View Full Version : CONTEST TIME! Need Poster for Shatnerball 06!!

05-13-2006, 08:38 PM
AO Artists!

As you know Shatnerball 06 is on and we need some marketing materials. I need a poster like the one we did for Mobster Mash that can be used as an add. Just like last time we will do a contest here on AO. Winner decided by private panel of judges (me, Pacman and Mother) all artwork submitted becomes the property of Celebrity Paintball. You can't use anything copyrighted by anyone else. Enter as many times as you want but please enter fully developed posters, not concepts. We will need high res final versions so don't kludge something together with thumbnails. For similar entries the first submitted has priority so don't wait until the last minute. We reserve the right to change the rules for any reason at any time etc.

Before we gave away product and unfortunately that is not possible now but we can give away THREE FREE ENTRYS to the event. If you can't make the event, you can sell them off so it should be worth something to everyone. If you make the event i will introduce you to Shatner personally.

This year we are going to the Sahara desert in 1942 when Rommel and Montgomery were playing cat and mouse in the sand dunes with TANKS! Bill wants to be Montgomery and we don't know for sure who will be Rommel so best to leave him out or make it a mystery. We are inviting other celebrities and want to leave Rommel open at the moment.

I need a cool graphic with 'Project Sahara' as the tag line. I would like to see tanks and sand as part of the concept but feel free to interpret. You can also come up with cool slogans etc. Post SMALL versions in this thread, everyone is free to comment. Do NOT submit multiple versions that are all similar, if you want to make edits do so on your first submission. If we choose you expect to modify the winning entry to match our needs.

So there you go! More AO fun and become famous in the process!!

Shatner’s arch nemesis,

Tom Kaye

05-14-2006, 06:36 AM
AO Artists!

As you know Shatnerball 06 is on and we need some marketing materials. I need a poster like the one we did for Mobster Mash that can be used as an add. Just like last time we will do a contest here on AO. Winner decided by private panel of judges (me, Pacman and Mother) all artwork submitted becomes the property of Celebrity Paintball. You can't use anything copyrighted by anyone else. Enter as many times as you want but please enter fully developed posters, not concepts. We will need high res final versions so don't kludge something together with thumbnails. For similar entries the first submitted has priority so don't wait until the last minute. We reserve the right to change the rules for any reason at any time etc.

Before we gave away product and unfortunately that is not possible now but we can give away THREE FREE ENTRYS to the event. If you can't make the event, you can sell them off so it should be worth something to everyone. If you make the event i will introduce you to Shatner personally.

This year we are going to the Sahara desert in 1942 when Rommel and Montgomery were playing cat and mouse in the sand dunes with TANKS! Bill wants to be Montgomery and we don't know for sure who will be Rommel so best to leave him out or make it a mystery. We are inviting other celebrities and want to leave Rommel open at the moment.

I need a cool graphic with 'Project Sahara' as the tag line. I would like to see tanks and sand as part of the concept but feel free to interpret. You can also come up with cool slogans etc. Post SMALL versions in this thread, everyone is free to comment. Do NOT submit multiple versions that are all similar, if you want to make edits do so on your first submission. If we choose you expect to modify the winning entry to match our needs.

So there you go! More AO fun and become famous in the process!!

Shatner’s arch nemesis,

Tom Kaye

Well have some high res art for us to work with photos ect im going to asume this will go to print so give me some thing to work with cant send web images to print ya know :)

Also Dimentions of the poster would be cool so i can start my self off right..

05-14-2006, 08:19 PM
Here is my contender.


My bad.... Forget about the dimensions I said, that's just what I found on a search for the mobster contest. For real dimensions see Mr. Kaye's post below.

05-14-2006, 09:49 PM
Poster dimensions are standard 24X36 at 150 dpi.

Nice job Sniper1! Thats what we are looking for.


05-16-2006, 07:57 PM
I have a poster idea but I can't upload it. I've tried linking to my MySpace page and "attaching" it but it just won't happen. Is there an alternate way? BTW, it's a jpeg @ <600 kb.

Any help would be great...


Rommel could be:

Ricardo Montalban (KHAAAAAAN!)
Leonard Nimoy
Rutger Hauer
Rod Stiger

05-16-2006, 09:22 PM
I have a poster idea but I can't upload it. I've tried linking to my MySpace page and "attaching" it but it just won't happen. Is there an alternate way? BTW, it's a jpeg @ <600 kb.

You can use www.putfile.com or some other media hosting site like putfile and then link it in your post using the url address to the pic.

05-17-2006, 08:42 AM
Poster dimensions are standard 24X36 at 150 dpi.

Is there any hi-res royalty-free/licensed images of Mr Shatner available?

05-17-2006, 04:56 PM
If you cant come up with a high res image for the moment dont worry about it. Show your low res image here and if you win we will get the res up to speed.


