View Full Version : "Turbo Barrel"

12-19-2001, 04:30 PM
You all know how a turbo charged car works right? Will, I was thinking, What if htere was another way to use extra air it propel a ball faster, in a shorter distance, without using air from the tank.
Tehre is alot of air in a barrel that it in front of the ball. This air slows that ball down quite a bit til the ball exits. The only direction this air has to go is out the barrel or out porting. Too much porting can cuase poor efficiency. Waht if ter was away to harness that air in front of hte ball, and put it BEHIND the ball, giving it more power. Folks, I present to you an undeveloped concept: the Turbo Barrel.
Special enclosed porting/piping takes stationary air being pushed in front of the ball and r-directs it trough a special port system out ports back into the barrel, behnd the ball, pushing it. This could result in shorter barrels, for the ball could be accelerated up to 300 fps faster.
If you are in the dark, here is a GIF of what it would be like:

12-19-2001, 07:33 PM
the air would not pass over the first hole of the piping. the air would travel opposite than as you pictured.

also put into consideration, the ball breakage issue. if you break paint in the piping, you would have to hose it down very good.

12-19-2001, 07:41 PM
very small one way valves would make the air go the correct way but the whole concept wouldnt work in rapid fire

12-19-2001, 09:12 PM
Tiny, tiny one way valves. But no one wants to pay 250$ for a barrel.

I have thought of plenty ideas, but they are out of reach, too expensive, or already taken.

Like hte new air source ideas by using a charging butane device.. I spent serveral hours one dya drawing and devoing on that, finding out that Tom and the crew at AGD had tried it years ago.

I still like this idea of a turbo charged barrel. possible, the piping could be re-routed to using blowback gas? This owuld only work on blowback guns and the valve would haev to be tapped.. and people don't want that just for a barrel.

There would need to be a big change in gun design before any of my.. ahem.. ideas (all up there) would be able to work.

-Magnetic propulsion (ever1's thought of that it seems)
-Multiple gas firings down a vented barrel.
-Brigning back the SMG 60 (tippmann .60 caliber clip `n cartridge gun) for .68 cal and new clip system
-Vert Feed Talons! (my Prototype already done! w00t)
-Rear-feed trap door systems. oh yea. fun fun fun.
-Small, high pressure gases in very, very small cartridges. Elves/black holes involved :)
-Bio-snsory triggers (invole EKG-like pads on fingers, complex electronics, yet no more triggers or trigger gaurds!
(how fast can you tap you fingers on a table? yea.. you wopould be able to shoot that fast if gun was capable.

Blah BLah Blah. I came up with those out of thin air. The SMG 60 is a neat gun, I wish I could find out more about it.

12-19-2001, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Vegeta

-Bio-snsory triggers (invole EKG-like pads on fingers, complex electronics, yet no more triggers or trigger gaurds!
(how fast can you tap you fingers on a table? yea.. you wopould be able to shoot that fast if gun was capable.

hehe, a while back someone repalced the trigger in a bushy (i think.....) with a magnetic swtich of some kid and then sowed (sp) it into his glove

12-20-2001, 01:05 AM
Yeah that was Auctionjunkie! from pbreview.com and a bunch of other sites. That guy is cool :cool: . He put the magnet into his glove and you know the rest... There's actually a video somewhere of him shooting it, you could look for it on pbreview (but I need to go to bed).

12-20-2001, 01:30 AM
Vegeta- What do you want to know about SMG-60's? I own one, so if you need any info, let me know.

12-21-2001, 11:21 AM
Would that turbo barrel do anything to make it more quiet?

Kinda like porting...but the air doesn't escape? At first glance...my thinking would say that the turbo ports wouldn't have any effect...that they would just get passed over. hmmmm

12-21-2001, 03:24 PM
it doesn't really seem like a turbo to me... you'd need something to spool the air so it moves at a higher pressure and that's illegal so it wouldn't work...

12-21-2001, 06:53 PM
As long as the ball isnt going more than 300fps out hte barrel how is that illegal?
If you could get some sorta spool ( i think the proper thing to call it would be impeller) to get the air going faster, all you would have to do is turn down the operationg pressure of the gun to compensate to make it leave under 300.

You know those Hot-Wheels things that have like 2 wheels on each side of the car that get it going really fast? well.. im thinking baout somehting like that... only you could use air. hehe. See, the more ways you figure out how to get the ball going faster by using power other than that thats coming from the gun (air) then the more you can turn down your pressure, making for more gas efficent guns.

