View Full Version : New ION what Now?

05-09-2006, 12:13 AM
I just ordered a New ION bone stock..... I have a 68/4500 and a 16" stiffi on the way already I am pretty sure I am gonna need a HALO hopper for this gun. But besides tthose what do I need to make this gun bad A$$ and around how much is it gonna cost me... parts/cost list would be very helpful... thanks guys!!! :cheers:

05-09-2006, 12:24 AM
i sold my soul..I just ordered a piece of junk ION bone stock..... I have a 68/4500 and a 16" stiffi on the way already I am pretty sure I am gonna need a HALO hopper for this gun. But besides tthose what do I need to make this gun worth even having near a paintball field.. and around how much is it gonna cost me... parts/cost list would be very helpful... im porr its all i could afford...:cheers:

t board / black heart board

hell sell the piece of junk...

05-09-2006, 12:36 AM
t board / black heart board

hell sell the piece of junk...

Wow...I actually saw the title and was coming in to say sell it.

rudzy beat me to the punch....but I guess I'm used to him beating me...

NDZ roller trigger...clamping feed...on/off rail.

05-09-2006, 12:38 AM
Uh, If you're planning on spending money upgrading it to a "tourney level" marker, you're going to spend as much money as a "tourney level" marker anyways, and you're going to take a Major hit in resale price, like 50% or less of what you put into it. I would advise using it for awhile, maybe selling it down the road, when you want to upgrade, and spend the extra money on last year's $1000 marker. You can get GREAT deals nowadays.

Sounds like you have a pretty decent starting system right there, stick around these message boards, its nice here.

05-09-2006, 12:43 AM

-Nothing to do with the ion anymore-

:cuss: it.

I'm tired of unnecessary putdowns.

05-09-2006, 04:30 AM
Don't forget the stickers. They will add at least 2-3 bps depending on placement. At least thats what I've heard from some of the 12 year old pros at the field.

05-09-2006, 06:29 AM
All i can say:


stop whining buy a mag
05-09-2006, 06:46 AM
You'll also want to look at getting new grips. The stock ones suck and even the ProTouch grips that SP makes aren't that great. Get some Stickys.

Most of what MoeMag said is correct except on the Halo part. The Halo has a spring in the drive cone that constantly puts pressure on the balls. This reduces any "lag time" that would be there if the the spring wasn't there. You can get a ripped Halo for $110. You'll probably want to get a 9V mod also. If you don't want to deal with any of the Halo/Reloader problems, get a Vlocity.

Besides the Virtue and Black Heart board, you can also get the T-Board. I believe they cost $60 and do just about everything. The big thing you need is a board that can be capped for 15.3 BPS ramping. You don't need any gay breakout modes etc because no field allows them. The price tag on the Virtue board makes it really unappealing.

Switch out the stock reg for a CP Reg. Dump the stock feedneck for a Q-Lock or CCM. Take off that nasty ASA and get a CP direct mount (or whatever floats your boat). Changing out the bolt is really not necessary. A QEV is essential along with a new trigger. NDZ and CP make the best triggers for Ions. Lots of people invest in a new body. I think PL makes a nice looking body at a fair price. They aren't that flashy but come in plenty of colors.

Basically, you were better off buying all the pieces seperately and assembling a new Ion yourself!
Ion=Worst investment ever for a serious player.

05-09-2006, 12:21 PM
This gun is going to be my backup gun... I am old fashioned it took me an arm and a leg just to want to get an "E" based gun. I bought my RT PRO CLASSIC last week with level 10 kit, ULT,WL ULE main body with warpfeed. The Automag comes first...hehe. Also just to add to that I got the Freak kit and having trouble with that damn thing I just suck at chambering the balls I guess. Again this is a backup gun that just sits in dust with my .68 Classic, so no extreme expensive mods just ones to show me love!! :dance:

05-09-2006, 12:29 PM
All you need, then, is Q-Lock, on/off asa of choice, Violent Products Scythe trigger, aftermarket detents, and QEV. Done.

The stock regulator is not that bad on them, people just don't wait on them to break in. You might tear it down and relube it to begin with. On the ION I had, it was pretty dry out of the box and had a bad seal. After I did that, mine performed great. I would shoot a few cases through it before you dropped $60-100 on a new HPR.

05-09-2006, 12:40 PM
This gun is going to be my backup gun... I am old fashioned it took me an arm and a leg just to want to get an "E" based gun. I bought my RT PRO CLASSIC last week with level 10 kit, ULT,WL ULE main body with warpfeed. The Automag comes first...hehe. Also just to add to that I got the Freak kit and having trouble with that damn thing I just suck at chambering the balls I guess. Again this is a backup gun that just sits in dust with my .68 Classic, so no extreme expensive mods just ones to show me love!! :dance:

Locking feedneck and done... backup gun...

