View Full Version : Howstuffworks.com puzzle....

05-17-2006, 08:09 PM
I saw this puzzle called a Head Game from howstuffworks.com so I thought id try it...however its proving to be harder than I thought. Anyways, anyone wanna give it a shot? here are the clues.

Person place or thing
Famous Invention

shaped like an egg
built in this year (2006?)
used a hand operated one of these
unsuccessfully tried to bring this down ( plane space station satellite or something?)
A model of this Head Game answer can be found at this museum in
Washington, D.C
was the first one of these to be used as a military weapon

you could win a mug and a tshirt if you solve it and submit your answer.... so if you dont wanna share...I understand cause really who wouldnt want a shirt with HOWSTUFFWORKS.COM on it :rolleyes:

Archangel Kid
05-17-2006, 10:28 PM
Quick search in google came up with torpedo. ohh and btw the year it was invented is 1775 not '06. And its the U.S. Navy museum in D.C. And it tried to bring down an Eagle.

05-17-2006, 11:06 PM
man i feel about stupid now haha

Archangel Kid
05-18-2006, 09:07 PM
did you win a mug or t-shirt?

05-19-2006, 07:47 AM
Quick search in google came up with torpedo. ohh and btw the year it was invented is 1775 not '06. And its the U.S. Navy museum in D.C. And it tried to bring down an Eagle.

how did you search for it? and it says it was built in this year, not invented

05-19-2006, 10:13 AM
egg shaped torpedo?

05-19-2006, 10:43 AM
I would have put a guess more at the first submarine, which was egg shapped, was used for the first time (as a military weapon), was american, and tried to sink an British ship HMS Eagle (it failed)...quick bit of searching and this is what you get... (I did have a head start as I actually paid attention in school plus this was on a documentary rerun about 3 weeks ago http://www.materials.ac.uk/awareness/building/firstsubmarine.asp )

Yale graduate David Bushnell ('75) built the first submarine to actually make an attack on an enemy warship. Dubbed the Turtle for its resemblance to a sea turtle floating vertically in the water, the craft was operated by one Sergeant Ezra Lee. The plan was for Lee to be towed close to an enemy ship, open a foot-operated valve to let in enough water to sink, close the valve, and move in under the target. He would do so by cranking two propellers -- one for forward and the other for vertical movement -- by using a foot treadle "like a spinning wheel." He would then drill into the hull to attach a 150-pound keg of gunpowder with a clockwork detonator, crank to get away, and operate a foot pump to get the water out of the hull and re-surface.

In early-morning darkness on September 7, 1776, Turtle made an attack on a British ship in New York harbor, probably HMS Eagle. The drill may have hit an iron strap, for it failed to penetrate the hull. (Contrary to most reports, the Eagle of 1776 did not have a copper-sheathed bottom.) Lee became disoriented and soon bobbed to the surface. Though a lookout spotted him, he managed to get away.

The Turtle as drawn in 1875. Despite an effort to gather reliable information, the artist made several significant errors. The drawing shows ballast tanks, though the Turtle had none. It depicts an Archimedes screw (helical) for locomotion instead of a propeller like the "arms of a windmill" or a "pair of oars" described by Bushnell and others. Finally -- and this we may forgive -- it displays the operator wearing a rather foppish late-19th-century outfit.

A better link with slightly more information. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsubmarine5.htm

05-19-2006, 06:17 PM
it would help if you copied the clues correctly. :rolleyes:

you only actually copied the correct information for the first one. all the "this" and "these" stuff refers to the word used for the link.

shaped like an egg
built in 1775
used a hand operated pump
unsuccessfully tried to bring down an eagle
a model can be found at the US Navy museum in DC
first submarine to be used as a military weapon

Archangel Kid
05-19-2006, 06:23 PM
egg+shaped+invention+1775 in google. I guess it was wrong, but like I said quick search and the first things were submarine and torpedo. I didn't think it was submarine because the last clue has the word submarine in it.