View Full Version : false feedback

05-11-2006, 03:46 PM
i was going to trade this guy for phantom for his cocker and some cash. He left me negative feedback because I backed out of the deal. Now in my opinion since it wasnt a completed trade, no feedback should be left. Am I right?

05-11-2006, 04:47 PM
not unless you backed out after taking the cash or he already shipped it.

for future posts, you might want to use the full word cocker....yeah i know, my minds dirty, im just saying :p

05-11-2006, 04:50 PM
ahhh ultrabad typo
i think i might ask a mod to remove it

05-11-2006, 05:13 PM
Did he lie in your feedback? Or did he say you backed out of a deal? IF he lied, then theres an issue, if he reported honestly a dealing with you... well

Looks to me like he reported his dealings with you, now I know you never traded, but if this is not accurate you need to dispute where it is not accurate, not do some end run around why it shouldn't be there.

Whatever you do DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM. He is a liar and a horrible trader. After we went through hours of deliberations he said he would trade. THIS IS THE BIGGEST TRADE ON HIS FEEDBACK. He wanted to trade his phantom for my e-cocker and extras. HE is a liar. After I researched third party and everything, we were ready to ship on wednesday. When I wake up on wednesday morning he leaves me an IM saying how he is backing out. THIS KID WILL BACK OUT LAST MINUTE!!!!! Do not trust him either. NO MATTER HOW GOOD THIS KIDS DEAL MAY SEEM, IT WONT WORK BECAUSE HE WILL BACK OUT. ONCE AGAIN AVOID ALL CONTACT WITH THIS KID, PASS HIS AUCTIONS OVER. Also, to ensure he doesnt lie to all you reading this, this wasnt just some stupid thing or some stupid kid. It was a fair trade and he just couldnt deliver. This punk is ridiculous. DO NOT TRADE WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I personally think there is an issue with how the person left this feedback, but if its an accurate account, it is what it is.

05-11-2006, 05:18 PM
he just said i backed out but he did two big posts about it but he did make false accusations
there's my feedback link. i did try to defend myself

05-11-2006, 05:22 PM
Want my take on it.

You were trying to get from a Phantom to a Viking. You thought you were getting a great deal, could make two 'cockers, sell or trade them and get a Viking. Noone in the thread where you asked if it was worth it said that the E-cocker was not a decent trade for the Phantom, they said it was not a good step towards the Viking (there is a major difference). You then backed out of the trade last minute because of that. I mean this constructively but you should research trades well before getting to a point of shipping...

05-11-2006, 05:24 PM
I see your point but he never told me when he was shipping, we had jsut talked aobut third parties

05-11-2006, 05:30 PM
I'd erase your posts of arguing with him, make one concise post explaining the situation as best you can, taking blame where you should and not trying to dodge it, and move on. You didn't actually cheat anyone out of anything and if you calmly and simply explain that you did back out after consideration, before anything was shipped, its not that bad.

05-11-2006, 05:32 PM
Thanks a lot lohman. i took your advice and me and the guy are talking aobut the feedback now

05-11-2006, 08:31 PM
i dont think he should of left negative feedback for someone that has backed out. It happens all the time, he just needs to get over it and move on.

05-11-2006, 10:08 PM
This is a new pbnation fashion. I agree backing for that reason wasnt the best, but leaving feedback like that was a little extreme.

05-11-2006, 10:24 PM
k thanks guy i reported the post to see if my feedback can get to normal

05-11-2006, 10:36 PM
ive recently had a similar case happen to me except that I was the one who was going to leave feedback. One thing i can say is that if you dont know for sure dont say you will definitly trade, the guy i dealt with said no matter what he would go through with the deal and unless someone left me bad feedback he would ship in a week. well he decided to back out the next day. I didnt leave him feedback since he was just a little guy probly no more than 13 and he didnt know better. Too bad this guy wasnt as considerate in your case.

Grey Goose
05-12-2006, 06:03 AM
Personally, as a former heavy trader, I don't think it matters if goods or money was actually sent or not. Backing out is bad form. You have no idea what offers or opportunities the seller passed on becauce he thought a deal was done. Should bad feedback be left? I think so. I think other sellers have a right to know if you can't make up your mind. If you're unsure of a deal, tell the seller something along the lines of, "I want to do this deal, but I'm not 100%. Feel free to entertain other offers."

If the bad feedback says, "this guy sucks" but doesn't give a reason, then that is certainly wrong. If a trader is just letting other people know you back out of deals, well, it's the truth. All we have on the Internet is our word/reputation; and other people in a community like AO, have a right to know to what degree your word is good for.

Look at your post, for example. Don't you think the title "False feedback" is misleading? I mean, you backed out, and that's what he said you did. Certainly not false.

Anywho, that's my take.

05-12-2006, 06:47 AM
Personally, as a former heavy trader, I don't think it matters if goods or money was actually sent or not. Backing out is bad form. You have no idea what offers or opportunities the seller passed on becauce he thought a deal was done. Should bad feedback be left? I think so. I think other sellers have a right to know if you can't make up your mind. If you're unsure of a deal, tell the seller something along the lines of, "I want to do this deal, but I'm not 100%. Feel free to entertain other offers."

If the bad feedback says, "this guy sucks" but doesn't give a reason, then that is certainly wrong. If a trader is just letting other people know you back out of deals, well, it's the truth. All we have on the Internet is our word/reputation; and other people in a community like AO, have a right to know to what degree your word is good for.

Look at your post, for example. Don't you think the title "False feedback" is misleading? I mean, you backed out, and that's what he said you did. Certainly not false.

Anywho, that's my take.

The original feedback left, well truthful, was for more inflammatory fyi.

05-14-2006, 11:49 PM
If I was reading your feedback I would take the writing for what it is worth. It looks like a childish rant, and people back out of trades all the time for various reasons.

That negative post would not mean much.