View Full Version : Pump Gun Help Plz look quick

05-06-2006, 10:27 PM
i was thinking about getting a minimag stock and upgrading it to shoot as fast as i could. but then i thought that i am going to be going to college soon and i still wanna paintball so 60-80 doallars per time wont be that practical so im thinking about getting a pump. I was wondering how fun they are and if its a love it or hate it kinda thing. unfortunatley i have never played with one and only seen like 2 cuz my freinds like going as fast as possible and accuracy by volume.

could i get a decent pump for like 200 or 250 i would like a mag pump (i like the simplicity of the mag design) but wouldnt be opposed to something different but just as effective and good looking. are they a pain to find becasue there dont seem to be that many in the classifieds or do you just have to know where to look? are you kinda of forced to be a back player becasue you shoot so slow or is front ok to play with (what i do now). i am also primarily a woodsball player if that makes any difference.

any info from previous pump players would be great or any info period would be nice too.


also what are good brands to look out for and how much does a good barrel set go for (like with the paint matching barrell and the after barrell 9sorry dont know the exact names ))

05-06-2006, 10:47 PM
They are a pain to find, I've seen prices around $350. Personally, I think you'd be best off with a Phantom or a Sniper. The Phantom is a great gun because it's CO2 compatible and there are a ton of ways you can set it up to suit your mood.

05-06-2006, 10:50 PM
can phantoms change barrells cuz all the pics ive been looking at look to have the same barrells

is the Sniper an autococker

05-06-2006, 11:11 PM
The really old Phantoms have the body and barrel as one piece, but on the vast majority of Phantoms you can change the barrel. The stock barrel is really good, and you can use the detent rings with it. That's the most cost effective way, but I don't think it works well at all unless you use really good paint. And yes, snipers are pump autocockers.

05-06-2006, 11:32 PM
im liking the autococker look more than the phantom anybody know of any reliability or like issues to be concerned with?

05-06-2006, 11:50 PM
is the inconstistency with CO2 (small tanks and 12 grams) a big deal with pumps cuz i cant find any HPA tanks that are small

05-07-2006, 01:11 AM
i cant find any HPA tanks that are small

Here is a 13cu hpa tank........ this is the only place I have found them at, and they're expensive, but check it out, you might be able to find them cheaper somewhere else.


05-07-2006, 08:35 AM
if you like mags go for a phantom its a single tube gun with the valve in the back just like a mag i have used a phantom only for a year now and i never regret it this is my second one and well the are reliable never break down and be the way dont use hpa on phantom they dont need it they are built for c02 and never need hpa, they are even louder on hpa

as for the barrel its one of the best barrels in the buisness it has a .690 bore size and is perfect but if you want after market you can get lapco barrel(i highly recomend them) you can find older dye barrels but those are pricey, j&j makes barrels for them, white wolf does both frantom (freak kit in a phantom barrel) and stock barrels bored to accept freak inserts, and ccm makes carbon fiber barrels for them, also cci made a carbojn fiber barrel very nice and very expensive wond go for under 200 if you find one, and then there are many others but not massed produced

sorry for grammer

05-07-2006, 11:39 AM
Here's a line on one. Also Hit up wevo (stock class apintball .com), Joe at white wolf airsmithing, or angelpena at the phog site if you want a great deal.. All three are good .


05-07-2006, 12:44 PM
Any dealer at the Phog is going to be your best bet on pump gear at good prices, and reliability as well. I cant really reccomend Joe at Whitewolf, I tried contacting about just a simple order on a barrel, and he never got back to me.

05-07-2006, 01:25 PM
order from wevo it will get to you within 3 days and hes just an awesome guy www.wevopaintball.com or pm him at www.stockclasspaintaball.com

05-07-2006, 04:46 PM
thanks for all the replys guys
so the consensus is to go with a phantom?

i kept looking and they arent that bad looking after all

and they look simple as hell to operate (the inner workings)

also how exaclty do the balls go into the gun , i know from the top but is there a spring in the tube or is it just gravity? cuz it seems like you would have to be parralle or pointing down a little bit to keep getting balls?