12-21-2001, 07:08 PM
wow... that's a good idea but at first it'd be bulky...

12-22-2001, 08:19 PM
It wouldn't work because the air would stop after it gets past through the slots

12-24-2001, 12:56 PM
well i dont know much about barrels but i would say that it could not make the ball go any faster on less gas because even if it did push the air thru the tubes with one way valves the air would not be going any faster because it is the ball that is pushing it anyway and also even to get thru the one way valve the air pressure would have to be higher on the in side of the valve and there is no way to get the pressure in front of the ball higher then behind it cause most of the air in front of the ball is still going to be going out the front of the barrel and if you did the ball would go backwards. but about it making it quieter i dont know cause all the air would go out the front of the barrel so it might be the same as a barrel with no porting. and also the issue about the air going around the ball i dont think would be a problem cause if you think about it the porting on say an all american just lets the air out into the atmosphere so i dont see how leting it in front of the ball would do anything it might even improve the acuracy but who knows :confused:
keep on thinkin what paintball needs is a big break thru not just growth

12-25-2001, 10:19 PM
How about this:

Instead of porting beign a bunch of hoes drileld into the barrel.. how about a few, like 12, leading into little tubes that lead out 4 holes. (3 tubes per 1 hole, 90 degrees apart.)

This, in theory, would quite hte gun, for ait isnt coming out of all 12 ports. the tubes would nto have to be miled itn othe metal like in my drawing, they oculd be retrofitted on the barrels existing ports. This would maek your barrel look like a frotn block of a cocker (with 4x more the tubes.. cool eh?)

Those tube could then, after / before install could be filled with foam to silence it even more.. I don't know if this would comply as a "Silencer" which are illegal in most if not all states. Not sure if "Surpressors" are legal though.

12-28-2001, 03:35 PM
That is exactly how a bullet silencer works, but on a larger scale. Very illegal.

12-28-2001, 10:52 PM
Actually I don't think that this idea would be ileagle because it is only ileagle to silence a firearm. since paintball guns do not (under normal circumstances) travel over 500 fps they are not considered actual firearms. I am confident of this because in canada you need a valid FAC to buy firearms however you can buy paintball guns and air rifles which are not capable of exceeding 500 fps with only a drivers license. I therefore conclude that this Idea would be very ileagle on a real gun but not on a paintball gun. A paintball gun would be compleatly exempted from this law.

PS. I don't know how you guys think of this stuff.

12-29-2001, 05:59 PM
I have way too much free time. I sit at a desk all day and mostly think of paintball ideas. I even have a notebook full of just paitnball ideas.. most yet to be developed and a lot that would prolly never work.

12-29-2001, 08:39 PM
Just make a turbo spool for a gun somehow and you've got an easy way to conserve air...

12-30-2001, 12:46 AM
Thomas Edison once said, "Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless....Reverses should be an incentive to great accomplishment. Results? Why, man, I have gotten lots of results! If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is just one more step forward.... There are no rules here, we're just trying to accomplish something."

12-30-2001, 11:01 AM
Christopher Titus once said:
I do not fail. I just succeed at finding things that do not work.

ah.. ok. It's not as good as Edisons but... o well.

I wonder exactly how much air really does come out of porting of a barrel. Tom might have to adress that in a tech tip or something.

12-30-2001, 11:28 AM
Allright, here goes...think, what is the quietest, lightest, cheapest and simplest way to propell a paintball besides throwing one? The slingshot of course! :cool:

Now the only concern besides accuracy is keeping up with the firepower of modernday paintball so here's what I propose, a slingshot system in which there are clips in essence, or rather bunches of wads of ten rubber tubes with a ball aisfixed in their centers. The "clips" could be poped on the slingshot's fork for rapid reloading. Accuracy is not an issue, as a gen3 moonlight day/night scope could be mounted above the slingshot and intellimotordirected by a laser rangefinder with preshot preperatory infared range and scope adjuster.

See that enemy behind the bush? No?! Good thing your slingshot can! Whhrrrhhhrr, the scope adjusts to the distance of the target..his toe pokes out almost unnoticably from the bush.~~silent release~~BAM! He's out!

12-30-2001, 08:39 PM
uh.. yea man. Good for you.

12-30-2001, 11:00 PM
i still dont see what would make the air go thru the porting instead out of the end of the barrel. i like the sling shot idea if someone makes one of those i will buy it as long as there is a mod that you can put it on a tripod and control it remotly