View Full Version : Patent Trolls and Paintball

05-16-2006, 08:38 PM

This stands part of the article really stands out,

The justices drew the line on ruling out injunctive relief in all cases where the patent holder does not use the patents it owns to produce anything, as is often the case with universities. That makes the ruling somewhat less than an unmitigated victory for eBay, since the lower court had refrained from imposing an injunction on the basis of MercExchange's not using its patents.

Maybe PTP can go stick their patent on pneumatic assisted triggers where the sun don't shine :D

05-16-2006, 08:45 PM
*picks up phone* Yea, ignorant people who seem to have an unquenchable need to blame PTP for everything hotline? Hi, I'd like to report a citing.

Seriously though, give it up. PTP's actions are about as far from trolling as you can get. Grow up and learn the facts before the post stupid crap like this. PTP is actually trying to produce this product. You have no idea what could be going on with it right now. When you secure a patent and then start to try and produce the product, you aren't trolling.

05-16-2006, 09:24 PM

This stands part of the article really stands out,

Maybe PTP can go stick their patent on pneumatic assisted triggers where the sun don't shine :D


They ARE using it. Just not for what YOU want them to.

Can't have it revoked for missing one of many possible embodiments.

Give it up folks, this horse is dead, ground up, BBQ'ed, and digesting nicely. :ninja:

It's over.

05-17-2006, 06:16 AM

This stands part of the article really stands out,

Maybe PTP can go stick their patent on pneumatic assisted triggers where the sun don't shine :D

Sure , if the sun don't shine on 6 figure licensing deals....which it did for PTP. :D

Man , I wish I could Patent the use of a butt hole for verbalization....THAT would be make billions. ;)

05-17-2006, 11:52 AM
I think Rapid Transit must have the patent on that already.

Stealth Fighter
05-17-2006, 08:05 PM
Sure , if the sun don't shine on 6 figure licensing deals....which it did for PTP. :D

Man , I wish I could Patent the use of a butt hole for verbalization....THAT would be make billions. ;)

That made my day right there, that was hilarious

05-18-2006, 10:16 AM
I thought this would spawn some intelligent discussion, I used PTP as an example. :tard:

Maybe about prior art? The patents design seems to coinside with Mags and maybe its worth money to them *conspiracy theory warning* to not make it.

05-18-2006, 11:19 AM
I thought this would spawn some intelligent discussion, I used PTP as an example. :tard:

Maybe about prior art? The patents design seems to coinside with Mags and maybe its worth money to them *conspiracy theory warning* to not make it.

What part of this do you not understand? The majority of people on AO beleive the PTP patent to be fully valid and enforceable. The subject has been gone over countless times.

05-18-2006, 03:41 PM
Not to meantion the fact it is being used on other markers, just not automags....

05-19-2006, 10:25 AM
Again I was just making an example, that would have had merit years ago.