05-07-2006, 09:55 PM
is the Sniper an autocockerThe Autococker is a Sniper actually (c: It's a modified Sniper pump, that's what all that plumbing on the front does, takes the place of a pump.

I have a 'Cocker with a White Wolf Airsmithing pump and it's awesome. I played with it just yesterday. It's as nice as it gets.

The thing is about 'Cockers these days ... they're cheap and easy to find. Even high end ones are cheap used, they seem to have gone out of fashion. There's gotta be like, a million out there. The pump handles themselves are $30 to $60 dollars, which isn't bad at all. Of course, there are also a million upgrades you can do to a 'Cocker too.

Price to performance ratio ... I don't think you can beat a Sniper.

05-07-2006, 10:35 PM
i really want a phantom but it think i will be getting a sniper becase of what was said above (price and avalibiltiy of parts)

and from what ive heard the gun doesnt make that mcuh of a diff on accuracy only the barrels and the boresizing does
am i right?

05-07-2006, 11:01 PM
i really want a phantom but it think i will be getting a sniper becase of what was said above (price and avalibiltiy of parts)

and from what ive heard the gun doesnt make that mcuh of a diff on accuracy only the barrels and the boresizing does
am i right?

Actually the gun does make a diffrence. air consistancy, paint, a paint-to-bore match are the key's. what kind of barrel and what length is all preference. A pump is more accurate than a semi because the air only pushes the ball out the barrel ware as a semi recocks the gun AND shoots the ball.

There is a whole HUGE explination on this but fankly I'm tired and if you really want to know you can PM me and I'll tell you tomarrow.

If i were you I'd keep looking for that pump automag. A nice medium between a cocker and phantom + you'll be one of the few.

05-07-2006, 11:39 PM
ya pumpmags r damn expesive. the cheapest one i saw on a search was 350 and it was just ok looking and didnt have much stuff upgraded.

but ya ill PM you about that explanation

05-08-2006, 09:24 AM
If your mates like to shoot paint by volume, all you gotta do is ask them to look in their closet and I will bet they have an old broken autococker in there.
Everyone who has been playing paintball for at least 5 years has a broken autococker.

Figure out what year it is and goto www.chipleymachine.com, order yourself a pump kit.
Think thats the cheapest way to go, and those pump kits are very smooth. I put a dye pump together and its the bomb!

05-08-2006, 10:07 AM
First off there are basically 2 schools of thought when it comes to playing pump, stock class and non- stock class. The major difference being stock class uses 12g CO2 to power the gun, tubes to reload, and are "rock and cock" (you have to tip the gun to get the next ball to load). Auto-trigger is not allowed

A non-stock class gun can use a regular hopper, whatever tank you want, and can have an auto-trigger (if you hold the trigger down and cycle the pump, it will shoot a ball)

While I will agree that Phantoms and Snipers are really good pumps, you don't even need to spend that much. I have a Tippmann sl-68 that is probably 15 years old. It used to be a rental gun so it was used quite a bit. All I needed to do was replace one o-ring and ir shoots just fine. I paid $20 plus $3 for an o-ring kit.

You should look on Mcarterbrown, or stockclass paintball forums for good used guns. Both communities are very helpfull

05-08-2006, 10:54 AM
Phantoms are actually outstripping snipers in terms of parts availability. That is to say, the phantom is still in production, where the sniper is not. Then again, the only thing that is getting slightly harder to find for the cocker is a pump kit.

Personally i love the phantom. Most people opt for the stock barrel and a detent ring kit, however i find them too easy to lose. If you dont lose them they work great though. Plus they can be set up in nearly every configuration you can think of: Hopper right, left, or center... 15 or 12 round tube right, left, or center. Bulk tank on a drop or backbottle, 12 grams hawaiian style, vertical, as a changer on a backbottle, or with a dropout valve body. Pretty much anything goes.

Everyone who has been playing paintball for at least 5 years has a broken autococker.

