View Full Version : cascading scubas?

05-21-2006, 03:58 PM
is it possible to cascade regular 80cf (I think that's the right size) scuba tanks? I have looked into the storage tanks and they are just too much without having a nearby compressor available.

Any help or links are greatly appreciated.

05-21-2006, 04:12 PM

Just keep in mind that scubas only get 3K...

05-21-2006, 04:13 PM

But....All you really need due is do your bulk fills from one of 2 tanks and then top off to capacity from the second. Whan the bulk tanks drops to a point , refill it and it becomes the top off tank and the other is now the bulk fill tank. Then your maximizing available pressure and only fillling one of the 2 tanks each cycle.

05-21-2006, 05:07 PM

Just keep in mind that scubas only get 3K...
Not if you use 1 and a half of 'em
;) jk

05-21-2006, 09:23 PM
so is pretty much the only way by just getting separate fill stations for each one? Or is there a way to like hook them together? Thanks for all the help, much better responses, more and in less time than pbn. I love this place.....

05-21-2006, 09:42 PM
no no, you can take your fill station off of one, put it on the other, the do the second top off fill. to connect your scubas together would be a bad idea... Think about it this way:

you have 2 tanks
one tank is 3k psi, the other is at 2k psi, but can be filled to 3k
You fill off the 2k tank, dropping it to 1800. Then you top off from the 3k tank, dropping it to 2900
You use all your air, and go back and fill off the 1800 psi tank, then top off from the 2900 tank, dropping them to 1600 and 2750 psi respectively
When your low tank drops down to around 1000 psi, and the top is around 2000 psi, go get the lower one filled back up to 3000 psi and start again.

This way your paintball tank is always filled to the pressure of the higher pressured scuba tank, but your scuba tank doesn't empty so fast because most of the air comes from the lower pressure tank.

05-21-2006, 10:00 PM

Just keep in mind that scubas only get 3K...

Not true .

i have a 4500 scuba at a 3300 and rest are 3k

05-21-2006, 10:03 PM
so is pretty much the only way by just getting separate fill stations for each one? Or is there a way to like hook them together? Thanks for all the help, much better responses, more and in less time than pbn. I love this place.....

yes you can hook them together they will last longer.. that is only for the large storage tanks.

how jenarelJAM is the way to do it..

i have 6 scubas we use at the field and they will last 40 guys all day.. by the end of the day i will be down to about 1800psi on my top tank

05-22-2006, 05:52 AM
how do you do the six tanks? a little off each tank or just use 2-3 at a time? And do you have like 2 or 3 stations or just 1?

05-22-2006, 08:59 AM
how do you do the six tanks? a little off each tank or just use 2-3 at a time? And do you have like 2 or 3 stations or just 1?

ya we just take little off ea we have 6 fill stations