View Full Version : marshal 50 or ibenaz stack?

05-13-2006, 05:09 AM
im looking to buy a new amp and ive narrowed it down to 2 choices.
i was gona get a marshal 50 watt for $400 w/ foot switch and all that good stuff. but then i saw my music shop had an ibenaz 4 speaker Cabinet with an ibenaz head, dont know the model #'s or or anything, for $525. now i think the ibenaz might be a little over kill, as i usualy just play in my apartment, but for the price i dont know if i can pass it up.
just wondering if AO has any thoughts.

05-13-2006, 05:25 AM
this is very similar to the ibanez http://www.ibanez.com/accessories/spec.asp?m=107
but i think it has a different head.
and this look like the marshall http://www.marshallamps.com/product.asp?productCode=MG50DFX

05-13-2006, 04:22 PM
personally id go for the marshall. Ive played both amps and it depends on if you want quality or quantity. The ibanez is decent, but i prefer the marshall, it just has a better sound.

05-13-2006, 05:40 PM
Don't get either. Both will be lacking in the tone that you want.
Since you play in apartment, all you would need like like >20 watts of SS, or >5 watts tube amp capability. What is your budget? If you are looking for a great tone, for as little as possible, I would go with a roland cube 30 or 60. Cubes are modeling amps, and are of very high quality. http://www.samedaymusic.com/prodsearch?form=prodsearch&q=roland+cube+modeling&submit.x=0&submit.y=0
I have the cube 30, and it has an amazing tone. I will begin to start recording in about a week when my toneport and my mic arrive in the mail. If I can get a recording I would gladly send you some tone samples(the link has samples as well.) Cubes are very good for anything heavy and anything distorted. Their cleans are not bad, and they have built in FX.

If you are looking for more of a clean sound, I would go with the vox valvetronix. It is good at anything from clean to rock, but will not do metal without a pedal. If you want to do any heavy stuff at all I would go with the cube(pedals suck your tone).

IMO, you will be unsatisfied with the marshall for sure. Marshall only really makes good tube amps. The MG has a very sterile distortion channel, and pretty sucky cleans. Also Ibanez aren't known for their amps for a reason. It will leave you up to dry and wanting more. For ~250 you could buy a cube 30 with a footswitch(If you are looking for more power you could get a cube 60). If you are planning on gigging and you don't think 60 SS watts are enough, look at some other tube amps (peavey valveking for example.)

I can get more detailed if you give me what genre you play, and how long you have been playing. Also, what kind of guitar do you have?

05-13-2006, 11:32 PM
ive been playing for about 5 years. i know ALOT about guitars but for some reason im just not smart about amps. as for electrics ive got
Amarican strat
1980s jap fender tele (50's re-isusse)
peavey crooper classic
line 6 variox
i have a fender acustic sonic junior too.
ive been playing an an ibanez 15 watt for a while, and an OLD fender frontman 15 before that.
i play alot of blues, and clean rythem, but some times i like to get some real nasty distortion and just have fun... not the deep bassy tone full metal distortion (does that make sence?) but just the real cracky distortion.
having on board effects doesnt really matter to me... i dont mind using pedels.
/its so hard to disribe sounds in words

05-14-2006, 12:26 PM
get an orange stack

because I dont think you want to buy the best


05-16-2006, 12:10 AM

That looks to be perfect, if you want distortion you can get a pedal.


All tube sound. Tube = yummy. Don't get one if you don't plan on paying another 200+ for a hotplate. Tube amps don't get their legendary sound until they're cranked in volume, and without a hotplate one of those will destroy your ears.

LMK if you have any other questions.