That is disturbingly true...

xtreme paintball
05-08-2006, 02:48 PM
Ya know, if you're looking into getting a pump, you should take a look at the Tippmann C3.

I know this is gonna sound weird - id did to me at first, too - but it runs on propane.
Apparently, propane shoots as smoothly and consistently at HPA, isnt affected by temperature, and -this sound too good to be true- gets 50,000 shots per tank.

They run off the little 16oz propane tanks you buy at X-mart, which cost about $5.

They run for about $200 at Action Village (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=40wtZz9nxIQtfXs4QaLtzzXB62Horgu7eO0=?Pro ductID=cjzAqArb8g4AAAEHVVQPTApk)

You can also get more info about it on the Tippmann Forum (http://www.tippmann.com/forum/wwf77a/default.asp)

05-08-2006, 03:16 PM
Ya know, if you're looking into getting a pump, you should take a look at the Tippmann C3.

I know this is gonna sound weird - id did to me at first, too - but it runs on propane.
Apparently, propane shoots as smoothly and consistently at HPA, isnt affected by temperature, and -this sound too good to be true- gets 50,000 shots per tank.

They run off the little 16oz propane tanks you buy at X-mart, which cost about $5.

They run for about $200 at Action Village (http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/eCS/Store/en/-/USD/DisplayProductInformation-Start;sid=40wtZz9nxIQtfXs4QaLtzzXB62Horgu7eO0=?Pro ductID=cjzAqArb8g4AAAEHVVQPTApk)

You can also get more info about it on the Tippmann Forum (http://www.tippmann.com/forum/wwf77a/default.asp)

from what I have heard, the pump stroke is very long on those.

05-09-2006, 12:37 AM
ya my friends defiantley dont have any extra autocockers in their closets unfortunatley. but ya how much would i expect to pay for one like you described (maybe a little something broken or the body beat to hell) like 50 or 60 or less?

05-09-2006, 09:34 AM
Here is my experience with all kinds of pumps. Unfortunately I haven't used a Phantom yet, but I have used many other similar designed pumps (Line SI Bushy, Hammer, Derringer Mach II, Bladerunner, Outlaw 2). I currently own a pump Mag and I love it. My brother has owned two Sniper 2's and they are absolutely amazing pumps. Here are some factors to keep in mind. I love my pump Mag, but if I ever sold it I would get a Sniper 2. With the right valve, springs, and components, you can get a nice low pressure Sniper that runs on CO2 and has some of the best trajectory that I have ever seen. The downfall to both the P-Mag and the Sniper 2 is your rate of fire. If you want to have the ability to shoot a bunch quickly, you will not be able to do this without an auto-trigger. Most pumps, like a Phantom, are capable of this where you just hold down the trigger and keep pumping. The P-Mag cannot do this, but an auto-trigger kit can be added to a Sniper 2 so it is capable of doing this.

Phantoms are great guns and thanks to Punisher and others who make custom parts for them, you can set them up in numerous different fasions. The Sniper 2 can and will accept all Autococker parts/pieces. So, if you want a different trigger frame, place, springs, valve, back block, barrel, bolt, bidy, hammer, rods, detent, etc. you can get them no problem. The Phantom is easily made into a stock class gun, where the Sniper 2 would require a special removeable feed system.

Still yet, the P-Mag is a classic and if you are a Mag man, then you will appreciate it and enjoy it. It is easier to pump than any other pump gun on the market (with the exception of a Sniper SHO and a Sniper with aftermarket springs). However, as you have seen, they are expensive, but you can find the parts you need to build your own P-Mag.

An older RF Cocker can be purchased for around $100 or less. Then all you have to do is find a pump kit that will work on it for around $30 - $60. You could practically build a Sniper 2 for under $175 (and possibly under $150).

It all comes down to preference and what you are comfortable with. I have stuck with the P-Mag because all the guns I own are Mags. I can play pump, mech, or electric with my Mags, so I can now fit in every style of play that could potentially come my way and still flaunt a Mag in every case :D

05-09-2006, 09:40 AM
ya my friends defiantley dont have any extra autocockers in their closets unfortunatley. but ya how much would i expect to pay for one like you described (maybe a little something broken or the body beat to hell) like 50 or 60 or less?

