View Full Version : Is Winter going to effect my Paintballs

12-19-2001, 09:12 AM
I do live in Georgia so I can play year round, but I want to know whether the colder weather is going to make the balls more brittle. Will it be harder for them to break? We use Proball, Nelson, Anarchy, and ............Superswirls.:D

the JoKeR
12-19-2001, 09:54 AM
Yeah, those 60 degree December games can be horrible! :D Wear a scarf so you don't get too chilled!

In reality, the colder weather here in Wisconsin brings much dryer air, which could lead to brittle paint (see Tom's experiment on humidity and how it affects paintballs). Summer swells my balls, winter shrinks them :eek: Paintballs, that is. Get your mind out of the gutter! Unless you are dealing with extreme changes, I wouldn't worry too much. Maybe keep the extra paint in a sealed cooler to minimize air exchange and temp differntials. Or just shoot it as soon as you buy it!

12-19-2001, 11:36 AM
In the summer my balls seem to hang lower. In the winter they stay near the top. OF mY Breech ;)

the JoKeR
12-19-2001, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by skipdogg
In the summer my balls seem to hang lower. In the winter they stay near the top. OF mY Breech ;)

Must be the thick summer air keeping it down. In winter, it's thin (the air, sicko):p Shrinkage?:confused:

12-19-2001, 04:05 PM
In the winter, such as freezing cold 60deg SOCAL winters, I noticed that the paint does get more brittle!!! Now is it due to cold or dry weather I'm not sure!!! that's why I am participating in the humidity test, and following it closely!!

paint magnet
12-19-2001, 05:42 PM
Yeah, I live in South Carolina, people are still wearing shorts down here! 60 degrees-that's freezing cold! Brrrr:D When I shoot Proballs, the shells on them are so thick that I have even bounced one off of a car at the junkyard course at my local field!( www.redfoxgames.com ) I tried to chop one with my Tippmann on purpose, it pinched it and wouldn't break it, and that was with the RVA all the way in! 32 Degrees winter fill are made for winter, but I guess you kind of figured that out from the name.

12-19-2001, 06:20 PM
oh hell yes. It make ur paint smaller and alot more brittle. I did the break test on Tom Kaye's Tech Tips page and though ur supposed to drop it from 6 ft, i dropped it from 3 ft and splatt goes my Team Color. I dunno why i bought so many cases of paint... now they all super brittle, i'll have to make my gun LP before i can use em...

12-19-2001, 06:47 PM
i just played on sunday and it was about 50, and my proballs were likepaper. I had my mag ripping a string of about 12 or 13 feets a second of paint!! SUPER SOAKER RT... hmm i like that idea. Anyone try that RPS Polar ICE?

12-19-2001, 07:36 PM
polar ice are by far the best paintball when you wanna play below 50 they work real good. Just take marbs...put a different name on them...cool neon colors...and fill...and sprinkle magic cold resistent pixy dust = Polar Ice by RPS ;)