View Full Version : Ok, trade gone bad i do believe..suggestions.

05-14-2006, 05:07 PM
Ok so i had my friends proto for trade,since he has no clue how to work a computer, me and a guy on pbnation by the name of aleshire1998 made a deal to trade my proto for his lasoya timmy..ok he wanted me to ship first because he got ripped off on his last trade or something like that..i dont recall now if he had feedback or not but i talked to him on the phone and felt that i could trust him..so my gun got to him about 3 weeks ago he told me when he recieved it..which doesnt make since to tell me that and then not full fill his end of the deal...so he's had the gun for 3 weeks and was making excuses for not shipping along with empty promises to ship the following day or when the post office was next open. This past week he has been reading my PM's but he isnt responding to them..Im told the police cannot do much about it...but i can take him to court or go to his house and take matters into my own hands... im just looking for any suggestions from people who have been in this situation so any help is appreciated. :cheers:

05-14-2006, 05:17 PM
You spoke with him on the phone you said? Call him up and let him know that he needs to ship the gun immediately. Tell him that unless he does so it would be impossible to keep the law out of the situation. Don't directly threaten him, just word it like that.

05-14-2006, 05:58 PM
just ask to speak with his parents and explain what happened and be sure to get it UPS'd with tracking

05-14-2006, 06:00 PM
yes.. talk to the parents.. You wouldn't believe how fast things might be turned around just by doing that..

05-14-2006, 06:31 PM
How do we know it's a kid living with his parents?

05-14-2006, 07:24 PM
How do we know it's a kid living with his parents?
It's pbnation silly.

05-14-2006, 07:25 PM
I do believe he lives with his parents...i have a number saved in my phone that i believe is his...i went back like a week after he called me and found a number that was unknown and that called my phone around the time and date he did..i called it the other day twice and it was busy..so i need to call it again.

RT Old School
05-14-2006, 07:34 PM
When I first started buying and selling online, it took awhile before I wrapped my head around the idea that not everyone is on the up and up. I was of the mindset that, if I am not trying to screw anyone, why would they try to screw me? I was a bit naive I suppose. The first mag I purchased was a piece of garbage that some 15 year old kid was trying to get rid of, and of course he sold it under the premise that it was a functioning marker. Thankfully we had traded emails and phone numbers before hand. I didnt know I was dealing with a kid, so now I do try to stear clear of deals from non-adults. A quick call to his folks and the mere mention of my lawyer (I dont have one, but they didnt know that!) and my offer to pay for shipping got my check back to me, minus shipping fees. Now I am married to a lawyer, so if I do have to play that card again, I wont be bluffing! I feel your pain on getting the raw end of a deal, but dont let it sour you. There are plenty of great people on here to do buisness with. Dont hesitate to get the authorities involved either. Thats what we pay taxes for! Im sure just a phone call from the police telling him that they are getting involved will motivate him, or if its the case, his parents into action. There is a chance that he has some a-hole redneck folks who dont care, but I would bet that most folks dont want their kids screwing around ripping people off on the net. (There I go, being naive again) Good luck and let us know how it works out.

05-14-2006, 07:35 PM
I suggest that you keep trying to call. If that doesn't work, a good ol SC *** whoopin wouldn't hurt.

05-14-2006, 07:36 PM
You have his name, address and phone number. Contact the police(detectives) in his town and tell them the story. Get your evidence in order before you call them. When they knock on his door you will get results... ;)

05-14-2006, 07:59 PM
It's pbnation silly.

Oh snap!

I actually kinda want to get ripped off once....just to see how much of a living hell I could make that kid's life.
Our former neighbor and good friend of the family is now a very powerful judge, I have 3 friends that have very well respected lawyers as dads, and I know a few more lawyers just from working at a law firm for 2 weeks(floor covering)

Cow hunter
05-14-2006, 08:10 PM
i do believe that 60% or more of PBN is less than 18, and ill bet they have the highest percent of people scammed on online forums, some intricate and well thought out, others stupid and obvious.

/i wouldnt want to be ripped off, thats no fun, its basically stealing that you know might happen
//id call his parents also, mention a lawyer and things are sure to be straighted out in no time at all

05-14-2006, 08:55 PM
some 16 year old kid tried to rip me off and just stopped answering my calls when i tried to get the gun shipped.
i was lucky enough to have gotten his home phone number
i called it, talked to his dad, and the gun was shipped the next day

if he is under 18, call the parents
my .02

05-14-2006, 09:28 PM
yea i believe he is 17..i just feel like an *** for not covering myself better what makes it worse is its not my gun, but a friends...i guess i was just in a rush to get the trade done and forgot to cover my ***...ye i plan on getting everything together an calling the police..all though the officer at work saturday night told me there isnt much they can do..then again he seemed like he didnt have the time of day to talk to me.