It all depends what is available since we are talking about people selling off their personal items. Right now there are a couple of really nice Phantoms and others for $150 or less and some snipers at www.mcarterbrown.com under the Buying/Selling rare- old guns section. If that's still out of your price range, pm me and I might be willing to part with one of my pumps (I do have 3 after all)

is the inconstistency with CO2 (small tanks and 12 grams) a big deal with pumps cuz i cant find any HPA tanks that are small

You aren't really firing fast enough for it to matter. In fact I believe CO2 is actually a better propellant, but these guns were desinged to run off of it.

As for the whole accurancy thing, no gun is inheriently more accurate than any other. Period. The myth that pumps are more accurate come from the fact that most pump players are much more selective in their shot choice since they pretty much only have one shot until they need to load another ball.

05-09-2006, 02:54 PM
i kinda want a stock sniper so i can modify it myself and so i can learn how it operates better.

but thats a ton for all the info guys it has helped a ton

05-10-2006, 09:20 AM
One thing since you are looking the Sniper route, there is a difference between the pre-2000 bodies and the later ones. Unless you want to experiment with springs, you'l need a regulator to run a post 2K while a pre-2K can run CO2 direct without one.

If you end up building one, White Wolf Airsmithing, Chipley Custom Machines, and WGP make off the shelf pump kits for converting.

05-10-2006, 02:53 PM
oh thanks for that bit of knolwedge since i probly will be using a pre 2000 that saved me alil bit of mone

05-10-2006, 03:48 PM
that goes for running off CO2 only. If you are using HPA you'll need a reg on there.

Personally I love the look of a sniper with a 12g bucket changer as a foregrip.

05-11-2006, 05:10 PM
ya im gonna use a 3.5 oz tank cuz 12grams just look like a pain and i wont be playing tournys or anything just rec so ya i wanna have a lil time before each refill. what do you get like 250 shots off one???

05-11-2006, 09:49 PM
I get an avrage of 600 on my triad witha 8oz of Co2.

05-12-2006, 12:17 PM
Take this advice from someone who only plays with a semi twice a year.

Pump play is fun but don't expect it to be a magic solution for you. If all you want to do is save paint, there's an easy way to do it. You can shoot less paint in a day simply by switching to a smaller hopper and/or not carrying pods. Without the opportunity to throw as much paint as you want, you will be forced to take shots more conservatively. The de facto standard for limited paint play is 40 rounds of paint per game, regardless of how many opponents there are. (40 rounds is so chosen because it is the approximate capacity of "pocket hoppers" and the old Ammo Boxes)

Playing pump just slows down how quickly you can shoot (and even at that, many pumps are as fast or faster than semis).

I know pump players that throw more paint than some semi- players so don't think that having a pump is a panacea for your paint addiction.

Pump play, in my opinion, is fun because the equipment is just more fun to operate. Nothin' says, "Let's go!" like a *chock, chick!* before the break. It's a limitation and it's fun if you want to play with that limitation. Kindof like playing golf and always hitting from the farthest tees even though it's more difficult.

If you want to handicap yourself, simply ask yourself how you want to be handicapped and then find the equipment that suits you.
If all you want to do is shoot less paint in a day, change your habits, not your gear.

And do yourself a favor and try a pump out sometime. You might just like it...

05-12-2006, 01:18 PM
Another option is to play "hopper ball" where you take out only what fits in your hopper, also forcing you to be more conservative. If you can get everyone on the field to play along, so much the better. It also helps to reinforce shot control

05-12-2006, 05:19 PM
ya paint was an underlying reason but the primary is becasue nobody i know has one and they look fun as hell to play with (making each shot count and tagging people with 1500 dollar guns) and the second reason is because im gettin a lil tired of my prolite (up for sale (pm me about the ups on it or price)or trade for and autococker, information for whoever reads this)