View Full Version : ULE & lvlX question in a Minimag

05-08-2006, 12:15 PM
Hey Guys..

Sorry about this post for now.. I havent had a chance to sit down and re-read the ULE and lvlX Thread.. I hope to do that over this next week, UNLESS some one knows the answer here.

Basically here is the situation.

Minimag with lvl7 valve. I added the lvl10 bolt, got it basically working.
Picked up a ULE trigger kit, put it in and actually had it walking a couple of times! I was so impressed! But it only did it twice.. Any ways, at a tourney I had some troubles and pulled the LvlX out because it was sticking and only 1/2 firing..

Now this was almost 1.5 years ago when this happened, I have been away since then basically.. Now I want to play again and want to get it all working.. Some one had once mentioned to me that one of the problems I might be having is with the REG springs, does this sound right? I seem to faitly remember looking it up and seeing the springs where like $11 from AGD..

I plan on digging the rig out, re-oiling the whole thing and trying to get it working again.. My next game is not for another month so I hope to have it running just fine by then..

Any idea's guys? :)
Yes, I will start re-reading the Lvl10 thread and the ULE thread again, I PROMISE! :)

05-08-2006, 12:22 PM
Ack.. Ok, I think I figured it out..
(man my brain hurts from trying to remember it all!)

The thing is I run HPA, I believe the issue was the piston (http://store.airgun.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.prodInfo&productID=30&categoryID=18).. I think that was part of the problem.. I am going to pick one up right away and see if that helps clear up the problem..

05-08-2006, 01:35 PM
and, you may be short stroking the trigger with the ult.

05-08-2006, 01:44 PM
and, you may be short stroking the trigger with the ult.

This is the only time mine has given me any trouble. Once you get that Level 10 & ULT setup properly if you wind up having the occassional "stickage" I believe it is almost always a shortstroke in my case. Just have to become better with the Mag trigger I guess!

05-08-2006, 06:54 PM
Well the more I thought about it today the more things came back to me (SLOWLY LOL)

basically I remember that I had it down to the LVL10 working, the ULE working, but to really keep it rocking I found I had to push up the pressure that my tank was putting out (fully adjustable reg on the tank), When I turned it up I found that it would leak air out the back when I would attempt to turn up the speed. With the leaking the thing ROCKED! but didnt like the leaking.. Then I believe some one had mentioned that I need to replace the piston in the valve because it wasnt able to handle the air pressure being put into it. They did say that the AIR valved loved more pressure! So I guess I should take it from there..