Anyone live in or near Charleston W.V.?

50 cal
05-14-2006, 09:43 PM
I had to get the help of an AO'er in Mi to get my RT body from a kid. I tried to get this kid to ship for 2 or 3 weeks. I posted "I need a hand" thread and an AO'er there helped me out.

I quit dealing with people online. Juveniles have learned they can not enter into a contract and play it up.

05-15-2006, 07:51 AM
i got ripped off on that dam pbnation also.. I have gone through the post office since i sent him the post office money order with a comformation number.. What he did is considered mail fraud and is a federal offense. It takes a little while to go through the post offices system but it is going to cost him alot more in the long run than what he got from me. They said unless the parents pay i probably wont get my money back but he will have a criminal mark on his record. Im sure when they finally show up on his door step things will change. Good Luck

Recon by Fire
05-15-2006, 09:01 AM
PBN :confused: :nono:

You are better off using a third party trade in situations like that. I also tend to not deal with kids, they seem the be the higher proportion of troubles.

Call the kid, then call his parents, then call the cops.

05-15-2006, 09:15 AM
If contacting his partents doesn't work. Try getting his IP and posting it up here. I'm sure we coud get creative. :ninja:

05-15-2006, 09:53 AM
Having failed to reach a conclusion before this prepare to take it further

Step one: Write a letter of demand. Include in it your version of the events up to this point and demand remedy (either the marker you were trading for or your marker back plus shipping) within ten days. Inclue as much information as possible including dates, times, correspondences that you can prove in writing, etc. This will give you some documentation in case you have to take it further. Save a copy

Step two: Certified mail. Certified mail (signature required) not only proves they have received it, it generally scares people into action.

Big'n slo
05-15-2006, 11:11 AM
Oh snap!

I actually kinda want to get ripped off once....just to see how much of a living hell I could make that kid's life.
Our former neighbor and good friend of the family is now a very powerful judge, I have 3 friends that have very well respected lawyers as dads, and I know a few more lawyers just from working at a law firm for 2 weeks(floor covering)

I've got some ocean-front property in AZ you might be interested in :D

05-15-2006, 11:22 AM
Do a reverse lookup on the phone number you have on superpages.com. If he does live with his parents hopefully you'll get one of his parents names with the reverse phone lookup. You can also google the address you mailed the gun to.

05-15-2006, 01:41 PM
Oh man it only gets better nli just found where he is tryin to sell the proto and i found a video of him using the gun in a tournament




also found a team website..idk this **** is riddiculous.
The tournament in the video was at scary creek paintball...anyone play there??

05-15-2006, 02:34 PM
Oh man it only gets better nli just found where he is tryin to sell the proto and i found a video of him using the gun in a tournament




also found a team website..idk this **** is riddiculous.
The tournament in the video was at scary creek paintball...anyone play there??

Try PM'ing his teammates, see what they say.

Stealth Fighter
05-15-2006, 03:25 PM
If contacting his partents doesn't work. Try getting his IP and posting it up here. I'm sure we coud get creative. :ninja:

OOooOO, naughty, naughty... :ninja: we can tell him to ship the Lasoya if he ever wants control of his comp again.

05-15-2006, 06:49 PM
Scary Creek Paintball:

434 Scary Creek Rd
Scott Depot, WV 25560

That's the addy for the field he plays at. Send an email to the field. Here's their website:
Call them even. Tell them about this kid. And if any AOer lives out there, pay him a visit!

05-15-2006, 07:06 PM
i know how it feels, except mine happened recently on AO....after so many years of having trust of AO members:( :mad:

05-15-2006, 07:38 PM
Since he's selling stolen goods, or attempting to, isn't that another criminal offense? I think this kid may be feeling kinda scared right now...

And I assume he is playing with his timmy in the vid? I didn't see any blue proto.

edit: unless he's the guy in the back... The vid is low quality, I can't tell if that's a proto, but it is blue so...

05-15-2006, 07:43 PM
Since he's selling stolen goods, or attempting to, isn't that another criminal offense? I think this kid may be feeling kinda scared right now...

And I assume he is playing with his timmy in the vid? I didn't see any blue proto.

edit: unless he's the guy in the back... The vid is low quality, I can't tell if that's a proto, but it is blue so...