05-09-2006, 01:43 PM
t board / black heart board

hell sell the piece of junk...


05-09-2006, 02:27 PM
Wow...I actually saw the title and was coming in to say sell it.

rudzy beat me to the punch....but I guess I'm used to him beating me...

NDZ roller trigger...clamping feed...on/off rail.

Boy get back in your cage or I'm gettin my whip.....

05-09-2006, 03:03 PM
I dont know why people hate ions so much.

As far as upgrades, in my opinon, a new barrel, reg and a qev. The stock feedneck is fine, put your hopper in it, wrap some ductape about it and omg a locking feedneck. New boards aren't needed IMO, prolly cuz the hopper i use and will always use no matter what is a revvy, so for me it would be pretty pointless. Dumping more money then those 3 tings into an ion wouldn't really be worth it, spend all the money you saved on playing and getting better. The gun doesn't make the player.

05-09-2006, 03:27 PM
I dont know why people hate ions so much.
Because its utter crap I bought one for the hell of it and to use its pneumatics ;) I've never seen anything with fit and finish so bad. I'd use the valve and thats about it and build from parts.

05-09-2006, 03:35 PM
Ahh my area of expertise selling ION upgrades.

Welcome to owning a new ion. Perhaps the most hated and appreciated gun on the market.

Excellent choice on the tank and the barrel selection. You wont regret it.

Usually the first thing I tell people is to get a new feed neck. Now you will be going with either a halo or an empire reloader b ( I will get into that in a minute), regardless of your choice if you stick with your stock feed neck you will have to sand down the hoppers feed tube so that it will fit. Now some people don’t care one bit about doing this, but for those who cringe at the thought of taking sandpaper to a brand new $100+ piece of equipment in fear of breaking it… a new feed neck is something you may want to look into. First choice in my book would be the smart parts q-lock. This thing is made by smart parts thus fits the ion quite well. There are other options such as hybrid and a few other companies but that is completely up to you and regardless of your choice you are looking at a $40-$50 price range.

Next, you need to know about a QEV (Quick Exhaust Valve). Now all this thing does is allow for the air that is in the way of the bolt when it goes to release, to be evacuated. It is a lot faster than just allowing the air to flow back into the solenoid and adding back pressure and thus creating more resistance and making the marker slower than it is capable of firing. So get a QEV these things are cheap and I suggest getting one made by eclipse. They should run you about $25 from a local shop.

After you did that, you now have better efficiency, but so what you still have the same old stock board. Well check out the blackheart or virtue boards for ions. Both of these things are an excellent upgrade for an ion. They allow for more modes such as NXL, PSP, and if you go with the virtue… breakout mode. A fella at the shop was the first to have a virtue-boarded ion and that thing really rocks. If you can get your hands on one I really suggest it. But if you cant the blackheart is a great board that will more than suit your needs. You are looking at about $90 for the black heart and about $140 for the virtue board. Definitely worth the $$$

So this is where a lot of people start talking about the new orange bolt. Big whoopty do. Stay away from those damn things more aftermarket stuff equals more problems. Yeah they are lighter but so what. The added benefit from the reduced kick for the price tag in my opinion is not worth it. I place bolt upgrades up with cosmetic upgrades… do it if it floats your boat.

So now you have a QEV and a new board (hopefully virtue board), you need something that can feed that beast. You can start with a basic halo for about $100. Remember though that a halo is based on an eye system… it only starts feeding when it DOES NOT see a ball. That means it feeds only when there is a break in the feed, leading to a little bit of lag time. To get around this go with the empire B. this thing is sound activated so it stars feeding when the gun fires. It doesn’t wait for there to be a break in the feed stream it just stars feeding and thus has a faster reaction time that at 20+ bps with those new boards really does count. Another added bonus is that the empire B comes with a rip drive (a manual override for when the unimaginable happens… dead batteries or a jam) and the stock board has three variable speed settings, though it will usually run about $50 more than the halo. But in the end it really doesn’t matter which one you get because you could drop the victory board or the new B2 board into a halo or empire and get one smoking hopper. Oh yeah run a search for my thread on the speed wheel… that is one really nice little upgrade for either loader.

Well I think that just about covers all the major performance enhancing upgrades. Anything other than that is just stuff.

Have fun with your new gun!

lol, expertise my ***.

You need to have a better knowledge of ions and there parts before you give any advice.

