View Full Version : future automag owner

05-14-2006, 01:24 PM
hey, ive been playing pump for a while and am now thinking about getting into semi. ive been looking at some mags for the last few days and have a few questions.

1. How easy is it to walk an x-valved ULT trigger? (compared to an electro)
2. if i buy a Hp 45/45 am i going to get uber bounce? and will my gun still be tourney legal?
3. how are mags resale value? for some pump guns you can get your money back minus shipping and i dont really want to lose a whole bunch of money if i dont like it.
4. how consistant are mags over the chrono?
5. how hard is it to set up a level 10 bolt?
6. has anyone bought a gun from www.themagsmith.com?

one more thing, i read over on pbn "how to make your mag faster" and it said that even though the ult trigger kit fits the xvalve that you shouldnt use it. is this true? and why?

05-14-2006, 01:27 PM
1. definitely harder than a good electro
2. size/pressure of the tank doesn't effect bounce, output pressure does (your reg affects it)
3. pretty poor, buy used
4. not bad at with nitro, +-4 fps for me
5. easy if you read the directions like everyone fails to do
6. no, but they are very trustworthy

05-14-2006, 01:36 PM
hmm, i guess im going to have to wait until my freind buys his mag to try it out. i knew that the output pressure effected the reactivity but i just didnt know what the output pressure of a normal tank was.

05-14-2006, 01:39 PM
The output of a normal high-pressure tank is 850PSI. I dont believe you get major trigger reactivity until you have the output above 1000.

05-14-2006, 01:40 PM
:ninja: I agree with man above me.

05-14-2006, 01:41 PM
1-Its possible, but isnt easy..
2-PBCapo nailed it..
3-Buy used, sell used.. and break even.
4-Pretty good.
5-Hard at first... but you get good at it.
6-Yes, they are very reliable.

05-14-2006, 02:51 PM
Sometimes you can get an Emag for less used than a new RT. Be on the ball for them deals. They don't last long! Tournament wise it would be a better choice and on most given days your better off resale wise. Emag= :headbang:

If your dead set on a RT I would say my personal preference is with the ULT installed. Standard RT on/off is nice when you have a 1000+ psi imput pressure. You really get the bounce, but tournament wise it could get it DQ'ed at some places. So to avoid that you run with like a preset at 850 psi and you don't have near the bounce, but you still have the heavy trigger pull. Enter the ULT. Cut that trigger pull and bounce right down. Not as light as an electro, but way better than standard RT. Walkable? I don't think so IMO, but it sure is nice to sweet spot it. I find I'm alway way faster with it than without it. It is a nice option that works. The refs would be less likely to pull it for bounce.

I'd skip the 45/45 and just do a 68/45. Mag don't really use alot of air, but they need that high imput pressure. When that tank gets down to 700/600psi it stops. You never get to use that air. So the bigger tank will help you play longer on the fill. :shooting:

Level 10 is a breeze to tune, but it sure gives enough people a hard time the first go around. If you wind up with a mag of any kind and need help. Just use the search option. It has been answered many times over. But we are here to help if you shouldn't find what you are looking for. ;)

Dialed in and well maintained mags fire very consistant over the chrono. They never need much of anything and are reliable as the sun coming up in the morning.

05-14-2006, 06:50 PM
Sometimes you can get an Emag for less used than a new RT. Be on the ball for them deals. They don't last long! Tournament wise it would be a better choice and on most given days your better off resale wise. Emag= :headbang:

Right on. I got my emag and a flatline for $400 :spit_take