View Full Version : Help with an non-automag problem

05-09-2006, 09:26 AM
I know this isnt the right place to be but I was hoping you guys could refer me to a place where I can learn how to deal with autocockers, I have a crazy pump autococker that came my way that the shooting poorly. any ideas?

05-09-2006, 09:40 AM
Well, you are right. It is like going to a Chevy dealer and asking about a Ford. Fortunately most of us are good guys and will still try to help.

Go to http://air-powered.com/ for more help, but if you want help here, we will need to know what you mean by shooting poorly. Is your velocity low? Not shooting straight or far? Hard to Pump? Just a little more detail will help. :D

05-10-2006, 02:49 PM
my regular marker was a tac one so I came here by defalt, I wasnt going to bother you with this it seems rude, but since you ask here goes. my friend has autococker pump (the pump is attatched to the 4 way and cycles it instead of the trigger cycling the 4 way, on top of that there appears to be what I guess is just a lowpressure rig on the side of it. other than those differences its a standard cocker witha slide trigger, ram etc blah blah blah.

im not shure what the problem is being i havent been able to gass it up but i was told that it "wont shoot the ball far" so im guessing its a velocity problem that I can just turn up the velocity screw on the reg and/or the weard low pressure thingy, however I would love to positivly identify the "thingy" and fix the gun for the guy.

If the the ball drop off could be related to the timing than what specifically could it be?

05-11-2006, 07:41 AM
Well, it sounds more like your friend has a Sniper SHO or similar based assisted pump Sniper. You really can think of troubleshooting this just like you would a regular cocker. Here are some ideas that you can look for:

1. Is the bolt in upside down (usually obvious, but I have fixed other peoples cockers like this on more than 3 occasions)?

2. Is the cocking rod unscrewed or not screwed all the way in? This is another common problem because the rod will work its way loose and it will actually stop cocking, but you may experience some drop in velocity first if it is not properly setup and timed.

3. Turn up the velocity. It could be that he took the gun apart to clean it and accidentally turned down the velocity. It happens, but if he hasn't touched it and the velocity just suddenly dropped, then keep going.

4. The LP reg that should be attached to the front block and it shouldn't be messed with. If he is using an in-line reg then you can adjust your velocity from here by increasing the amount of pressure from the reg.

5. Is there enough air in your tank? Another common one and we Maggers forget about it because as soon as our tanks drop below working pressure, our guns stop. A cocker will still cycle because of its capability of using low pressure to actuate the pnuematics, but there is not enough pressure to fire a paintball effectively.

Just look at these areas. Again, stay away from the LP reg that controls the pnuematics on the front block! This will only increase the pressure in the ram and it can blow off the LP hoses if the pressure is too high. If the Sniper is having trouble cocking, then we will go there. Only an in-line reg (probably used as a foregrip)should be adjusted to help compensate for velocity. Pnuematic assisted pumps are really cool and have an even better concept for a getting a high rate of fire from a pump. However, your problem doesn't lie with those pnuematics, it lies within the way the air flows from the tank and out the barrel. Either somthing is blocking it or it is not getting enough. Please keep asking questions and hopefully we can help you out.

**EDIT: Don't think of it as being rude by asking questions about other markers. Most of us have learned quite a bit from the other markers that we used to own before getting a Mag. I personally have owned over 10 other markers before getting the three Mags that I have now, and lucky for you one was a Cocker and another was a Typhoon.

05-11-2006, 11:00 AM
thanks so much wallrus when I get home tonight I will try it!