When it comes to a QEV dont go with the eclipse. Go with a QEV that has a quick disconnect or go with a SP 360 QEV which swivels like a banjo making installation and removal a breeze.

Unless your gonna be playing in tournies or just wanna mess around with a lot of modes dont bother buying a new board. Virtue boards and BH boards are very nice but def not your best option. Go with the T-Board from www.scenariodreams.com. Not only does it cost less than both the others but it has all the same modes.

When it comes to bolts they do actually help. Not only do they reduce kick but they do increase efficiency. The Nano bolt along with the L6 are good options. If your worried about price go with the firebolt or get your stock bolt modded (PM me if you want info on this).

My suggestion on parts to get first would be barrel (which you got), feedneck, on/off, QEV, bolt, trigger. Those arent really in any specific order.

The stock reg and board do fine. After you get a little extra cash you may wanna look into getting a new board or reg but its not needed right off the bat.

Ions are not bad crap guns. Witht he right upgrades they can perform just as good as anythign else out and also have decent resale.

If you need anythign else ion related lmk.

05-09-2006, 03:41 PM
A pump kit?

05-09-2006, 03:42 PM
That would be really cool but i doubt itd ever happen.

05-09-2006, 03:49 PM
Boy get back in your cage or I'm gettin my whip.....

Ooo... :rolleyes:

05-09-2006, 04:28 PM
Ahh my area of expertise selling ION upgrades.

Welcome to owning a new ion. Perhaps the most hated and appreciated gun on the market.

Excellent choice on the tank and the barrel selection. You wont regret it.

Usually the first thing I tell people is to get a new feed neck. Now you will be going with either a halo or an empire reloader b ( I will get into that in a minute), regardless of your choice if you stick with your stock feed neck you will have to sand down the hoppers feed tube so that it will fit. Now some people don’t care one bit about doing this, but for those who cringe at the thought of taking sandpaper to a brand new $100+ piece of equipment in fear of breaking it… a new feed neck is something you may want to look into. First choice in my book would be the smart parts q-lock. This thing is made by smart parts thus fits the ion quite well. There are other options such as hybrid and a few other companies but that is completely up to you and regardless of your choice you are looking at a $40-$50 price range.

Next, you need to know about a QEV (Quick Exhaust Valve). Now all this thing does is allow for the air that is in the way of the bolt when it goes to release, to be evacuated. It is a lot faster than just allowing the air to flow back into the solenoid and adding back pressure and thus creating more resistance and making the marker slower than it is capable of firing. So get a QEV these things are cheap and I suggest getting one made by eclipse. They should run you about $25 from a local shop.

After you did that, you now have better efficiency, but so what you still have the same old stock board. Well check out the blackheart or virtue boards for ions. Both of these things are an excellent upgrade for an ion. They allow for more modes such as NXL, PSP, and if you go with the virtue… breakout mode. A fella at the shop was the first to have a virtue-boarded ion and that thing really rocks. If you can get your hands on one I really suggest it. But if you cant the blackheart is a great board that will more than suit your needs. You are looking at about $90 for the black heart and about $140 for the virtue board. Definitely worth the $$$

So this is where a lot of people start talking about the new orange bolt. Big whoopty do. Stay away from those damn things more aftermarket stuff equals more problems. Yeah they are lighter but so what. The added benefit from the reduced kick for the price tag in my opinion is not worth it. I place bolt upgrades up with cosmetic upgrades… do it if it floats your boat.

So now you have a QEV and a new board (hopefully virtue board), you need something that can feed that beast. You can start with a basic halo for about $100. Remember though that a halo is based on an eye system… it only starts feeding when it DOES NOT see a ball. That means it feeds only when there is a break in the feed, leading to a little bit of lag time. To get around this go with the empire B. this thing is sound activated so it stars feeding when the gun fires. It doesn’t wait for there to be a break in the feed stream it just stars feeding and thus has a faster reaction time that at 20+ bps with those new boards really does count. Another added bonus is that the empire B comes with a rip drive (a manual override for when the unimaginable happens… dead batteries or a jam) and the stock board has three variable speed settings, though it will usually run about $50 more than the halo. But in the end it really doesn’t matter which one you get because you could drop the victory board or the new B2 board into a halo or empire and get one smoking hopper. Oh yeah run a search for my thread on the speed wheel… that is one really nice little upgrade for either loader.

Well I think that just about covers all the major performance enhancing upgrades. Anything other than that is just stuff.

Have fun with your new gun!

I agree completly with this post...and in that order.

