View Full Version : Developing New PB Goggle Design

05-05-2006, 04:09 PM
Dear AO,
I'm currently working with a team developing a new high-end goggle design for paintball. I wanted to get your input on what features you would like to see in this new mask. Thanks in advance for your input.


05-05-2006, 04:15 PM

1 anti fog
2. lightweight, nicely vented
3. formed tightly to the face
4. allows good communication
5. makes my head invisible, or deflects balls, whichever works better with the R&D budget
6. has built in headphones for my ipod/imag

oh, and is under $50 for at least 4 of those

lets see some drawings :headbang:

05-05-2006, 04:19 PM
the two most important features i look for are:

1) easy lens change
2) low cost replacement lens (while still being safe obviously)

everything else is icing on the cake.

Stealth Fighter
05-05-2006, 04:29 PM

Most mask companies overlook this, the Vents system have tiny little holes around the mouth, while the Profiler has been riduculed for it's bad ventilation, but the Vents system doesn't look any better, in fact it looks worse.

The pro-flex and invision are the closest I have come to good ventilation,

05-05-2006, 04:30 PM
all that plus it looks cool

05-05-2006, 05:33 PM
Personally I like to see a mask that has

Soft foam goggle pieces
Strap that stays adjusted
Comes down under chin
About an inch from my mouth
Easy to change lens
Good side of head protection
Full 180*+ vision

05-05-2006, 05:42 PM
Gotta have a HUD with all sorts of information like:

weather conditions
shots left in hopper/tank
vitals like body temp/heart rate/blood pressure
topographical map of playing field with bunker and enemy locations (radar dawg)
built in mp3 player
radio transmitter/receiver (to communicate with team mates)
small sighting scope connected to HUD projector to zoom in on targets
wireless internet, ya know for chat/browsing and what not while you're waiting for the game to start


05-05-2006, 05:53 PM
Must haves:
1. Meets safety standards
2. High degree of peripheral vision
3. Little to no lense distortion
4. Good ventilation
5. Aesthetics

Nice to have:
1. Easily changable lenses
2. Low profile
3. Close fit
4. Comfortable fit
5. flexible

Don't really need to have but would be cool anyway:
1. Multiple color combinations
2. Some cool gimmick
3. A cool name

05-05-2006, 06:24 PM
Me and a friend of mine have been working on this new goggle design for two years. We're so tired of the goggles that are out there and thought it was time for a change... a new concept... something Mag-nificent ;)

Finally, after all the hard work and brain storming, things are coming together. Very soon we'll present our new design to everyone. But I would like to share the design with you, the AO community, first. We're just putting in the final touches.

If we can't incorporate your ideas in this first version... maybe we can include them in the next generation. Thank you for your input and keep those ideas coming!


05-05-2006, 06:42 PM
-Have it be a system in 3 pieces:
The main part being the goggle, have several types, options being: all different for face sizes, built RX glasses (I think a certain JT goggle had that), fan, padding material (like velvet rubber or foam)

Upper and lower parts have different sizes vent holes, hearing ability, chin straps, have different styles depending on situation like ear muffs in the winter, or a drink bladder, or mister in the summer. different levels of neck protection etc

Make sure you don't forget about those who wear glasses :dance:

05-05-2006, 07:30 PM
Ok, I'll bring up something that no one else has

The foam/padding. I hate it when it gets all disgusting and soaked. But I hate the other plasticky feeling garbage that irritates the skin under my eyes.

Find me stuff that doesn't get soaked with sweat and doesn't leave a rash and I'll be extremely interested.

05-05-2006, 07:37 PM
I say it must be comfortable, no rubber parts stabbing you in the jawbone

it has to look good, easy lens changing Id like some mouth protection, all to often do I get shots in the mask at the mouth and wind up with a bloody lip (blood and paint mix doesnt taste so good). light, and good protection areas... I dont want to get shot on my jaw or right on my forehead...

Mirrored lenses are sick btw!!!

05-05-2006, 07:47 PM
Something for the lense so it doesnt get blurry when you clean it. :) (Like spray.)

05-05-2006, 08:54 PM
Room for my broken nose.

05-05-2006, 08:58 PM
Room for my broken nose.
That deserves a topic... lol :D

05-05-2006, 09:14 PM
for glasses wearers, you could incorporate some sort of prescription inserts system like some shooting glasses


to make it cheaper for the mask, you could even make it so that they use the exact same kind of inserts that shooting glasses use. that way, its one less thing for you to manufacture, and you don't necessarily have to bundle it together with the mask. those who want them can just buy the ones for the shooting glasses.

05-05-2006, 11:34 PM
I wear glasses, and I can't wear contacts because I've had too much damage done to my eyes when I was young and immortal (c:

I want good, quiet mask fans that aren't a PITA to change (like JT). I just made some for my JT mask with external battery, speed control, and two 25mm fans inside the shroud. I'll post pictures in a couple of days in Workshop.

There are a lot of us older guys who still wear glasses. Don't forget us recballes and don't concentrate everything on speedball.

05-06-2006, 12:28 AM
one thing about ventilation, i don't like it when the vents form nice scoops that aim paint right at your mouth when you get a mask hit.

i think it would be awsome to be able to encorperate some sort of headphone system (maybe a mic system too).

small profile and flexability are nice aspects to have.


05-06-2006, 01:45 AM
give me some time (it's currently AP testing) and ill draw up some ideas that I've been thinking of

just consider this post a tag for future reference:

but to be on topic, things i would look for:

1) foam that is soft to conform but still support the mask
2) Light mask
3) Tight profile // doesn't sit way out in front
4) Good ventilation
5) Peripheral vision

05-06-2006, 08:44 AM
Dear AO,
I'm currently working with a team developing a new high-end goggle design for paintball. I wanted to get your input on what features you would like to see in this new mask. Thanks in advance for your input.


Sweat Absorbing Foam.

05-06-2006, 12:49 PM
-good field of vision
-voice projection (profilers really echo back into your own ears so you think your loud, even if your not, which is not good)
-for high end, i would want something that would encourage bounces
-anti fog
-small (events size is nice)
-be able to breathe really well

05-06-2006, 12:53 PM
i personally think e-vents with slightly better breathability and more customizable....would be perfect.