05-17-2006, 05:30 PM
I am working on a poster for this as well, but I am having to work on it in my free time at lunch becuse I am fairly busy at work right now. Is it possible the winner could have a chance to make the posters for you? :D

05-17-2006, 05:57 PM
So when is the deadline?

05-18-2006, 12:09 AM

05-18-2006, 05:17 AM
Hey AGD im working on 4 diffrent posters all in illustrator from orignal vector based art. In the one id liek to put the sponsers AGD and MXS directly on the incoming artiliary shells...

Do we have access to vector based version of the AGD logo and MXS logo so i dont have to go redraw it? i could run al ive trace but who wants to do that...

05-18-2006, 03:22 PM

Just grab a low res pixel version and post the thumbnail on the forum. If you win we will get the right vector art for the hi res version.


05-18-2006, 04:37 PM

05-18-2006, 08:10 PM
I hope this works...


05-18-2006, 08:14 PM
Do I need some sort of special rights to upload a pic because I'm new to this forum? This is where the file is:


I can't get it to show or attach... ARRRRRRG!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


05-18-2006, 10:54 PM
Do I need some sort of special rights to upload a pic because I'm new to this forum? This is where the file is:


I can't get it to show or attach... ARRRRRRG!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


No this forum stoppped supporting attachments awhile back. That option should be removed.

Your link works or you can use the tags and it will show up.

Hey and Welcome to AO.

Here it is with the tags. Put it in your post and I will remove it from here.

05-18-2006, 11:56 PM

I have to say this one is pretty classic. Nice job!

05-19-2006, 02:50 AM
Just out of curiosity, how much cash is being thrown at these posters?
Are they going to be full CMYK runs or would fewer colors be desirable?

05-19-2006, 09:05 AM
Man, I don't know why it wouldn't work for me... the embedding syntax I had was exactly the same as yours! Oh, well. Thanks again, Beemer. You rock!

Good Hunting,


05-19-2006, 01:54 PM

“Before Alamein we never had a victory, after Alamein we never had a defeat.” -- Sir Winston Churchill

bigger jpg (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball_big.jpg) (~207KB)
full-res, full-scale PDF (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball.pdf) (~3.35MB)


05-22-2006, 02:23 AM
2 Color Poster

05-23-2006, 09:21 PM

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
05-30-2006, 12:47 AM
if any of you guys are stuck on ideas, here are some photos from the 2004 event.
Feel free to use any of them in your posters

05-30-2006, 05:26 PM
Ok guys we are getting close to ending this so get those entries in!

Looking good so far!


06-01-2006, 10:42 AM

bigger jpg (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball_2_big.jpg) (~170KB)
full-res, full-scale PDF (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball_2.pdf) (~560KB)

...and, it's all adjustable of course:


bigger jpg (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball_2b_big.jpg) (~255KB)
full-res, full-scale PDF (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball_2b.pdf) (~562KB)


06-15-2006, 12:02 PM
Any forward motion on the poster/ad campaign?
I imagine it's getting pretty close to deadlines in order to get an ad in APG or any of the other magazines.

What's the good word Tom?



06-15-2006, 02:11 PM
If these submissions aren't quite what you're looking for, give us some feedback so we can adjust them. My take on this is that you've got some really good choices in some very different styles to choose from.

06-15-2006, 02:15 PM

bigger jpg (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball_2_big.jpg) (~170KB)
full-res, full-scale PDF (http://www.drumcharacter.com/downloads/CUSH_shatnerball_2.pdf) (~560KB)


This one is cool, but it looks like Shatner just sneezed all over the place.

06-15-2006, 03:48 PM
This one is cool, but it looks like Shatner just sneezed all over the place.

Agreed, i like that one the best, except the white paint splats, mabey move them somewhere else or scatter them ?

06-20-2006, 12:14 PM
CONGRATS DOC ZOC!!! Bill personally picked your poster! We will be waiting to get final word from the Mythbusters and OCC before we finalize the poster so please stand by.

Thanks to everyone else for entering, as usual you guys make up the best stuff!!


06-30-2006, 03:48 PM
let me know where to pull down additional graphics and i will get rolling


06-30-2006, 05:01 PM
Hey, Gratz Zok! Put a ball on Bill for me, eh? :dance:

08-02-2006, 11:42 PM
Mr Kaye:

I was one of the entrants for the poster contest (thanks for the chance). Myself and a handfull of friends from sunny Seattle will be attending the "Project Sahara" event, and I have a request -

If I print my poster entry out and bring it to the event, is there a possibility that I can get you and Mr. Shatner to sign it?


14 year player with my 68Automag, 1 year with my Emag

08-03-2006, 01:50 PM
Bill is usually quite approachable at the events

don't mob him when he first arrives and pick your time and he will prolly sign something