46 PM
I think I'd work where I'd be happier. It's nice when you wake up and want to go to work.

05-04-2006, 06:04 PM
I think I'd work where I'd be happier. It's nice when you wake up and want to go to work.

I couldn't agree more. There's no point in doing a job that you don't enjoy doing. Plus, if money is really that much of an issue, what about a second job?

Good luck!

05-04-2006, 06:05 PM
I wouldn't take it (necessarily). Ready for this. I would disclose the offer to your boss now, explain to them you are happier where you are but there is more money here as well as no additional expenses (company truck + gas card, etc). I'd see how close they are willing to come.

05-04-2006, 06:07 PM
I wouldn't take it (necessarily). Ready for this. I would disclose the offer to your boss now, explain to them you are happier where you are but there is more money here as well as no additional expenses (company truck + gas card, etc). I'd see how close they are willing to come.

My current employer has made a counter offer that includes making me salaried, a slight increase in pay, and to give me a weeks paid vacation now instead of when it would be available in six more months.

Took care of that already.

05-04-2006, 06:12 PM
Took care of that already.

My reading comprehension seems to have fallen as of late.... :) Good luck - 20HRs a week more (in travel time) for $125 is just over $6 an hour for your time, not worth it to me

05-05-2006, 05:59 PM
Funny thing about a job.
You can get a job you really like, but you dont like the people you work with.
Or you can get a job you hate, but you really like the people you work with.

But the hardest is to get both, a job you love and people to work with you enjoy being around.

I would stay where you are and avoid the bosses wife, if you like the people there.
If you get along fine with everyone else you can reel her in with doughnuts
or candy once in a while.
But no one in here is a prophet and can see the future so go with your gut instinct on it.

We are mini creators. We create our own atmospheres every day.
We can choose to be happy and have a positive outlook and attitude.
Or we can be negative and depressed.
I choose to be positive.
You do the same and you will get along with the bosses wife just fine.

05-05-2006, 09:39 PM
you could always be a gun runner :shooting:


sell meth to elementary kids :rofl:

05-05-2006, 10:35 PM
depends on what ur current salary is, wether it would be worth it to me..

50k or lower, and i would do it...
any higher, and its just not worth an extra 6000 bux...

05-06-2006, 01:52 PM
start playing jokes on the wife like on the office (if you dont watch that show you need to)
start puting nickels in there phone every day and then when it full take them all out and it will be so light that she hits her self in the face :rofl:

05-07-2006, 09:25 PM
even though i HATE to say it, i would go for the money.

thats just the position im in NOW, maybe you dont really need the extra money, so dont do it.

Recon by Fire
05-07-2006, 09:53 PM
More $$$ is always nice but it may not be worth it considering the extra drive time, traffic frustration, and the fuel cost! The added insurance covergae is a big plus (depending on the actual coverage).

05-08-2006, 12:58 AM
First, stay put. As said in an earlier post, more money isn't all it's cracked-up to be. Yes, most of us could definitely do with more money, but at what expense? I say stay put, because it sounds like you are more happy with the overall quality of life where you are currently.

Do you want to mix things up? Talk to your current boss regarding his wife. Explain to him (being gentle and cautious is very important here) how she makes you and your co-workers feel. Let him know your concerns. Shoot, ask him if it's possible for you to talk with her regarding these issues.

Having gone through State sponsored mediation with a troublesome-at-times employee has taught me a few things. The first being...You've got to speak up directly to that person. That doesn't mean be forceful or rude, but honesty matters. If the boss can't or doesn't want to deal with the way in which his spouse is interacting with his employees, get a car with a CD-player and buy lot's of books-on-tape.

You may also consider negotiating out the pay increase and in commute time reimbursement. That might cut-down on your time away from your family.

Best of luck, just don't always follow the money trail unless it's the right thing to do.