View Full Version : Need some Tank ID and instruction help. -WARNING Large images-

05-14-2006, 07:53 PM
Hey guys You may of seen my post about me looking to buy 114ci 4500 tank and im still looking. But I want to use the new Tac WF when it gets here and not sit around looking for a tank while it collects dust.

So my buddy who has basically gave up playing paintball has given me most of his paintball stuff to hold and said use it if you like well he’s a old fart paintballer and has mostly old stuff…

So I need some advice from you guys being my knowledge of older tanks and their value is not as great as id like it to be. So here is what I need:

1. Need to determine their value if they are worth buying them from him and for how much.
2. If the regulators are any good or do they need to be replaced?
3. Are the tanks in good enough shape to buy and use?
4. How to operate these regulators to make sure the tanks are empty and ship them to re hydro.

So here’s the pics This first tank looks to be in good condition and looks like the 114ci 4500 tank from air Americas discontinues line “Raptor Remote 4500 psi 114 cc Carbon 38-4-AA-RP-114CC-45K” but please correct me if im wrong.

As you can see from the label it’s a bit dirty and some small hairline surface scratches that hold that dirt but no major dings, dents at all, or scratches other than what you get on Plexiglas from allot of people touching it all the time.

The regulator reads Rex 9390 and see no rust at all on this one but just some dirt from use and dust from sitting in this guys basement.

Now this next tank is the smaller one. Also same brand and a raptor rex. Now im unsure if this would be the 4500 68 or 3000 68 the regulator does say 4500 but that wouldn’t mean the tank is 4500?

Here is the label and label seems dark and not white like the other one no major damage except minor hair line scratches not even if not cleaner than the larger one above.

Now heres the regulator. First major concern I see here is minor rust in the hex scares there the regulator reads REX 1593

So what are these babies worth? And worth a Hydro
Test to get em certed. Im sure he will cut me a deal if I decide to take them also someone know how to operate these? I want to make sure they are empty if I ship them to get tested.

Grey Goose
05-14-2006, 08:11 PM
Yeah, they're both AA Raptors, both are 4500's. Raptors were always kind of a PITA tank to use because of the lack of output gauge, and if I remember correctly no on/off. You have to adjust the reg to 0 to turn it off. Both tanks look to be in good shape, but man, using a Raptor gets old, quick. I'd try to find tanks w/ different regs.

05-14-2006, 09:00 PM
If you're gonna use a Raptor, run a gas thru grip witha gauge on it. Freshly hydroed, the 68 would be worth about $100-115. The 114 would be worth around $90-100.

05-14-2006, 09:06 PM
is it possible to take aprt the reg or soem how tell if its ok that thje internal are not rusted? also know where ican get instructions on how to use? im goign to try calling Them monday morning see if i can get a answer. If these regulators are bag and do need to be changed than why not just buy the tanks and get my self the AGD Flat lines on them :)

05-15-2006, 11:33 AM
If you're gonna use a Raptor, run a gas thru grip with a gauge on it. Freshly hydroed, the 68 would be worth about $100-115. The 114 would be worth around $90-100.

Im avoiding the gas trough clip. Im a scenario player and working on milling a custom aluminum body stock kit to expand my functionality. The adjustable stock im designing i want to house the air line so the quick disconnect is bottom rear of the stock. So i guess i can run a guage there.

The remote line i have now has a shut off valve before the quick disconnect So i can use that instead of having to all ways turn down the pressure
