View Full Version : Just found out I lost a friend...

05-10-2006, 11:36 AM
A friend of mine, a fellow that used to room with my neighbors died in a 4wheeler accident last night. He was 25 years old.

What I thought happened was wrong. This link (http://www.wsbtv.com/news/9191258/detail.html) explains it.

He was a super friendly guy who was just good to be around. He will most certainly be missed. I hate that he did that.

Bye Chaz :cry:

05-10-2006, 08:05 PM
I'm sorry to hear that man.
Take care - Max

05-10-2006, 08:13 PM
thats gotta be so surreal
we're here for you
god bless

05-10-2006, 10:08 PM
i kno the feeling..i helped my buddy pack and load his quad into his truck..next i hear he went head on into a ranger while he was riding..came up over a hill and the ranger took him out...it really sucked that i had seen and hung out with him days before...

05-10-2006, 10:14 PM
Sorry to hear about your friend man. That is too bad... :(

05-11-2006, 04:43 PM
Now...enter the wierd.

This fellow was a supervisor for a family buisness. As long as I knew him he never blew off work to party, so staying up that late was out of character for him. His roommates and friends knew he was missing but didn't bother calling the police until at least 5 hours after he was missed. One of the roommates pickup truck was in the back yard with a crushed windshield (from the inside) and a messed up front end. No one knows when that damage occured, but hadn't heard of it before that day.
I am not sure if you noticed from the video, but the underside of the fenders on the wheeler were suprizingly devoid of mud or water. The lot where he was supposedly riding had no tracks from the wheeler. Given his experiance level (drunk or not) he would not have attempted to jump a 30 ft ravine with no ramp.

I suspect foul play is involved, but am hesitant to say anything. Since I DON"T know the truth I hate to wonder how many more lives could be ruined by speaking my mind.

05-11-2006, 04:50 PM
Now...enter the wierd.

This fellow was a supervisor for a family buisness. As long as I knew him he never blew off work to party, so staying up that late was out of character for him. His roommates and friends knew he was missing but didn't bother calling the police until at least 5 hours after he was missed. One of the roommates pickup truck was in the back yard with a crushed windshield (from the inside) and a messed up front end. No one knows when that damage occured, but hadn't heard of it before that day.
I am not sure if you noticed from the video, but the underside of the fenders on the wheeler were suprizingly devoid of mud or water. The lot where he was supposedly riding had no tracks from the wheeler. Given his experiance level (drunk or not) he would not have attempted to jump a 30 ft ravine with no ramp.

I suspect foul play is involved, but am hesitant to say anything. Since I DON"T know the truth I hate to wonder how many more lives could be ruined by speaking my mind.

:eek: is it under investigation?

that does sound pretty bad....if he was really drunk, than he may have thought he didnt need a ramp, but than you said that was out of character for him.....does sound suspiciousthough, at least if what you said is true

05-11-2006, 05:17 PM
yea that is pretty suspicious

05-11-2006, 05:18 PM
:eek: is it under investigation?

that does sound pretty bad....if he was really drunk, than he may have thought he didnt need a ramp, but than you said that was out of character for him.....does sound suspiciousthough, at least if what you said is true

I don't know if its being looked into more or not. The way its explained is neat and tidy and closes things up for everyone. But already there are many differences in between what the "official" story and the "real" story. Of course the "real" story is clouded and convoluded as well. People tend to be rather subjective in what they remember.