Go to scarycreek.com and watch the videos of the tournament. He's using the blue Proto the entire time.

05-15-2006, 07:59 PM
Since he's selling stolen goods, or attempting to, isn't that another criminal offense? I think this kid may be feeling kinda scared right now...

And I assume he is playing with his timmy in the vid? I didn't see any blue proto.

edit: unless he's the guy in the back... The vid is low quality, I can't tell if that's a proto, but it is blue so...

Yea he is the one in the back or atleast the guy in the back is using the proto...along with the stiffi..i havnt looked at the other vids guess ill go check them out, oh yea funny stuff you AO'ers are posting over on the nation.thanks for the support :cheers:

I called the police in WV today and i forget what the officer called it exactly but he said that i do have a legitimate case but the branch i need to tlk had already left for the day so they are calling me back tommorrow...so we shall see.

05-15-2006, 08:02 PM
Under the tournament page on scary creek there are some pics..i think the pic of the 2 guys..the blond one may be him..since just 2 of them played that tourney and it was 3 man..and he had a blue jersey on..tried to find a pic of him on his teams site with no mask but all are of him playing..also i emailed their team email in hopes of contacting a guy named eric hes in his 30's so i figured maybe he will have a little bit of morales and try to help me out or something idk..

Ok so one of those 2 guys are for sure him...there are some better pics on another page..

Actually one of them is using the proto and i believe the other is using the Lasoya ...wtf..

05-15-2006, 08:32 PM
^^^ yeah, thats what threw me off...

Oh, and you might want to dl the vids, and take screenshots of the pbn stuff, just in case he tries to delete it all.

05-15-2006, 08:43 PM
Actually that little guy in the red looks pretty good, he was the only one actually using the snake for cover...

And man, If it were me, I would be PISSED!!! You seem to be relatively calm. Trading with him in good faith, and then finding out some punk just ripped you off... :cry: ...And then seeing him playing with YOUR marker in a tournament :confused:. What an a**. If he lived near me... well... let's keep it off the record...

05-15-2006, 08:52 PM
Just call his local police. Tell them that you had a verbal and written (if he posted that he wanted to trade) agreement that you were going to trade guns, and he never lived up to his end of the deal. Show them that he immediately tried to sell your gun again to get rid of it and make more cash before he even sent you your end of the deal.

05-15-2006, 09:33 PM
If you want a little taste of happiness in all this, watch the last 20 seconds of Tourney Vid 2 on the scarycreek.com site.

Hooray :clap:

05-15-2006, 10:47 PM
that guy in the green sweatshirts pretty funny to(at the end)....Shoots 2 balls in the beginning of the game, and than reloads, than his gun wont fire and he's freaking out...his friends yelling at him to cock the gun, but he doesnt listen...than he stands wide out in the open saying his gun isnt working and gets hit :rofl:

/and whats the kid in black doing behind the kid in green when he gets out? :eek:

05-15-2006, 11:02 PM
Save everything. Videos, that thread,etc. Once you threaten court/police involvement they will probably ante up right quick.

I have had to deal with this once locally, he is now pretty much blacklisted and now goes to the states. His sponsors dropped his team and took their gear back (their team wasn't doing too bad)...All of it was over 200 dollars worth of parts/equip.

05-16-2006, 07:55 AM
Scary Creek Paintball:

434 Scary Creek Rd
Scott Depot, WV 25560

That's the addy for the field he plays at. Send an email to the field. Here's their website:
Call them even. Tell them about this kid. And if any AOer lives out there, pay him a visit!

Man chy this place is only a few hours from you, for that i would drive and whip his *** in person... Or atleast get it back face to face to show his parents what there little kid is doing to people... I had to talk myself out of driving 13 hrs for 130.00 over what i got screwed for off of that **** site.... For a nice gun like that i would want it back in person..... good luck bro

05-16-2006, 08:08 AM
lol, I've been watching this thread and stuff... didnt really ever have anything to post. But man, that guy is an idiot douche, youd figure he would atleast fall into obscurity after being a scammer, but the fool stands out in the open... what an ***

05-16-2006, 01:09 PM
Man chy this place is only a few hours from you, for that i would drive and whip his *** in person... Or atleast get it back face to face to show his parents what there little kid is doing to people... I had to talk myself out of driving 13 hrs for 130.00 over what i got screwed for off of that **** site.... For a nice gun like that i would want it back in person..... good luck bro