I have been known to knock Ion's...I am not a huge fan, but one simply cannot deny the effectiveness and value. Great for the price and well out of its price range in performance. I have been shot up by too many of these to ignore what they have done for the average ballers basic equipment.

05-09-2006, 05:00 PM
I am going to purchase A new VISION shocker for my primary now and leave the ION bone stock. I think that is a little bit smarter... Any bad comments on that?

05-09-2006, 05:01 PM
New feedneck, a barrel and youre set. I dont really understand how that isnt a "tourney level marker". 15 bps will lose a tournament for you? Im not sure I follow...

05-09-2006, 05:18 PM
I am eventually getting into tourney again I have been out for 5 years due to money issues now I am back in the great world of paintball and o yeah I do got the money now hehe... :dance:

05-09-2006, 05:21 PM
well, since you have air/barrel/loader. I would say, get a new feedneck, but, thats about it. There is nothing wrong about the stock trigger that will slow you down (no, its not great, but, it shoots paint when you pull it dosent it?), stock reg is fine, stock board is fine, ect. My personal opinion would be a feedneck, and, thats all

05-09-2006, 05:41 PM
...sell it, and buy a used timmy for 400.

05-09-2006, 08:15 PM
Because its utter crap I bought one for the hell of it and to use its pneumatics ;) I've never seen anything with fit and finish so bad. I'd use the valve and thats about it and build from parts.

I also bought one, i don't know how it is utter crap though and thats just your opinion. IMO timmy's are utter crap(and yes i have owned a few of them in the past). Mine works great, and for the price the value of the gun is great.

05-09-2006, 10:23 PM
I am going to purchase A new VISION shocker for my primary now and leave the ION bone stock. I think that is a little bit smarter... Any bad comments on that?

its made by the nazis...smart parts...your anno will fade!!! hahaah.grease grease grease..and hope to god you never have to send it in to sp for a repair!!!!! bwhahahaah!!!!what customer service??

05-09-2006, 10:58 PM
tell me why you bought a brand new BACKUP for a MAG...

05-10-2006, 12:48 PM
Because he isnt retarded enough to think a mag will never malfunction?

05-10-2006, 01:39 PM
I am old fashioned it took me an arm and a leg just to want to get an "E" based gun. I bought my RT PRO CLASSIC last week with level 10 kit, ULT,WL ULE main body with warpfeed.

LOL ...My main is a Phantom with my E-Tac as my back up ... :D

05-10-2006, 04:49 PM
I just ordered a New ION bone stock..... I have a 68/4500 and a 16" stiffi on the way already I am pretty sure I am gonna need a HALO hopper for this gun. But besides tthose what do I need to make this gun bad A$$ and around how much is it gonna cost me... parts/cost list would be very helpful... thanks guys!!! :cheers:
I hope the ION brakes within 1 week....lol.....jk but not really :D

05-13-2006, 12:28 AM
out of curiosity, what barrel threads does the ion have?
and suggestions on good barrels to get?

sorry if i'm hijacking the thread.

05-13-2006, 12:41 AM
impulse threads. but you can buy a new breach for cocker threads.

good barrels = cp barrels. or sp barrels.

05-13-2006, 04:47 AM
Came across this vid of the Virtue board in an Ion. Being demonstrated.

Not too bad....the dude is funny :D


05-13-2006, 08:42 AM
That vid just makes virtue look stupid. It doesnt show much of anythign about what the boad can do. Virtue is just pathetic. They may make decent boards but are def overpriced and the company is amazingly stupid.

05-14-2006, 01:34 AM
Came across this vid of the Virtue board in an Ion. Being demonstrated.

Not too bad....the dude is funny :D


Lol, you're right, that vid is funny.

But on a serious note, he wasn't doing anything special with that, just ramping. Did you notice how they played to same shootin gover and over again? Like they didn't want to waste paint, so they replayed him shooting it. Wow... just get reballs.

05-14-2006, 01:46 AM
put this in it?




05-14-2006, 09:32 AM
put this in it?


lol, i seriously hope thats a joke.

05-14-2006, 01:39 PM
Been a mag shooter for 6 years, traded an mag for a Ion. (still have a mag). Small, light, efficent, always works, never chops. A clamping feedneck and a new trigger is what I have. Regs are hit/miss. Mine works well. Believe me, it will run with anything out there. I generally leave mine on semi ( who can really pull 17 BPS anyhow?) but when I get people around me that start blasting with their A-5's and other ramping marker I'll go to rebound to teach them a lesson. Cons? Doesn't have the "cool" factor you have to have in paintball today. If you are a decent player and feel good about yourself you don't have to have the latest $1100 marker.