05-16-2006, 01:11 PM
Ok so yesterday i notified the local police..very nice people compared to the sterotype of MV, anyways they went to his house this morning and he said he was shipping today if i dont get the gun in the next week or 2 then i was told to file a report with the FBI..my mom handled the calls this morning since i was at school but she texted me telling me, well when i got home i have two pm's from him..one very mature and the other, prolly the worst excuse ive heard in my life..or close to it, in one of them he says thanks for calling the police you piece of **** and some other immature things..then the other was the GREAT excuse.. he was waiting for a trigger and he told me his mom shipped today..i asked for tracking an or confirmation numbers but we will see and also proceeded to tell him all he had to do was tell me he was waiting for the trigger..but whatever as long as i get my gun and its functional well anyway ill let you guys know if i get it... :cheers:

RT Old School
05-16-2006, 01:23 PM
Glad to hear that everything seems to be working out. Since it is in my nature to hold a grudge and be a little vindictive, (especially when people screw me) I would print out the PM's (assuming its saved in your history) and send them to his folks so they can see what a little rat-fink they are raising. Hell, send them copies of every sordid detail, the attempted sale on PBnation etc. Im sure they werent happy to get a knock on the door from the cops as is. Just rub a little salt in the wounds. (After you get your gun, of course!) Am I an incredibly immature 30 year old for feeling this way? Do you think he should just thank his lucky stars that it all worked out and walk away?

05-16-2006, 01:34 PM
...I would print out the PM's (assuming its saved in your history) and send them to his folks so they can see what a little rat-fink they are raising...Am I an incredibly immature 30 year old for feeling this way?

I think that is an excelent idea. Otherwise he might think he got away with something.

05-16-2006, 01:45 PM
I have all the Pm's but something tells me it wouldnt do much..if the owner of the gun wants to ill let him but that just hassle i dun need..as long as i get my merchadise and it works im glad...ye its pisses me off and maybe ill run into his team one day..which i forsee happening because we plan on traveling this summer maybe we will make a special trip to one of their practices...so maybe ill get a chance to take it out on him on the field..ill jus be glad to get my merchadise...

05-16-2006, 03:22 PM
Oh cmon, sending the pms to his parents would be killer. Hell, show em to a mod on pbnation even. I like it when people who try to screw others get screwed back because they're BS backfires.

05-16-2006, 07:06 PM
I completely agree. This kid obviously took your marker, tried to rip you off, and when the cops came a'knocking, he made up a bs story, and decided to cough up. If he was not trying to scam you, why would he have gotten rid of the gun he had JUST TRADED FOR??? He doesn't look like a major gun whore...

I'd leave the cops out of it, they have a job to do, and it's unlikely they'll do anything if you get all your stuff. But if theres so much as a SCREW missing... yeah.

This kid needs to know that he can't get away with stuff like this. Once you get your stuff and make sure it's all in working order, spill the beans on this kid to his parents, proceed to leave about a page of negative feedback, and do whatever else you can to get him marks on his record. This kid is still a minor, and already trying multi-thousand dollar theft.
Gotta nip this in the bud.

05-16-2006, 07:11 PM
Besides, if he kid has responsible parents, do them a favor. Let them know about the problem so they have a chance to fix it. I know I would really, really want to know.

05-16-2006, 08:30 PM
Chances of your gun magically having something wrong with it :


Personally I'd save the Pm's and the entire ordeal and message who ever you find trading with him/post it in his threads/etc.

05-17-2006, 09:31 AM
ye i have a feeling something may be wrong with the gun when i get it..if i get it...we will see.

05-17-2006, 09:32 AM
ye i have a feeling something may be wrong with the gun when i get it..if i get it...we will see.

well i will get the gun wether willingly or not..

05-17-2006, 01:22 PM
looks like you received all the help one can get…

05-18-2006, 04:18 PM
Yea hope you actually get your stuff back working and all.

But on a side note, those tourney vids were just sad

05-18-2006, 08:10 PM
^^^ some of them looked like they knew basicly how to play. Some of them looked like it was their first time on the field, and they used rentals. and there were only 6 teams...?

Chances of your gun magically having something wrong with it :


Personally I'd save the Pm's and the entire ordeal and message who ever you find trading with him/post it in his threads/etc.

Heh, guess I beat the odds.

05-23-2006, 09:32 PM
Got the gun Finally and it did have a new cp trigger on it :confused: the electronics seem to work but i havnt aired it up yet, so we will see....thanks for all the support AO :cheers:

05-23-2006, 10:28 PM
Woooooooooh, let us know if you need any more muscling / bullying.